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Cassie's Comedy Corner XIX

WARNING: Enter At Your Own Risk! LOL

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." ~Proverbs 17:22 (King James Version)

Cassandra (1).png

Yet "Sending Up TIMBER" (Prayers) In da

Cold Month o' DECEMBER, While Holdin' My Achin' Sides...

Still TENDER From SO Much LAUGHTER! lol


"Lady Crystal Renee' Kelley" On da FB 12/04/12:


You throw away the outside and cook the inside.

Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?


"Lady LaKreiasha Wright":

My guess is "nothing"! I may be wrong...

"Lady Micole W. Giddings":


Me/"Mama Cassie":

Throw Away Egg SHELL, Cook da EGG, Eat da Egg WHITES &

Throw Away da Egg YOKE (Cuts da Cholesterol & Stuff).



"Lady Vernetta Kimbrough":

I can't wait to hear the answer to this

"Lady Crystal Renee'":

Mother, you're reading too deep. LOL

The answer is ear of corn!


"Lady Vernetta":

I was with your mom with the egg...


"Mama Cassie":

Uhm...MY Answer STILL Applies! \0/<--Hello Here &

Hallelujah To The Lamb of God! WHAT?! lol




"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" On da FB 12/05/12:

It's Wednesday...and I keep thinking it's Tuesday...because I thought

yesterday was Monday...and this past weekend felt like two Saturdays

in a row. I'm so hey, I'm alive!!! Whoo-hoo!!!

Happy whatever day it is today!!! LOL


It is Wednesday, right????


"Lady Ida Nell Kerr Stepney":

Happy Wednesday to you, Phebe. Such a blessing to still be

in the land of the living. Have a great day.



WELL, Uhm...WE'LL Know WHETHER You're WACKY or Not,

If The Next Day Turns Out To Be The "Same" WAY. Now, WON'T WE,

My (P)ooped-(M)inded (S)ista? Let's WAIT & See.

WHAT?! lol #AllKindzOfWRONG


WISHING You The BEST..."WHATEVA Day It Is" Indeed (Smh),



"Lady Karen Holecek Westbrook":

Girl, I've been a week ahead, guess I'm ready for a break.


**A short time later she posts...***


"Dr. PMS":

Seek to understand...In all thy getting,

get an understanding...

"Lady Phelicia Sterling-Thompson":

Yes, indeed!!!!!



I'm "Tryna" Tell Ya...

Especially Considering Your Previous Post.

WHOA, "Nellie"! lol Confirmation Notice:

It IS "Wednesday". You May Proceed WITH

Caution, Of Course. ;) **wink**


"Dr. PMS":

LOL, Lady Cassie! Thanks!



You're Quite WELCOME, "Boo"...ANYtime.

I'm Just Sayin'. WHEEEEW! lol




"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" On da FB 12/05/12:


Either pray about it or worry about it...but don't insult God by attempting to do both! When you come to the realization that it's not about you anyhow...and that God's will shall be done...then you'll know that worrying is highly overrated! Just let God handle it... :)

"Lady Delores Franklin":

Amen!!! May I share this?

God is the only answer.

"Dr. PMS":

Yes indeed, Delores! Help me help somebody today!



\0/<--(UPlifted Hands) Yes-to-da-MA'AM!

iChoose To "Pray" To The LAMB & Leave The "Worrying" To Those

Who've Yet To Discover The "GREAT 'I AM'"!



An AVID Lover & Supporter of da GOSPEL Truth On da Daily,



"Dr. PMS":

LOL, Lady Cassie...go on and get that cup of coffee! I love you, Girl!



**After Sippin'-n-Slurpin'-n-Carryin' On**


0/<--Ahhhh...GOOD To da EverLASTing Drop!

Cheers & iLove You Too, Sis!

MUAH! :) xoxoxo


Sir "Rev. Dr." John W. Delley

On da FB 12/05/12:


Does anyone remember this game?

I had to beat down a lot of people in this game...

this game & marbles...just call me

"Mr. Versatile"....


Who played this as a kid?


"Lady Tammy Thomas":

I could grab all 10 sometimes...My favorite game ever.


"Lady Linda Searight":

Now, Bro., this is where my sports career began!

And I may can still find some of the battered blue

ribbons my Mother kept for years!!! LOL


"Lady Charlesetta Brown":

Long time, but I remember. Teeheehee.

"Lady Sylvia L. Lawrence":

Not only do I remember it, I have it and play it often!

The next time I see you, Uncle John,

it's on! Lol


"Lady Prophetess Carolyn Morgan":

Do you mean JACKS???


