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More Cassie Quotes & Comments XIX

Painting a Prophetic Picture:


"Kingdom Kudos" to "The Blessed Trinity"

(God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Ghost) for Their FULL Participation in the Planning & Preparation Process necessary to Produce & Present li'l ol' me to Prove to this BIG WIDE world that Prayer, Praise & The Pursuit of Obedience to God's Biblical Principles will Propel & Promote you to FULFILLED Promises!

Pleased to meet You & Privileged to serve You,



"Lady Lynda Burrell Hickman":

Thank you Sis, I needed to hear this this day. Thank you!



You're SO welcome, "Lady Lynda"! iGetz Pretty Pumped up when it comes to "Practicing what iPreach," being Purpose-Driven and knowing Perfectly well that whatever is right, God will Pay! #KaPOW! lol



Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 09/06/11:


Persecution and rejection are only a confirmation that people no longer have the capability to handle your anointing, greatness and success!!!


"Lady Jacqueline Richardson":

Amen, Pastor, and because they cannot go where God is taking you, they try to use those tactics to try and keep you back. But forward ever, and backward never.




"Lady Lougenia J. Rucker":

Persecution is one of the marks of a great calling and anointing;

and rejection is God's protection!


"Lady Asia K. Paynes":

((running around the house screaming…YEEESSSS!!!)) ---->



**Mounts da FB Platform**

Oh, but it's ALL GOOD & ALL GOD, Sis…'cause GOODNESS & MERCY Overrides & Overwhelms (also Overturns & Overthrows) PERSECUTION & REJECTION to the point where "they" eventually "tuck their tails" and "take off" wit' da quickness – seeing "that they're" NO MATCH fo' da Kingdom "Twins" on da NIGHT WATCH! "Thanks" & "Toodle-loo!" :) **Exits da FB Platform**


Daily Walking In & With "The" Anointing,




Sir S. Omar Griffin:

This is the Word of the Lord for this day: 1 Peter 5:10 (KJV) declares, "But the God of all grace, who has called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, AFTER that you have suffered a while, He will make you PERFECT, ESTABLISH, STRENGTHEN, AND SETTLE YOU"!!!! The word I want you to focus on is AFTER. Endure your present, so your AFTER (BLESSINGS) can meet you. Because the blessing that is coming will perfect you, establish you, make you stronger and secure you forever!!!!


"Lady Sonja Morrison Bruce":

What an awesome fresh word, Omar.


"Lady Christie Hill":

Awe mannnn......

Thanks big bro for sowing this seed this here morning!!!!!!!

I definitely receive that.


"Lady Susie Shepard":

I receive this awesome word Omar. Be Blessed!!


"Lady Lauren Janelle Williams":

I receive that, Omar...thank you for posting.


"Lady La Wanda Rose":

You preachin' now!!!!!



AFTER...I'm liking this word right here, Sir Omar.

**Begins singing "AFTER you've done all you can, you just stand"...

>->o (STAND, "Cassie"...not PASS OUT on da flo'! Sigh)**


Solicitin' da prayers o' da righteous even now (lol),



"Lady Debora Clark":




"Lady Mareysa Davis":

See... Now I'm about to shout up & down Wyoming!! I receive this word into my life and praise God for delivering it to you to pass onto the world!! Thanks, Big Brother!!!


"Lady Aletha C. Smith":

What a marvelous word!!!! AFTER...wheeeeeeew!!!!!!!!!! Too many times we want the prize without the's more than an essential component to making us....not what WE WANT to be, but what HE desires....our predestined place! Thanks for the reminder, Omar!


"Lady Chiquita Tate":



"Lady Anita Richardson":

Thanks because my After is going to be better than my before. He is working it out so I just need to just shut up. And press toward the mark. Amen.


"Lady Evangelist Cynthia Diggs":



"Lady Tanesha R. Jackson-Griffin":

Thanks, Hun. That was for me in the "Right Now,"

cause AFTER THIS......


"Lady Tarra Jackson":

I receive that!!


"Lady Adrienne Craig":

AMEN, S. Omar Griffin.




Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 09/07/11:


Apostle Sylvia Cunningham Of Ecclesia Worship Center

Contact info:


Yes, ma'am! Speak UP & OUT, "Lady Sylvia"!

It's time to either Step INTO or else Step OFF OF,

'cause "The Kingdom of God" is Movin' & Marchin' RIGHT ALONG!


In da "Christian Band" with my "War Clothes" on,




Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 09/08/11:

We need to STOP giving God EXCUSES concerning servanthood, service, stewardship and accountability! We do what we want, when we want, for how long we want and expect God to accept it! Suppose God decided NOT to let us breathe HIS air or forgive our sins? We ALL would be in a FIX!!!


Sir Dr. Gerald T. Hightower, II:

Apostle Sylvia, I shudder to think about where I would be without GOD! As servants of GOD, although we serve GOD with everything we have in pouring out into and sharing resources with HIS People, we could NEVER do enough for GOD in return for ALL that HE has done for us!!! We owe GOD faithful service to help others come into the wonderful relationship that we now have with HIM...even though we don't deserve it! Luv & Miraculous Blessings 2U, Woman Of God!


"Lady Catherine T. Parker":

Glory to God!!! I am in your AMEN CORNER today. Pastor Sylvia, I am so tired of excuses from God's people that I could scream, but I don't have time. Bless you, Woman of God. I've found that many "talk" a good game but don't want to "play" in the real game. So much that we can be doing and should be doing in the Lord. Pray for me...I truly am having a day...


"Lady Michelle Thompson":

Too many people live like they have it all together. We need to really honor, respect and give God glory for tolerating us. So many of us don't deserve the things the Father does for us, and yet he still blesses us.



TRUTH is spilling out of your mouth, Sis...but trust me, NONE is going to waste! Okay? All lame EXCUSES should be granted an EXECUTION EXPEDITIOUSLY! Take 'em out o' their misery, and endeavor to meet God's EXPECTATIONS on da daily.


Because of His EXTENDED mercy by way of Christ Jesus,




I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

"Lady Crystal Renee' Kelley On da FB 09/08/11:


Random Thought: Some of my lowest points have brought out my greatest poems and songs. Well, Lord, fruit can't produce juice unless it's squeezed.


Me/"Mama Cassie":


Juice on da ROCKS, stirred (ya know..."stir up da gift"?) and NOT shaken, please. K...thx (that is all). **reaches for a drinking straw and a napkin**

GODLY proud of my "Boo" (that would be,


"Lady Stephinee Adams":

I see where you get it from Crystal,

your mom is too funny!!!!! :)


"Lady Crystal Renee'":

*Sigh* Guilty. LOL!




Sir Min. Myron Willliams On da FB 09/08/11:

"All is well with me. I don't worry anymore.

I'm confident in knowing GOD will open every door.

All is well with me. No sadness can erase.

I'm satisfied in knowing, I'll make it by His grace…" (Penned By Gregory W. Spencer)


THAT song is CLASSIC! But...I can Bearly listen to it,

'cause it leaves me "Bent ova" (Bowin' Before the Throne)!

Bless God & Hallelujah to The Lamb!

Thank you, Sir! :)


Missin' me some Dr. Gregory W. Spencer sho' nuff fo' REAL,




Click flier above to enlarge.


"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" On da FB 09/09/11:

No lie!! I heard the Holy Ghost say that He's gonna hit us head on at this evening of worship and celebration. None of us will leave the way we came!! Our first priority is to let God have His way! Don't miss it on next Saturday, the 17th, unless you just can't help it! All roads and paths are leading to Journey in Grand Prairie!! It's already done!!!

Click flier above to enlarge.


ALREADY, "Lady da WANDAful Bell"! Rrrrring! Rrrrring! This "joyful sound" is a DISTINCT clarion call to ALL who are READY to WORSHIP "God the Great I AM Extraordinaire" & CELEBRATE His daughter/vessel of honor (that would be YOU, Elder), as the SUPERnatural Power & DIVINE Presence of His Holy Spirit hovers OVER us, dwells WITHIN us, and moves THROUGH us in an UNPrecedented way! I decree and declare that Healing & Deliverance WILL take Place as we glory in the "goodness" of His Embrace! In the MIGHTY & MATCHLESS name of Jesus I say, it is ALREADY done! Amen. :)


Your Sister-in-Christ & Friend For Life,





"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell" On My FB Wall 09/09/11:

GM (Good Morning), Hunnie Bunnie!!! Have a beautiful day! May the joy of the Lord overshadow you and your family today and always!!



