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More Cassie Quotes & Comments IV

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"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell":

Just in:

Sometimes your assignment from God looks like a giant puzzle that just doesn't fit or connect, but if you allow Him to put each piece in place, IT WILL unfold to be a wondrous work.




"Lady Deirdre Christian":

And the DESIGN is worth waiting for. It takes time to put a puzzle together, but when it's done, you have a beautiful picture! Be Patient!

God does all things well. Thank you, Lord, for continuing to connect my pieces!!




Thanks, "Lady Wanda" and "Lady Deirdre"!

Here's some EXTRA love fo' ya! MMMMUUUUAAAAH! :)






"Lady Evangelist Dr. Mary White":

When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1,000 or more reasons to smile. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence, and prepare for the future without FEAR. Keep smiling, it becomes you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Uhm..."Mama White," THAT's the "ver" reason why my cheeks ache NOW! Hehehehe! **grabbin' "bof" (both) cheeks**

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I got a new teachin' topic fo' ya. "Smilin' In Pain: But It's Worth It, Tho." Go 'head on, and work it out...I dare ya! ;) **wink**


Because "it BECOMES me" (lol),



"Mama White":

It's worth it for sure, Cassie.



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"Lady Ebony 'Ebby' Upshaw":

**Boldly announcing on da FB**


"Ebony 'Ebby' Upshaw doesn't find it ironic anymore when some people feel like they've 'arrived,' and they forget their humble beginnings. Just like the Lord gave you the gift to preach, sing, teach, etc., He WILL take it away to spotlight someone who will represent Him WELL! Being grand is a behavior, but being humble is a gift. #selah"


THUMP! **passes SLAP OUT (speechless)...under the POWer-packed PUNCH of this "Statement of Truth"!**


Humbly soliciting the prayers o' da righteous even now,




Apostle Donald Thompson:

"Let me be half the man Martin Luther King, Sr. or (and) Jr. were" - Ephesians 3:8-21>I'd effectively endow this generation, adequately affecting direction via insightful instructions: While haters, trap setters, liars, archers, pit diggers, net spreaders, opportunity blockers, scoffers & mockers engross our way with stagnating tactics, my purpose in history penetrates the heart of mankind like the blast of a trumpet.

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I BELIEVE you, too, Sir!

That is the STRAIGHT-UP Truth

ALL DAY LOOOONNNNG! Thank you, and I love you! :)


Your sister-in-Christ and friend for life,



'The' Apostle:

Thank you, awesome woman of God "Cassandra Roberson-Kelley," for years of consistent faithfulness to the Lord and unwavering friendship; may the everlasting presence of the Lord God Almighty envelope your every dream and His holy Hand manifest it as so. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


\0/<--(with outstretched hands)

I receive it ALL in the precious name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.

AMEN...and it IS so. :)




"Overseer-Elect Sylvia Cunningham":

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Don't attempt to use GOD...ask God to use YOU!!! God doesn't want us to use Him as fire insurance from hell. He wants a relationship, not a religion!! We must enter into the very heart & mind of God, in order to become one with Him & His purposes!



If ANYBODY - including MYSELF -

Misses the Meaning of this Magnificent Message, brought to us by this

Mighty Woman of God,

PLEASE Make it yo' business t' seek Medical attention or, at least

(or at the Most?), get some detail Maintenance work done on yo' Mind

IMMEDIATELY! Hear? Thank you, and May God bless you! The End


Checkin' m' as NOT t' wreck m'self,




Did you know that God gave YOU the POWER to CHOOSE what "setting" to put YOUR OWN mind on? #1: A Prison Ground (bound or held hostage by fear and negativity), #2: A Play Ground (the devil enters to "play" tricks with YOUR sense of reasoning) or #3: A Battle Ground (private property with a NO TRESPASSING or OFF LIMITS sign, guarded by a Holy Ghost Shield). What am I saying? Check YOUR "mindset", people!




Sir Pastor Rod Swinson:

FINISHERS! No More Excuses! "What?" "Who?" "Why?" have NOTHING To Do With Your Outcome! Choose Full Obedience And DO WHAT GOD TOLD YOU TO DO. HE Has Made The Way. Obstacles Are Being Replaced & Things Are Falling In Place. Set Your Face As A Flint & Focus To The Finish! YOU ARE A CONQUEROR!

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Tell me somethin' I DON'T know,

Sir "ROD-of-Correction SWINgin'-HARD-without Missin'"! LOL

Wheeeew! **smh** I hear GOD sayin',


"This is my beloved servant ROD SWINSON, in whom I am WELL-pleased."


Thank you, Sir! :)






"Lady Toni Dixson Buford":

(Ova yonder "sirring up the Gift" on da FB, 01/20/11)

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Have you ever had people that said they Love you & when they get around certain friends, they act as if they never knew you??? "Christians," Welcome to the Walk Of CHRIST!!!!! SOME OF US DO THIS TO HIM ON A DAILY BASIS...Scream, Holler, Dance, Cry & Lift up ??? Hands... & In the next moment act like we never knew Him...


His walk was Bitter/Sweet! One minute crowds of followers, "He's Amazing, All Hail the King!"/next minute, "Who He think He is??? KILL HIM!!!"


"I want to be more like Christ"??? REALLY???




HAPPY THURSDAY, Word Up & Walk it Out!

I Love you & God Bless!!! :D



\0/<--(surrendering wit' da quickness) YES, LAWD!

**then exits immediately to "Word Up & Walk It Out!" WHAT?!**

SO love you for this, "Lady Toni"! O-to-da-M-to-da-G!



Encouraged BEYOND Measure,


"Lady Toni":





"Lady L. Harolyn ReNea Bradley-Moore":

Lord, thank You for being a Wonderful Counselor in my life. You don't receive honor as the Wonderful Counselor much anymore, because we seek man's approval before Your truth! I am maturing more to hear the Holy Spirit speaking & understanding more of what He's doing. Thank You for divine covering & wisdom. It is definitely my process in purpose & I just want to say, "Thank You for sustaining & keeping me!"


CNL (Celebrating New Life) | MSL! (Ministry Servant Leader)


0/<--(wit' hand raised HIGH)

Uhm...I SECOND that "emotion"! Thank ya "ver" much!

**reachin' fo' at least 100 sheets o' Kleenex right about now...sniff-sniff!** :)


Lovin' me some YOU & "The Wonderful Counselor" 24/7/365,



"Lady Harolyn":


You know I love you, Woman of Worth!

I just want Him to draw me nearer - you know like when NOTHING else could help, you need to be near Him and feel His presence?

Look at you...getting it started!



Sis, like I ALWAYS say:

"Don't start nothin'...I'll start it fo' ya!" LOL




Overseer-Elect Sylvia Cunningham:

In order to get to THAT, you've got to go through THIS!

You cannot acquire a THAT without a THIS!

"THIS" won't last forever...but THIS too shall pass!

And THAT is the promise of God!!



THIS is good, Sis...

THAT's what I'm talkin' 'bout! :)


Runnin' wit' THIS, while it lasts, en route t' THAT which God has,



"Cassie" NOTE:

See? THAT's why I SO love THIS woman! :)

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