Sir "Rev.":

Yes, I do....


"Lady Mary J. Anderson":

Yes, Elder, I mastered this game. I played this for real

for hours at a time. Thanks for the memories.



Ahhhh...YES! The Simple Pleasures of Yesteryear's Memories.

Thank You, Sir "Rev. Dr."...For Helping Us To Recapture What Has

Been To Many a "Lost Art" Treasure. :) xoxoxo






Sir Rod Steger On da FB 12/10/12:


Itz 30° in da Big D so it's a

t-shirt/shorts/flip flop kind of day for me,

so Legggooooo....




Sir Patrick D. Joubert:



Loose Here, Maaaan! DON'T Do It! It AIN'T Worff It!

LOL...(L)aid (O)ut (L)ongwayz, Covered & Smothered In "Warmthness"

ALL da LIVELONG Day! WHAT?! **Smh**



"Tryna" Figure Out Whatcho PROBLEM Iz 4REAL Tho,



Sir Rod:

Lmbo @ Cassie...It ain't that cold outside, so u Leeve me Alone

(in my lil daryl voice)...Lolol



Uhm...Basically, I'm ALREADY a Cold-Natured Gal,

Even During da OTHA Three (3) Seasons of da Year; So, That ALONE

Tells Ya a Li'l Somethin'-Somethin' 'Bout a Sista AS It 'Tis.

\0/<--Hello Here! #AIN'TStudynYouNOMoLol

Sir Rod:

Smh...Lol u iz funty fa real....



WHATEVA, Tho. Ya GOTTA Love Me, Tho.

The End


Sir Rod:

Alwayz, Cassie!!! ;•) #Nowsaysumptinelse...Lol



BAM! (B)ust (A) (M)ove To THIS Groove, Why DON'TCHA, Sir!

\0/<--(UPlifted Hands) HA-GLORY!


Sir Rod:





"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons"

On da FB 12/10/12:



What a beautiful cold Monday morning!!

Get your hot coffee, tea, chocolate, etc!

Put on your scarf, hat, gloves and boots!

I believe we have a winter day...finally!


Whoo-hoo! Happy Monday to ya! :)




To Ya, Doc!


**Currently Sunny @ 30°F...That's All.

Shoot! BRRRR!**

Chile, iDone BREWED da "GOOD STUFF" (Hint: My Most FAVOR-RIGHT

**Favorite** HOT BEVERAGE In da 'Tire Wuhl **The Entire World**)

& Got M'self All TOASTED UP & Guess What? It's ALL GOOD In da

KELLEYHOOD! \0/<--(UPlifted Hands) Hello Here! HA-GLORY!


Runnin' & Operatin' On GOD'S "NEW MERCY" & Lovin' It,



"Dr. PMS":

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Lady Cassie!!

Yes indeed...I'm sitting here sipping on the hot stuff, too!!

How convenient for me to be home today...

in my pajamas...relaxing!

God is good!




"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" On da FB 12/12/12:

Today, I will reluctantly let go of the old (Blackberry)...and embrace

the new (iPhone 5)...not thrilled about it...being pressured by

the other converts in my house...smh...

let the grieving process begin...

Happy 12/12/12!


"Lady Phelicia Sterling-Thompson":

I know how you feel, Sissy! Tell them to leave you alone!!! Lol


"Dr. PMS":

It's a conspiracy, "Phee" family waited for the perfect time to do

this to me...when I'm on bed rest and can't leave the house...

they ain't


**Singing** "Amazing Grace,

How Sweet The Sound That Saved a Wretch Like "BB"! She Once Was Lost, But Now She Has Found

a Replacement...In da iPhone 5."

Amen. **Tears**


"Dr. PMS":

Lady Cassie! That's too funny! LOLOL



C'mon...Sing It WITH Me, "Doc". **Still Weepin'-n-Carryin' On**


"Dr. PMS":

I ain't singing! LOL



iFeel Yo' PAIN, Tho. It's Gon' Be Alright...By and By.

Now, Say, "Bye-Bye, 'BB'".



From ME, "Cassie", To YOU,

"Lady Phebe"...Simply Because You're YOU.

The End **Water-Works In 5...4...3...2...**

Excuse ME, Please...iGotta Go, Sis...



"Dr. PMS":

Awww...thanks, Lady Cassie!



Especially To Sir Carl Calhoun On da FB 12/13/12:

Dude! iGot Just a Li'l Chocolate

"Somethin-Somethin'" To Give a Brotha

(That Would Be As a "Small" Token

To Express How "Ver, Ver" Much "You iz

(S)weet, You iz (K)ind & You iz (I)mportant" To

da "HTC-ites" & OTHAS Who Adore & Appreciate Your Musicianship & Friendship & "Stuff"!