Rrrrring! Rrrrring!

"Lady da WANDAful Bell" has SOUNDED!

What she has just declared...

it's NO gettin' AROUND IT!

Thanks, Sis. I GLADLY receive;

therefore it SHALL be. :)


Your humble mentee,




Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 09/09/11:

TELL SOMEBODY: Watch how you treat me! I may not look like much to you, but I am the CHOSEN of God! Watch how you handle me, watch what you say TO me and ABOUT me, because your BLESSING just might have to come THROUGH me!!!


Sir Kenneth Tarver:





Apostle Jonetta Henry-McClure:

You better preach, anointed vessel of the Lord. Bless you, Apostle.




I'm "tryna" TELL 'em, but MOST of 'em AIN'T listenin'!

HOWEVA, they will NOT be able to say they DIDN'T know.

I just LOVE 'em & DISMISS 'em!

Gettin' ready to go TELL SOMEBODY ELSE too (lol),



Sir Dr. Carlton Davis:


Blessings Sylvia!


"Lady Celene Mickie":

Say it!!!!


"Lady Evangelist Rubie Williams":

So True!!!!

"Lady Catherine T. Parker":

Why did that just make me smile? I guess because I hear it in my spirit sometimes…they just don’t know who they are messing with!!! CHOSEN for GREATNESS! And whoever is wise enough to recognize it will also WALK IN HIS FAVOR. Distractions…be gone in Jesus' name! We have a GOD to serve, and there's no more time for wasting HIS TIME. It all belongs to HIM. Forward…march, my sister!


"Lady Yvonne C. Hooper":

Wow, and a double AMEN!!!!!


"Lady Latrice Leak":



"Lady Lily Jenkins":



"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton":

The Word for the Day, Sis...

You took my very heartfelt feelings and posted it.


Sir Rodney Garnett, Sr.:

I am Chosen, and the favor of God is over my life.

Freely I have received, so freely I Give...


Sir John Bibbens:

They receive what they perceive of you. They are only hurting themselves. I feel so sorry for them, because they are going to reap what they sow.



"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton"

On da FB 09/09/11:

I wouldn't be so quick to call someone my friend...

They may be a disguised enemy.


Me/"Cassie": SHOULD BE so quick to call ME yo' friend, even tho I AM a disguised "angel"!

Get it? **an angel unaware...**

Oh, NEVA mind. **sigh**

"Happy FUNtastic Friday," Sis! :)


Just CraZy 'bout my S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S...

but WHATEVA (lol),


"Lady Latricia 'Nissie' Burks":

Love it.


"Sweet Lady Candy":

@ Nissie...Love you. @ Cassie...I am crazy 'bout my S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S. too.

Be my disguised Angel, if you want. I ACCEPT!

Couldn't have a better one! REAL TALK!



NATURALLY "speaking,"

we CAN'T be 100% SURE in our OWN "I's" ("Independencies"), but SPIRITUALLY "seeking," we CAN be 100% SECURE in GOD'S "EYES" ("Essential Yoke for Eternal Safety").

For HIS "Yoke" (Lifeline of Servitude in Love)

is "definitely easier," and HIS "Burden"

(Weight of Glory) is "noticeably lighter." :)

"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons":

Yes, indeed!! :)





"Lady Phebe," that describes you goin'-n-comin', honey!

You're my hero/"shero"...and I love you! :) xoxoxo




"Lady Phebe":

Awwwww! Thanks, Lady Cassie!

The secret is in serving people...a simple concept that so many miss...

and they wonder why their blessings are few and far between!





RIGHTeous you ARE, Sis...and I AGREE "100%"! :)


"Lady Cassandra Jones Adger":

Well said!!!!! Seek His Heart, not His Hand.

