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Mattie Moss-Clark Mania

Mania n. An excessive enthusiasm or desire; obsession 

(nothin' like "Wrestlemania")


"Cassie" NOTE of IMPORTANCE For Clarity:

If, by the medical opinion of leading experts like psychiatrists and psychologists, "mania" is STRONGLY considered to be "an abnormally elated mental state typically characterized by euphoria..." etc. etc., iMight have an "overdose" of it; but WHATEVA, tho. iAlso know JESUS, "The Great Physician" & HE got me covered, honey! DO NOT...iRepeat: DO NOT play with me NOW or NEVA! LOL...(L)aid (O)ut (L)ongwayz! Ya heard me? K...thx. :) #ThatIsAll

(March 26, 1925 - September 22, 1994)

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That iHave Ever Known In MY MORTAL Life:


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Thanks be to God for bringing to the world a powerful source of strength, love, and musical excellence, through the person of Dr. Mattie Moss-Clark. Oh, how I miss her! I first met her in September of 1975, when she was in Fort Worth, TX for a music workshop, sponsored by Mrs. Charlene Evans. I was instantly captivated by her unique form of expertise in music instruction and choral directing. I remember my mom being very hoarse that night of the workshop rehearsal. After Sis. Clark taught the chorus of, "Christ Is Coming Back Again", she needed a lead vocalist. So, she beckoned for 

several sopranos to come forth and try for the lead.

Finally, a few of the choir members directed Sis. Clark's attention to my mom, who responded, "I'm hoarse". Sis. Clark insisted that she come anyway! I didn't understand that, at first, and it made me mad, to be honest; but then, something miraculous happened! As Mom sang that song under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, her hoarseness left, and the Spirit of the Lord came down (you had to be there to know what I'm talking about)! From that day forward I remained a loyal, lifetime fan of the one-and-only Mattie Moss-Clark.

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She truly was the best. "I know I got that right!" :)

Mattie Moss Clark - Short History (Tribute)

Mattie Juliet Moss Cullum Clark was an American gospel choir director and the mother of The Clark Sisters, a world-renowned gospel vocal group. Clark is credited for creating the three-part harmony ...

Mattie Moss Clark and David Futch "Interview"

This is who my grandmother was; I am so glad that this footage exist! I hate that she isn't portrayed in the manor of how she was....NO FOOLISHNESS! She was far from lukewarm...far from being "politic...

Dr. Mattie Moss Clark - Going To Heaven

Dr. Mattie Moss Clark sings "Going TO Heaven To Meet The King"

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One of Many Singers, Songwriters, Musicians & Choir Directors

Influenced By Dr. Mattie Moss-Clark...Posted Here 05/18/12:

The Late Bishop Walter L. Hawkins

**Same First Name As My "Hubby"! :)**


"Honoring The Late and Great,

Bishop Walter L. Hawkins on today...

his birthday. Happy Birthday, Walter.

You're greatly missed.

Love you."

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-Lynette Hawkins Stephens

(His "Baby Sis")


**A Moment of Silence, Please.**

In LOVING Memory...Along With My Most DEEPEST Sympathy,



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\0/←(Wit' "Bof" **Both** Hands

ALL UP IN da Air & Carryin' On)


Looka Here, Why Don'tcha:

Christian Comedienne & Psalmist

"Lady Vickie Winans,"

Who Is Featured On The "Kingdom Spotlight"

Page of My Personal Website, Along With Some

OTHA "Kingdom Kinfolks" From Near & Far,


This 18th Day of OCTOBER, In The

Year of Our Lord 2012!

SOOOO...iCassie Have Chosen To

CELEBRATE da CraZy-But-Anointed Sista

By Doing What She Told Me To Do In a

Song That She Recorded & "Shook"

To a While Back, Called,

"Shake Yourself Loose"!

Care To Join Us?


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DON'T Crack or Break Nothin', Hear?

BAM! Let's (B)ust (A) (M)ove Then,


Wishing God's BEST For Your Continued SUCCESS,


"Lady Jan Bennett Birks":

My suit wants to look like that when it grows up.