What I'm REALLY "Tryna Say" iz:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sir Carl Calhoun!"



\0/<--(Cheerin' & Celebratin' & Carryin' On Like iCan Do,



Sir Carl:

Wow! Thank you so much Dr. Cassie, master of anointed vocals!

I am so glad to know you, and to be a part of the Ministry that God

has stamped and approved in and over your life!

God Bless you, my Sister! :)




"Lady Jessica D. Bell" On da FB 12/13/12:


"Pot liquor"...all I need is some Corn Bread!



\0/<-(Wit' UPlifted Hands & A Desire In Demand)

OMG! iCan Just Taste Deez "Bad Boyz" Wit'

Some Corn Bread - Hot Water or OTHAwise -

In a BIG Ol' Bowl...



Yes-To-da-MA'AM & Hallelujah To The LAMB! #Droolin'AtdaMouthRightAboutNowLol


An AVID Lover & Consumer of "Greens Ministries",



"Lady Jessica":

Girl, you are hilarious! LOL :)


SPECIAL THANKS & "Kingdom Kudos"...

To The Following Persons Who Contributed

To The ALL-NEW "Rated CS-U 4"

**Cassie Straight-Up! Part 4** Page

of My Personal Website.



The GOOD NEWS To Those Who Are NOT

"Facebookers" & Are NON-Churched, But Yet SURF In "Cyberspace"!


EACH of You Are (Is) "BLESSING MY SOCKS OFF" & Now iGotz To

Get Some MO'! lol Okay, Okay...Drum Roll Please:


Psalmist Cher D. Winkley, Prophetess Cassandra Williams,

Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell, Minister Cym Hughes,

Apostle/Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham, Psalmist Roslyn Crump aka

"Lady Rozz", Evangelist-Pastor Helena Shawn Lewis-Johnson,

Charlene D. Ayers, "Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton"

(My S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S.), Marlow Shields Talton-Jones & Others,

of Whom You'll Hear About When You Take The Time Out

To Read About 'em! #KaPOW!


Returning To My Li'l "Happy Place" In The LORD (& I'll "C" U Later),



"Lady Rozz":

LOL Cassie I love you too, my beautiful Sista.

You are such an encourager and I love

the way you express yourself...


Thanks A Lot. ;-))))


"Cain't" Help It, Sis...It's The CHRIST In Me. ;) **wink**


"Cassie" NOTE:

Due To The "Tag Limit" Within (or INSIDE) The Above [FB] Status, The Following "Honorees" That iWish To Acknowledge & Celebrate HERE Are: "'Smack-Down Evangelist' Cynthia Diggs", "Lady Carla Gardner", District Missionary Sharon Livingston Oliver & Evangelist Patricia R. Lewis. More To Come Soon, On The "Rated CS-U 4" **Cassie Straight-Up 4** Page of My Personal Website. "Thanks...For Your Interest" & God Bless! :) xoxoxo


Surrounded By Kingdom's Best (Exceeding "Sunday's Best"),



"Lady Minister/'SMACK-DOWN Evangelist' Cynthia Diggs":

Ha!!! Yes, Lord, I love it! What an honor to be remembered by such an

Anointed Woman of Faith! No one else has the vocabulary to

encourage, edify and read at the same time!



"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton":

Thank you as always, my SKITTLES, for thinking of and remembering me.

You never cease to amaze me. You are indeed one of a kind.

Love you dearly.


"Lady Evangelist-Pastor Helena Shawn Lewis-Johnson":

Love you so much.


**Chat'n w/"Dr. SWC" In da FB "Chat Room"**


...Perhaps iMay Be Comin' On a Li'l Too Strong, Regarding Your Place of Position In My Life,

But That's My Story & I'm Stickin' To It.

Ya Got It? GOOD. :) xoxoxo


United In Covenant As "One In The Spirit"...

For The UP-Building of God's Kingdom,



"Dr. SWC":

Girl...I love you sooooo much! You can never be too strong for me!

Thank you for always thinking of me and

I can't wait to meet you!



\0/<--(With Arms WIDE Open, Hear?) MUAH! :) xoxoxo


"Dr. SWC":





The SOLID ROCK Since "Day 1"...HOWEVA

Long Ago That's Been! lol

"Dr. SWC":

I know, right! You are too Precious!!!!!



Awww...Thanks, Sis. **Blushin' & Carryin' On**


Pssst...You KNOW You WANT Some o' This, DON'Tcha?