Have a Great Day!!





THAT's what I'm talkin' 'bout, Sis!

When we "learn" how to "touch" the very "Heart" of God, He will, in turn, "load" us up with bountiful blessings with just one "touch" of His mighty "Hand"! AWESOME, I tell ya! :)



"Lady Carla Gardner":

Woman of God, I love the way you put things. Awesome work you are doing for God. Keep up the good work, and allow God to keep stirring your gift!




When I told God "Yes," He just TOOK OVA da reins of my mind and "everythang" else, Sis! So, technically, I ain't responsible...He is! LOL

;) **wink**



"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" On da FB 09/12/11:

This is the happiest Monday of my life!! God has opened a door for me that no man can close! Understand this...your thoughts are directly related to your current state of affairs!! Your thoughts (you have to "get" this)...change your thoughts and change your life!! :)


"Lady Sara Colvin":

Confirmation on my open door also today...\0/...hallelujah!!


"Lady Phebe":

Praise the Lord, Sara! :)


"Lady Cynthia Fuller":




I HEAR ya, I BELIEVE ya & I'm WITH ya, sis!

\0/<--(hands upraised in praise)






"Lady Tametria Peters":

When a faith woman speaks...My God!!!



WHENEVA iPraise God with Fire & Passion,

the Holy Ghost, which is my Spiritual Paraclete -

like a rushing mighty wind carrying "the breath of God" - will cause a Paradigm Power-Shift to take Place around the Parameters of each one of my Premises!

My Personal advice to you:


"Get a Piece o' da Rock"

(Christ Jesus) & Pray that He don't Pass you by! #KaPOW!


iAm confident of this very thing,

that He which has begun a good work in me WILL Perform it until the day of Jesus the Christ

(see Philippians 1:6).

AMEN...and it IS so. :)

"Cassie" NOTE:

I was inspired to write the post above, after my personal encounter with "God the Great I AM Extraordinaire," at Holy Tabernacle COGIC's Annual Women's Department Service on 09/11/11! Read the description below:

My mind is YET blown...from witnessing the SUPERnatural MANIFESTATION & Spiritual IMPARTATION of God's "Power-Shift" DEMONSTRATION, delivered to us through Divine REVELATION by our dynamic guest speaker "Lady Evangelist Janice Craig," His CHOSEN woman-servant in this SEASON! "Kingdom Kudos" to the HTC Family, Pastor/Superintendent Robert L. Sample, First Lady Dollie Sample, District Missionary Sharon Oliver & ALL of my "Kingdom Kinfolks" EVERYWHERE! I love you! MUAH! :)


From MY heart to YOURS,


A Personal Message From "Lady Evangelist Janice Iglehart Craig"

To Li'l Ol' Me On 09/12/11:


"Cassie, you are such an encouraging gifted woman of God! Your humility only enhances your own anointing, sista. I be so awed at the "vibe" between me and y'all (HTC)'s surreal! Thank God for favor from some of His "bestest" folks like you! Luv u 2. ~Sis. C."




Sir Pastor Shan E. Davis Quote...

Shared by "Lady Alana L. Carriere-Hall" On da FB 09/12/11:


"Rebellion is elusive. The closer you get to the root, it will change its voice to sound like a victim or a civil rights activist...and in the name of you protecting your 'rights' as an individual, you will be distracted, and confuse this as a positive trait. But if you're a skilled hunter, you ignore the feeble attempt to dissuade you from putting it out of its misery. Cut it!!!"

"Lady Alana":

PREACH, Pastor Shan E. Davis!


"Lady Shantay Bird":

Preach IT!!!!!!



WOW! A right jab, right cross, upper-cut, left hook...SPLAT!

Looks like ANOTHA Spiritual TKO done took place!

Intercessors, where y'all at?! **Sigh**


>->o (Slain in da Spirit...AGAIN),


Just a li'l reminder to myself to ALWAYS be a "Fisher of Men" ( or ALL Mankind)




My Sincerest & Most Heartfelt Salute To My Music Ministry Mentors

On da FB 09/13/11:

Pictured From Left to Right, Top To Bottom:

Dr. Judith Christie McAllister, Evangelist Barbara Jackson Sago, Psalmist Sharon D. Jackson, Evangelist Vandalyn Kennedy, Evangelist T. Lynn Smith, and Evangelist Dr. LuVonia Whittley


THANK YOU, ladies, for EXEMPLIFYING the Love of GOD in your life, while also EDIFYING the entire BODY OF CHRIST.