LOL...(L)aid (O)ut (L)ongwayz! iHear Ya, "Lady Jan"!

That's a GOOD'n, Sis. Be Sho' To Tell Yo' Suit To Be Encouraged &

DON'T Give Up, NO MATTER What! Wheeeew! **Smh**


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 (Favorite) Female Gospel Artist

In da 'Tire Wuhl (The Entire World),

On This Blesséd 19th Day &

"FUNtastic Friday" of OCTOBER,

In The Year of Our Lord 2012:



**Drum Roll Please...**

"Lady Evangelist Dr. Dorinda Clark-Cole"

(Check her out at:

aka "The Rose of Gospel"!

She Writes: "I am revealing my newest church gear for you fashion lovers. It's the Fall 2012 release of the Rose Collection." **Now, Y'all ALREADY Know da Woman Can Just FLAT OUT Dress UP, Right? lol** Take a LOOK-SEE On "The Photo Gallery" & "Kingdom Spotlight V" Pages of My Personal Website To View My Acknowledgments Concerning This "Ghostbustin'-n-Sho' Nuff Sangin'" Evangelist! lol "Enjerrrr"...iMean, ENJOY, "Peeps"! :)

One of a Plethora of "DCC" Fans 4LIFE & 4EVA,



"Lady Jan Bennett Birks":

That's what my hat wants to be when it grows up!!!



Chile, My "Hat" Is Yet To Be "Born" B4 It Can "Grow Up" To Even Come

Close To The "Stature" of This One Here, Worn By a 4REAL "Modeler"

**As "Mr. Brown" Would Say** In Christ. Praise God & Amen. :)



M.A.T.T.I.E. M.O.S.S. C.L.A.R.K.

"An Example of The Holy Scriptures"

~King James Version~

Many are called, but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14)

And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9)

Therefore, I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat and the body than raiment? (St. Matthew 6:25)

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling. (Ephesians 4:4)

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25)

Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:3)

Meditate upon these things, give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all. (I Timothy 4:15)

Obey them that have rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch over your souls, as they must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable. (Hebrews 13:17)

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

Study to shew (show) thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (II Timothy 2:15)

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual, fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much. (St. James 5:1)

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. (Colossians 4:6)

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. (Colossians 3:17)

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16)

Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. (Colossians 3:24)



Sir Bishop Brandon B. Porter Shares This Classic Video

On da FB 06/08/12:


"This is a wonderful music clip!!!!!"

The Clark Sisters"w/Rance Allen!"Trust In Him!"

The Clark Sisters"Bringing It Back Home...(1991)!"Featuring:The Michigan State Choir"Director Mattie Moss Clark!"Special Guest Reverend Rance Allen!"



Uh-Oh...You "Tryna" UNPLUG My Tear Ducts,

Sir Bishop Brandon B. Porter! Leave Me Be, PLEASE! Just Leave Me Be.

\0/←UGH! **Sniff-Sniff...Smh** #GotKleenex?


A Lifetime Moss-Clark Fan & Lovin' It (Pray Fo' a Sista),




A Message To The Die-Hard "Moss-Clark Fans" Out There...

In Cyberspace & "All Ova Da Place":

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iHope You Have Enjoyed Viewing & Reminiscing About One of The Most Phenomenal Women In The History of Gospel Music: A Rare & Precious Jewel Who Shared Daily About The Love of Jesus Christ & The Purpose of Music Ministry, Combined With Our Obedience & Righteous Living. Let Us, Therefore, Take Heed & Serve The Lord Faithfully Throughout Eternity.

The Memory of The Late Dr. Mattie Moss-Clark Will Always Be Cherished In The Corners of Our Minds & The Coffers of Our Hearts. :) xoxoxo


Humbly & Respectfully Submitted,


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FYI: The image of the Nike shoe is for "music art" only. Per my 05/04/12 telephone conversation with a reputable customer service agent from Nike, Inc., this particular product is no longer in their stock, even though some "unauthorized" dealers are advertising them on the internet. Please beware and use precaution at all times when ordering any item(s) online. Thank you.

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