It's What iCall:

A "Classic Cool Glass o' Happy"!

G'won & REFRESH Yo'self, Honey.

What Kinda "Drank" Is It? Well, How 'Bout

Cherry or Strawberry Kool-Aid? Cranberry Cocktail

Juice? Red Soda Water? WHATEVA...Just

As Long As It REMAINS Non-Alcoholic!

Ya Heard Me? Ya Betta!


**iREBUKE da Devil! DON'T Play! lol**


0/<--(With "?" Beverage Held HIGH) Cheers, "Boo"!

With MUCH Love For You,





From Me To "Lady Candice Morton" On Her FB Wall 12/21/12:

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Here's a CHOCOLATE CAKE For You, "Lady CANDICE Morton",

Because iCASSIE Have Found That In da Midst of Life's Ups & Downs,

Negatives & Positives, Good, Bad & Downright Ugly

("Real Talk", Honey...):


(C)hocolate (A)lways (N)umbs & (D)eflects The (I)lls & (C)ares of The (E)ater!


WHAT?! lol BAM! Girl, You Betta G'won & (B)ust (A) (M)ove

On This Here Revelation! lol #GotMilk?


Yo' CraZy-But-Lovin' "Kingdom-Aunt" CASSIE

aka S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S. To Yo' Classy & Bea-YOU-tiful Mama

"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton"


"Lady Candice":

Thank you so much!!!! Thanks for the prayers too!!!!

**Soon thereafter she writes on da FB...**

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Good morning FB family. I want to start off by thanking God for allowing me to see another year (29 wonderful years). I have been through a lot this year, but I thank God for allowing me to open my eyes.


I am so blessed to have a wonderful mother.

Without her I would not be here. Even though she thinks she is in her 40's (lol you do the math), I am truly blessed for her sticking by me through all of my mess. Also, I would like to thank God for my Blessing…[her daughter] Camery!!!!! Without her I really don't think that I would be living today! She keeps me going every day and every hour. Mommy will always love you!!!!

Last, but not least, I thank my FB family for showing me love. I would have never known how much you guys love me!!!!! Ok, I got to go…I feel my eyes starting to water! Love all of you and be blessed!!!!!!




Sir Min. Myron Williams On da FB 12/21/12:



Help me Wish Grand-Ma Williams

A Very Happy Birthday...

Love ya Grand-Ma...


**His interview w/her while celebrating in da

middle of a noisy**

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Sir Myron: It's your birthday.

"Grandma Williams": Oh, my hat?

Sir Myron: Tell 'em how old you are today.

"Grandma Williams": I can't hear ya.

Sir Myron: How old are you today?

"Grandma Williams": "82".


Sir Myron:

"82" years old. Well, how did you make it to "82"?

What's your secret?

"Grandma Williams":



Sir Myron:

How did you make it to "82"? What's your secret?


"Grandma Williams":

Seeking God, honey...nothing but God, and I'm plannin' on makin' it to "100". I got 19 mo' year...what is it...19...naw, it's 19...18...

I got 18..."17" mo' years to go.

Sir Myron:



"Grandma Williams":

Yeah. That's my "objection" (objective).

I don't know what the Lord say.

I'm askin' for 17 more.



**Amongst several others' comments, of course...**

What Mother Williams Is "Tryna" Say Is:

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"I'm Askin' da Lawd For 17 Mo' Years, Bcuz In Order To Make a Hundred (100 Years Old), 99 And a Half Just Won't Do."

**Y'all, Get Wit' Me Now!** :) xoxoxo




Wishing Her An Even LONGER Life From Henceforth,



"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton" aka My S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S.

Sharing An EXCLUSIVE Acknowledgment With Some of Her EXCEPTIONALLY CraZy Friends On da FB 12/22/12:

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Cassandra Roberson-Kelley, John Delley, Steven Sledge,

Lakeisa Mack, Sean Rollins, Thressa Wortham, Nina Harvey,

Hugh E. Mitchell, Anita Allen Hunt, Bernadette Owens,

J. C. White & Anita Traylor

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Sir "Rev. Dr." John W. Delley:

Yeah, me too, the same thing Cass^^^said!...



"Sweet Lady Candy":

REALLY..........Oh.....ok. Mr. Delley,

you only laughed about 10 minutes non-stop recently.

Did we forget?! Wow!!!!!! I know it's the age thing,

but I said...I got crazy friends!!!!!!!

And you of all is at the top of the list.


Let it be known on this here day of Dec. 22, 2012.

And the church said "amen".

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Sir "Rev. Dr." John W. Delley:

Yeah, me too, the same thing Cass^^^said!...