May His Grace & Favor be EXTENDED unto you,

in Divine EXCHANGE for your Time & Other Sacrifices, too. :)


Here Celebrating & Applauding You,



"Lady Dr. Judith Christie McAllister:

Thank you, Cassie! I appreciate the love AND,

more importantly, the prayers!


"Lady Evangelist Barbara Jackson Sago":

Blessings to you, Cassie, for your constant encouragement!

Love you much!


"Lady Psalmist Sharon D. Jackson":

Luv u, Cassie!


"Lady Evangelist Vandalyn Kennedy":

Wow. I'm humbled to even be named amongst such great women of God.

Thanks for your encouragement.

PLEASE pray for me.



I gotcha in my "bosom,"'re safe.

Besides, JESUS got da place (my heart, that is) SURROUNDED!

How 'bout that, huh? :)


"Lady Evangelist T. Lynn Smith":

Thank you!


"Lady Evangelist Dr. LuVonia Whittley":

Love you also. God bless you always!


-Mother Whittley



(((BIG HUGS))) & LOTS o' KISSES to EACH of you ladies...

that is, if you can STAND it! Well, of course you CAN, through CHRIST which STRENGTHENS you. Remember? MUAH! ;) **wink** xoxoxo



Judith McAllister - Sound the Trumpet

Music Video by Judith McAllister performing the title track from her "Sound The Trumpet" album.Check it out on iTunes:"Like" us on Facebook:

Speaking of "Lady Dr. Judith Christie McAllister":

Undoubtedly, (J)esus (C)hrist the (M)essiah has His POW'ful hands upon (J)udith (C)hristie (M)cAllister! Ya (J)ust "(C)ain't" (M)ess w/His woman-servant and expect to get away clean! So, (J)ust (C)ancel out ANY-n-ALL negative (M)essages, "Sound The Trumpet" & (J)oyfully (C)elebrate in the (M)eanwhile! Ya got it? GOOD. :)





Father God's got a TRADE EXPO going on,


I said, "IT'S ALL FREE!"

Yep. He'll trade you BEAUTY for "ashes,"

the OIL of JOY for "mourning,"


for "the spirit of heaviness"! (Isaiah 61:3)

So, what iz you waitin' on?

Go GET you some, honey! I ALREADY gotz mine! :)


"Lady Beverly Smith:




Don't MISS it, Sis! ;) **wink**


"Lady Beverly":



"Lady Lynda Burrell Hickman":

Did it again! Thanks.



Ha-ha! THAT's whatcha get,

which is EXACTLY whatcha asked for in da first place!

Hellerrrr. Halleluyerrrr. :)




From Me To Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham on 09/13/11:


Surely the Presence of the Lord is in THIS Place, where you are NOW Positioned, "Lady Sylvia"!

May the Perfect Peace of God, which surPasses ALL understanding, rest, rule, and abide with you forever, O Precious Priestess of the Most High God. In the POWerful & Preeminent name of Jesus Christ I Pray. Amen...and it IS so.


Have a Peaceful & Prosperous Day! :)

Preceding on your behalf by Praising Him in advance,



"Lady Sylvia":

YES, MA' is so!!!!




Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 09/15/11:

Sometimes you've got to take your hands OFF of it and let God handle it! You can tell a person the same thing over and over, and they keep allowing the same thing to happen! Stop wasting your breath! EXPERIENCE is the best teacher! No matter how much you warn them of the snakes, no matter how much you warn of another's alternative motives, they just don't get it until they are BIT by the snake or BAITED & CAUGHT in a trap or lose what they had! No...The devil didn't do it...THEY did it to themselves!