"Sweet Lady Candy":

REALLY..........Oh.....ok. Mr. Delley,

you only laughed about 10 minutes non-stop recently.

Did we forget?! Wow!!!!!! I know it's the age thing,

but I said...I got crazy friends!!!!!!!

And you of all is at the top of the list.


Let it be known on this here day of Dec. 22, 2012.

And the church said "amen".

Ok, Skittles...I'll excuse you from this list of crazy friends.

You missed the make me smile.


How Can One NOT "Smile",

Being STUCK On YOU, Huh? It AIN'T Happenin'!

A "Smile" Precedes "CraZy"...Trust Me On THAT,

Why DON'Tcha. ;) **wink**


"Lady LaKiesa Mack":

Thank u. LUV U, Candy Clinkscale Morton.


"Sweet Lady Candy":

Love you more, Missy....

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"Lady LaKiesa":

I don't mind being a crazy friend. LOL


"Sweet Lady Candy":

That's why I sent it to you...'cause you are, and you make me smile....


"Lady LaKiesa":

Lol right.

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Sir Elder Hugh E. Mitchell aka "Sandy":

Candy, Candy, Candy, Candy, Candy!!!!!


"Sweet Lady Candy":

Leave me alone, Sandy....


Sir "Rev. Dr." Delley:

You're the one that's krazy. I was just laughing @ my krazy sister...

I am too "demur" and "polished" for all that silly stuff...

I don't act like that, Candy...just you!


Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

Oh, I see you have changed your hair color again

("Cassie" NOTE: Referring to da cat in da picture

and nobody else will be able to use that microphone and

you look like you picked up some weight.

Love you though. smile

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Sir "Rev. Dr.":

Lol @ Sandy...that's a good one!



**"Finna" Prepare To Stand FOXY In PROXY

Fo' a Sista, 'Cause As da Song Says,

"There's a Storm Out On Life's Ocean &

It's Movin' This-a-Way"!**



Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

I thought you like that we are all crazy and you made the top of that list...

and I thought that was my spot. WOW! Oh, I almost forgot to smile!


"Sweet Lady Candy":

OMG...y'all gon' stick me out [here] by myself?????? OMG.

The only one I excuse from this here list is my Skittles. But you,

my friend...EVERYBODY in Texas know how crazy you are.

But there is another depth of craziness that most don't know...

but long as I know! Acting like it's me! Yeah, right!

I look at you and start laughing!!!!!!!

Sir "Rev. Dr." Delley:

I knew Cass was going to chicken out...I was

just waiting on that...I knew it was coming...

chicken!!!!! Candy, your silence is funny!...

you keep me kracking up...I will have tears in my eyes when around you or talking to you...

I got tears in my eyes now, typing

this response...too funny!

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Whatchoo Talkin' 'Bout, Sir "Rev. Dr." Delley, Even Tho You DON'T Know

Whatchoo Talkin' 'Bout? lol iDid NOT "Chicken Out"...iEAGLED Out!

\0/<--Hello Here & Let's Be Clear Up In Here! lol

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"Sweet Lady Candy":

Sandy...what I wanna say I can't!

Not on FB!! I may need you to call me

too. I feel something rumbling in my

belly that need to come out

regarding you.


Get up off my Skittles...

But she did kinda Chicken out...

I love you though!


iAIN'T "Scurred"! Ya Heard?! lol

Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

Now the reason I love you so much is

because your b*** (butt…lol) is crazy!

Anybody that has eyes to see can tell that

you are fine, lovable, a sweetheart, a good

friend, but I also know you crazy!! smile

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Sir "Rev. Dr." Delley:

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...hold on. I got to go to the feed store

and get some chicken feed...lovemesomeCass!



You DON'T REALLY Wanna SEE or HEAR Me When iAm NOT "Prayed UP";

Therefore, iGotz To Stay CLOSE To da "Prayer Closet"...

If Ya Know What's BEST Fo' Ya! lol


"Sweet Lady Candy": Feed Store. On the floor! Sorry, Boo...

But that was too funny.




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Sir "Rev. Dr." Delley:

Ah, come the "rundovermychevy"

side...we just being down-to-earth here...

Lawd Jesus!


Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

Oh, Lord, please stay by the prayer closet

in the name of Jesus! Candy did all of this

and now she's trying to act innocent.


"Sweet Candy":

See...this is what I'm talking 'bout.

He (John) at the top of the list.

I didn't do nothing!!!!!!!!


Say Whatcha May, But We ALL Know da TRUTH "Up In This Piece"!



"Sweet Lady Candy":

And again...Mr. Delley is CRAZY! At the top of the list. The End....


Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

Look at how we are all acting, and Candy is right in the middle of it...

She's our friend, but the girl is crazy!! smile

I love her though.



And "Cassie"...Along Wit' da "Church" Said, "Amen." lol

"Sweet Lady Candy":

@ Sandy...LOL...Man, you sho know me....


Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

I knew when I saw that picture with you

holding the microphone that it was going to be

some trouble...and you are our friend.

smile much love.



LOL...(L)aid (O)ut (L)ongwayz!

**Now Layin' (Lyin') Prostrate On da Flo',

Wallowin' In da OVAflow!**

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Sir "Rev. Dr." Delley:

Love is all on this board...can't you see it...I love my peeps...

even tho I'm the only sane one...speaking up here!...standing strong!



**Thinkin' While Yet On da Flo'** Sir "Rev." REMEMBA:

Liars "Cain't" Tarry...(You know da Rest o' da Story)

"Sane"...Yeah, Right...iMean, WRONG! **Smh**

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Sir "Rev. Dr." Delley:

If I was to be honest...I really can't stand Candy @ all. She gets on my nerves...

Now I said it!...I feel so much better...

Thank u, Lord!...dat thang was bottled up

in me...had to let it

@ Cass...too funny!



Yep...da TRUTH Will DO Somethin' Fo' Ya,

If Ya LET It! Lol

Sir "Rev. Dr." Delley:

Where did Sandy go?...hit and run!...Well, I guess I'll leave now myself...

I love all you negroes for're in my blood!......much love!




Ditto, Sir "Rev." & iLove You Too, Sir! MUAH! :) xoxoxo

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 Sir "Rev. Dr." Delley:

I had to come back and say, "I thank GOD for all of you, my friends"...

May all of you bblessed this Christmas w/health & strength

in Jesus Matchless Name!....



Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

I was praying trying to to see why we are the only ones actin' like Candy

and we are saved, and we know she is ????

Well, we know! Aman (Amen).




..."Awoman". lol



Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

And wrong for leaving us with this crazy woman (Me/"Cassie"? lol).


iLove YOU Too, Sir "Sandy", Sir!

MUAH! :) xoxoxo



"Sweet Lady Candy":

Lol!!!!!!!!!!!! This is funny. Loving it!!!!

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iCan HARDLY Wait To Fellowship Wit' ALL o' Deez Here CraZy Folk

Fo' REAL, Tho. LAWD, Gimme da Strength To Carry On.


Please & THANK YOU! lol

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"Sweet Lady Candy":

And brother. I have nothing but Love

for you, my order for you to make

it to the kingdom you must Love your sister!

God is Love and we must love in order to see

the Master's Face. Ohhhh, Thank you, Jesus!


I'm praying for you that the Lord will give you

a heart of Love and patience for your Sister...

Ohhhhh, Thank you, Lawd.

Now may the peace of our God be with you today, as I go through my

day praying for you that you will receive the Heart of God.

And that is LOVE! Ohhhh, Thank you, Jesus....




\0/<--HA-GLORY! iFelt That "Thang", Sis. #ComeOnOuttaHereLol



Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

Why is Candy praying? She know that prayer is not going anywhere.

She should have asked you (Me/"Cassie"?) to pray for John...

Lord, help your people. Oh! smile




Ruuuuuunnnnnn, Sir "Sandy", While da Coast Is Clear, Sir! lol



"Sweet Lady Candy":

Sandy...get on board or you gon' miss out!

That prayer went right up to...well it went somewhere!!!!

Oh, Thank you, Lawd.



Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

I'm going in the prayer closet…got me actin' like you...

You know, that may not be a bad idea. I have some people I need 2 tail

(tell) off!! And when I'm finished, I will tell them I'm Candy-fried.

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"Candy-Fried" Sensations...


"Olive Oil".

Beverage: "Living Water" Dessert: "Humble Pie"



Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":

Now I'll have some of that too!! smile



"Sweet Lady Candy":

Ha!!!!!!!!!! That's my girl!



Sir Hugh aka "Sandy":


"I Am Not CraZy!"

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Sir Steven "Bo" Beaudoin, Jr. On da FB 12/22/12:

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[[Reality Check]] FB is a magnifying glass. Everything seems like it's more than it really is. In reality I'm not nearly as tall as you might think. I'm not as holy, righteous, or religious as you might think. My marriage and family aren't nearly as perfect as you might think (although my wife is, but she's never on FB, so she's a bad example.) In person, I'm much less than people assume I am on FB. I'm not nearly as interesting, engaging, accomplished, attractive, or even as wise as some might think. But I AM thankful for all of you and FB can't magnify that enough.