"Yepper, Stepper," my RIGHTeous sista! I've noticed that I have MORE stress-free days when I RELEASE hard-headed folks to their OWN stubborn ways. We are commissioned to TELL them, but DON'T go to HELL with them! **Smh**


\0/<--Wit' "bof" (both) hands OFF of it,



"Lady Catherine T. Parker":

Whew! Don't I know this, my sister...had to let some things and people go for a season...maybe two (2)...maybe three (3)...but I'm moving on to my DESTINY. Can't drag them with you. Some are not willing to get EQUIPPED for the journey. Unlike Michael Jackson...



"Cassie" NOTE:

She's referring to the song, "Never Can Say Goodbye".



Come on here, "Lady Catherine!

0/<--High-five me on THAT, why don'tcha! lol


"Lady Catherine":

Can you tell I'm desperate to step into what God has for me?

I tell you, they'll drain you dry and then ask you what's wrong?

Whew! Refill me, Lord! Moving forward...



Rrrrring! Rrrrring! HEAR YE! HEAR YE!

This is a "Word To The Wise" & Direct "Message From The King":


Drink LOTS o' Spiritual H2O (Living Water),

'cause there's 'bout to be a HOSTILE Kingdom TKO & SLAP TAKEOVER!

0/<--Present your Sword (Word of God),

ON GUARD & Forward March,

"Kingdom Kinfolks"!



This here "cutie pie" is my "Mama n'em":

Madam Carrie Roberson! lol


Today, 09/18/11, she "up'd" and turned


On TOP o' THAT, she and Dad (Varney)

will celebrate 50 YEARS of marriage 09/24/11,

two (2) days before my 48th birthday!


Ain't God is good?

Well, SHO' He is!

Whatchoo talkin' 'bout?! lol :)

Apostle Donald Thompson aka "BruthasKeepa NChrist":

Wow! Look at that young beautiful Woman of God - so anointed to sing.


"Lady Carmen Simmons":

Awww! Happy birthday, Madam Carrie 'Sanging' Roberson!!!! I love her!


"Lady Sherry Howard":

What a blessing, Cassie. We celebrate with you!

She's beautiful woman of God! Thanks for sharing!


"Lady Barbara Watson Jackson":

One of my favorite women. She and my Aunt R. C. are the best of friends, and I remember your mama and grandad Eld. Bradley and your grandmama. What a wonderful family you have been blessed to have. God bless my other auntie Carrie Lee...Love you always.


"Lady Lynda Burrell Hickman":

Your mother is a beautiful woman and a beautiful woman of the Lord. As long as I have known about her, she's always been the same warrior for God and not ashamed to tell it. Happy birthday, Mother Carrie Roberson, and may you have many, many, many more. Love to you.


"Lady Trocha Braswell":



Sir Glenn Nixon:

Cassandra, your mom is a great, great lady, as you already know. I wish singers and musicians would have a spirit as she does. She been there for so many of us. She is faithful, spiritual, and a great inspiration. Tell her happy birthday for me and congratulations to your mom and dad.


Sir Elder Victor E. Brown:

Happy birthday, MADAM ROBERSON. Hope you enjoy your day.

Love you. Be blessed.


Thanks, ONE & ALL!

I can hardly wait to share these comments with Mom...she's gonna need Kleenex STAT! lol

We love you! :) xoxoxo


"Lady Myra Tims":

Happy Birthday, Auntie!!


"Lady La'Trice Wilson" aka "Peaches":

Well now, lookey der!!! Madam "Queen Divalicious" dun turned 77 years young!! Happy birthday der, Mama Carrie. My mom celebrated her 80th b-day 09/17/11 Saturday. What a blessed couple of "chillins" (children) we are, Cassie. Happy birthday 'N' carrin' on!!!! LOL --Pch'z


"Lady Su-San Cannon Spain":

Awww!!! Happy Birthday to Mother Carrie Roberson! She's such a sweetheart! 77 years young. I want to be like her when I grow up. Happy "Golden" Anniversary to both she and Bro. Roberson. September is a busy month! Happy Birfday (lol) to you, Lady Cassie! Love all of you...


"Lady Evangelist Dr. Mary White":

Beautiful saint inside and out.


"Lady Barbara Frederick-Sample":

Birthday Blessings, Madam!