Merry CHRISTmas and Happy Holidays, fam. Ya bruh, Bo.



**Amongst others' "expected and respected"**


Forget FB, Sir "Bo"! iKNOW What iKNOW & One "Thang" Fo' SHO' Is:

You ROCK! Now...On THAT Note, I'm "Finna" GO! :) xoxoxo


Wishing You & Yours a "Ver, Ver" Merry CHRISTmas As Well,

"Cassie" N'em


"Lady Edith Christophe":

Wow...why do I want to say, "And you're not as truthful as we think"? lol YOU are magnified to so many because of your love for God and humanity! His light shines through you and your work! You inspire and uplift others! That Bro. perfectly perfect! Nothing more to ask or say, except Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!



In OTHA Words, Sir "Bo":

We HEAR Ya, Even Tho We Ain't LISTENIN' To Ya!

**You'll Catch That Momentarily.**


"Lady Edith":

Lol exactly, Lady Cassandra! Exactly!


Sir "Bo":

Cassie!! Hey, sis! Always good to see you...such an inspiration.

Edith, I see you are "drinking the FB Koolaid". Ha! But really, sis, I am so

honored and humbled to have met so many incredible people like you.

And thank you for the support and Happy Holiday wishes.

Still ya bruh, "lbG"


Cassie, sis, you know I caught that right off. Love your sense of humor...

But if you and Ms. Edith team up, there's gonna be trouble...because one

thing I know for sure is that the two of you are on the same wavelength

and communicate loud and clear...even when we ain't listenin'. :)


Apostle/Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 12/24/12:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my biological son today,

Jamile Spearman! I love you, son!

May God's blessings, grace, overflow

and abundance be yours today!

May FAVOR be your birthright!




Sir Jamile Spearman!

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"Commemorative Celebration" of The BIRTH of JESUS The CHRIST &

Five (5) Days BEFORE We ALL "Celebrate Collectively" The BIRTH of

Yo' Mama Apostle/Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham?! OMGlasses!

**Tears o' Joy ALL UP ON My Lenseses!**



To Be Continued...(I Think),



Sir Elder Hugh E. Mitchell On da FB 12/24/12:

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Love you all, thanks for being my friends...

We'll remember you and your family in our family prayer.



Thank You EVA (Ever) So Kindly, Sir Hugh E. Mitchell!

The Pleasure Is ALL Mine **Well, In PART, Since iMUST Share Some o' da

Space Fo' OTHAS On Yo' List...I'm Just Sayin'** Indeed My

CHRISTmas Is Merrier With YOU In It! MUAH! :) xoxoxo


Sending LOTS o' Hugs & Kisses To The Mitchell Family,

"Cassie" & The Roberson-Kelley Family


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"Lady Ebony 'Ebby' Upshaw" On da FB



Woke up with such a HUGE smile on my face!

The favor of God is simply amazing!

Happy CHRISTmas Eve, Kings & Queens ;-)



**Bowin'-n-Curtsyin'-n-Carryin' On**

A "Ver, Ver" MERRY "Happy CHRISTmas Eve" To You As Well,

"Queen 'Ebby'"! MUAH! :) xoxoxo


Now "Tryna" Stand Back STRAIGHT UP B4 Fallin' OVA (lol),

"Queen Mama Cassie"


FUN'n 'Round w/"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons"

aka "Dr. PMS" On da FB 12/25/12:

Speaking of "THE GRINCH THAT STOLE da COFFEE During CHRISTmas"...


**This Is In TOTAL Violation On ANY Holiday!

I'm Just Sayin' (and Fuming ALL At da

Same Time! WHAT?!) iRebuke da DEVIL

(Ya Know We Blame HIM Fo' Just About

"EVERYTHANG" Anywayz, Shoot! lol)**


Solicitin' da Prayers o' "Dr. PMS" & da Rest

o' da RIGHTeous Folk...WHEREVA Y'all At,


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Oh, Yeah...In da MIDST of It ALL, Have Yo'self a "Ver, Ver"

Merry CHRISTmas! ;) **wink**


"Dr. PMS":

Love it!!! LOL



And, Of Course, iLove YOU...Even More Than da "Missin' Coffee"!



From Me To "Lady Lureda Brackens" On Her FB Wall 12/26/12:

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(L)et (U)s (R)ejoice (E)ach (D)ay (A)fter

CHRISTmas, Knowing That YOU Were

Born THIS "Day After" CHRISTmas:


Still a "Ver, Ver" SPECIAL Time of The Year

To CELEBRATE "One-On-ONE" (My Kingdom

Sista-Friend Lureda Brackens, Along With JESUS, On Whom We DEPEND Faithfully)

To The Glory & Honor of GOD...