"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons":

....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Momma Roberson....


"Mother Vollie Henry":

Morning. Thanks for sharing this info. with us.

This lady songbird is sho nuff tuff.

And guess who she is friends with.

You guessed it right the first time.

Mother Henry, of course.

So glad to be a friend of such a lady.

Bless you, Mother, with more years to come.



You KNOW you RIGHT, "Mother Henry"!

I ain't even "tryna" argue wit' ya on THAT there!

Bless God, and hallelujah to The Lamb!

LOTS o' SMOOCHES comin' right atcha! MUAH! :) xoxoxo


Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham:



"Lady Liz Turner":

Keep on singing God's praises.

Such a great spirit you have.


"Lady LaWanda Baker":

Sister Roberson is still looking great!! Praise God!!




"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" On da FB 09/19/11:

I want to encourage you today to stand on God's promises...hold to your faith and believe God's Word. I can testify that He will make your enemies your footstool...that He will make a way out of no way...that He's an on time God...that He has a plan for your life...all you need to do is step out on faith! Stop wishing and start believing!! :)


"Lady Miriam Alderete":

Thanks, "Pheebs"...I needed to hear that this morning! :)


"Lady Tracy Carroll":



"Lady Linda Linzy":

Praise God, and praise Him again. Glory!! Glory!!! Glory!!


Sir John Wilkey:

Wow, that is just what I need to hear today. :)


"Lady Phelicia Sterling-Thompson":

Yes, Lord!!!!



0/<--(Being java-led...with coffee cup in hand)


Indeed, I AM ENCOURAGED, "Lady Phebe"! You have NEVA let me down in THAT department, Sis. Thank you EVA (ever) so kindly for ALL you've done for me, as well as da OTHA "Citizens of Phebe Island"! We love you! MUAH! :) xoxoxo


An AVID supporter of PMS (hehehehe!),



"Lady Wanda Walton":





Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham:

LOVE U!!!!!



DON'T mess with me, "Lady Sylvia"! UGH!

**"cain't" stand NOTHIN'

but lovin' EVERY minute of**



Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham "Serving da Devil Notice"

On da FB 09/20/11:

Some will call you for counsel, inbox you for instructions, petition you for prayer, ask you for advice, sit under your preaching/teaching/mentoring, repost your stats, won't support a thing you do, call you mom or dad; then get right in the church, the street, or right there on FB and act like you don't exist! It's a "PETER/NICODEMUS Spirit" which says, "I'm going to deny knowing you, but I'm coming by night to get what you have! In the END, Peter AND Nicodemus BOTH had to come clean about Jesus!


"Lady Nataki Suggs":

Say it!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Lady Cynthia Malone":

Good word!

Sir Bishop Steven Smith:

WOW!!!!! This really blessed my life today!!! I needed this.



YES to ALL OF THE ABOVE, Sis! Ain't it a DOWNRIGHT SHAME? Some folks need to WAKE UP wit' da quickness to da FACT that God has an "ALL-SEEING EYE"! No matter how they SNEAK-n-PEEK while they so-call SEEK to REAP, God knows da TRUTH, and so do YOU! Let "PETER & NICODEMUS," as well as "JEZEBEL & JUDAS" n'em answer God for themselves. YOU got 'em ALL beat HANDS DOWN! The End


An AVID Lover & Supporter of The Truth 24/7,



"Lady Sabrina Bragg":

Whew!! That's good, Apostle!


"Lady Elder Hope Mason":

My, my, my. I know this to be true!!!!

Preach, Apostle!


"Lady Nataki":




Yes-to-da-MA'AM, and hallelujah to The Lamb!

I DON'T have time to WASTE my time on mess, dirt, trash and slime!


"Lady Nataki":

Yes indeedy, Woman of God!!


Sir Ernest Moore:

Pastor Cunningham, thank you for identifying the spirit that attaches itself to prophetic ministries. Now, we must pray for the conversion of "Peter" - that he/she will strengthen the rest. My, my, my!!!


"Lady Prophetess Angela Cantrell":



"Lady Latrice Leak":

Slain under the power of this stat! My goodness!