From Here To Eternity. iLove You, Sis & THAT's Whatchoo Get!

;) **wink**


Thinking of You & Praying For You Too,



"Lady Lureda":


u are way too kind!!!!! Lol





"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" aka "Dr. PMS" On da FB


So my publicist (my daughter) is really on me

about my blog...she's giving me til the end of

the week to get it set up. This is going to be

an interesting professional relationship...she

is serious when it comes to my's

like I'm no longer her mom...but a client...

lol...sister girl ain't playing! Pray for me! :)



Oooo...iHEAR Ya, Tho, "Dr. PMS"!

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iGot One o' Deem "Publicist Peeps" Too,

In da Person o' My OWNself's Daughter "Lady Crystal Renee' Kelley"!

She Tells Folk That SHE Is My Agent/Manager/PR/Etc. Etc. & ANYTHANG

Pertaining To ME Has To Be Discussed & Negotiated With HER! Period.

The End #iAmaGrownWomanAndMYPointIzWhatExactly?


Locked Arm-In-Arm...CHAINED To "PMS" 4REAL, Tho (lol),

"Cassie": (B)etter (K)nown (A)s "NOT My Own NO' Mo'"


"Dr. PMS":

LOL Lady're gonna have to give me some survival tips...

she's sitting across the room looking at me sideways


Sir Pastor Derron Robinson:

Stay on her, Anna.


"Dr. PMS":

LOL Pastor!!

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LOL...(L)aid (O)ut (L)ongwayz! Chile, Seems Like da ONLY "Thang" We

CAN Do Iz "Cast ALL Our Cares At da FOOT o' da Cross o' JESUS";

'Cause We AIN'T Goin' NOWHERE, Lest HE Go Along WITH Us.

I'm Just Sayin', Hopin' & Prayin'. **Smh**


"Dr. PMS":

I'm casting...right now! Help me, Lord!


"Lady Evangelist Joyce L. Rodgers" On da FB 12/26/12:

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Serving the Lord and ministering to His people

is a privilege. Thank you, Lord!



**Amongst a PLETHORA of OTHA Comments,



And WE Indeed Count It a Blesséd "Privilege"

To Be Able & Willing To "Enjerrrr"...iMean,

ENJOY What You're "Servin'-n-Ministerin'",

With or Without da "Gravy"!

\0/<--(UPlifted Hands)

"YES, Lord!" WHAT?! :) xoxoxo #ComeOnOuttaHereEvangelist!


'Bout Full To da Brim: Dining With You & Him (lol),



"Lady Psalmist Roslyn Crump"

aka "Lady Rozz" On da FB 12/26/12:

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You don't have to Pay for A word of (prophesy).

Open up the Word of God and Receive a true word there.


You Don't have to Pay For your Healing:


Psalm 103:2-3, "Bless the LORD, O my soul and forget not all His benefits.

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, Who healeth all thy diseases. If You're Hungry and Thirsty for God: Psalm 107:9 says, "He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things"...In Other words, what we NEED, God Has it: Peace, Joy, Healings, Deliverance, Salvation, Hope, Life, and That more Abundantly...("Cassie" NOTE: See St. John 10:10b)


"Lady Chevonne Reynolds":

You sho betta preach!!!


"Lady Rozz":

Chevonne Reynolds, just speaking some sound doctrine, sis...

Be Bless'd.


Uhm...So What PART o' "FREE" Do We

NOT Understand, "Lady Rozz"?




Paid In FULL By The FAVOR of GOD,


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"Lady Rozz":

Understanding what free is:

(F)reely (R)eceiving...from Christ (E)ach & (E)veryday...That's FREE!!!!!!

Yes, Sis. Paid in full by the favor of God...Thanks for Freely Sharing. :-))

I Love you For Free ~ LOL No Charge...


Apostle/Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 12/28/12...

In Pre-Birthday Celebration Mode:

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**Her actual birthday is 12/29/12.**



Let the celebration begin!!!!



U "C" What iMean, "Dr. SWC"?

U R Already IN Violation of da

"6th Commandment", Which Clearly States,

"Thou (That's Shall NOT Kill."

Therefore, If THIS LOOK "Takes ANYBODY'S Breath Away",

What Does THAT Tell Ya? Answer: NO "Breath", KNOW "Death",

'Cause YOU Be "KILLIN'"! lol #KaPOW!




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