"Lady Lily Jenkins":

If you're not telling the truth!!!!!! Shut your mouth!!!! My GOD!!!!!!


Sir Avery Cotton:

In the End...Come goodness.


"Lady Kimberly Neal":



Sir Pastor Jerome Bell:



"Lady Dr. Avril E. Wiggins":

So True.


"Lady Elder Tonya Harrison":

And the truth shall set them FREE.




"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" On da FB 09/21/11

After 6 A.M. CST:

Good morning!! I'm up bright and early...mind is on big things...a movement, if you will. I want to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and try something different...dare to be a servant...and watch God take you to another level! I'm telling you what I know! Happy Wednesday to ya!! :)


"Lady Debra Miller Robinson":

Good morning, and thanks. Happy Wednesday to you too. :)


"Lady Phebe":

Debra, you're up early!! Enjoy your day! :)


"Lady Debra":

Yes, ma' some heavy things on my mind right now,

but God blessed me to open my eyes. So, I will take that and run with it. You enjoy your day too. :)


"Lady Jannifer Taylor":

Thank you, Dr. PMS. That's advice I will take on any given day!

Be blessed.



Good "MornTing," (P)retty (M)rs. (S)unshine! Did iEVA tell you that iLove you and (P)roclaim: "You're (M)y (S)hero"?'s true! AND the song entitled "You Light Up My Life" is the RIGHT (P)rescription that (M)anifests the "(S)onlight" which beams so BRIGHT upon you as well! Keep it UP, hear? Be blessed, Dr. (P)(M)(S) & (P)ray (M)y (S)trength! ;) **wink**





"Lady Phebe":

Wow, Lady are one gifted woman! Paper and pen are most definitely your put words together like none other I know! I love it! :)



"Lady Evangelist Jackie Hill"

Bein' Who She Be On da FB 09/21/11:


Everyone can't go where God is taking you,

'cause some folk can't breathe in high altitudes! Major love.


"Lady Kenosha White":


"Lady J":

Morning, Kenosha! Have a super blessed day!!!


"Lady Brenda Basey":

Wow. I like that.


"Lady Lesa Long-Henry":



"Lady Yulander Holmes-Taylor":



You're SO RIGHT, "Lady J"!

I looked ova at a few of 'em and noticed 'em gaspin' fo' air, wit' their eyes rollin' to da back o' their head!


Singing to God the Father:

"You Are The Air I Breathe,"



"Lady Darlene L. Hart":

Love it.


"Lady Rachel Cossey":



"Lady Shamarian Bradley":



Sir Don Turner:

That's so real, and sometimes you have to shake some "peeps" off your wings for your own liftoff!



"Lady Dr. Judith Christie McAllister":

REMEMBER that God has called us to #SOUNDTHETRUMPET, and at times IT WILL NOT BE EASY, or even accepted by the church OR society. We have a responsibility to obey, not to necessarily understand what God is doing; amid the "trouble" we may face as a result of obeying His voice, know that He will cover us in the time of trouble! I speak blessings upon each of you this day!

Psalm 27th Chapter

~King James Version~


"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret place of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in His tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD. Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When Thou saidst, 'Seek ye My face'; my heart said unto Thee, 'Thy face, LORD, will I seek.' Hide not Thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: Thou has been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up. Teach me Thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies. Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD."


Thank you, Dr. Judith Christie McAllister, one of my DEAREST music ministry mentors. iGLADLY receive these blessings on THIS DAY, as our Father gives us THIS DAY our DAILY bread. With GREAT expectations iSINCERELY pray that the measure that you've SPOKEN & GIVEN be multiplied unto you ALWAYS! :)


Totally Committed to Continually "SOUND THE TRUMPET,"




In Loving Memory of the Late

Dr. Mattie Moss-Clark:

(March 26, 1925-September 22, 1994)


Today, 09/22/11, marks the 17th year that my GREATEST INSPIRATION IN GOSPEL MUSIC has been away from her "earthly house of this tabernacle" (II Corinthians 5:1), to rest from her earthly labor and receive her eternal reward.

The Late Dr. Mattie Moss-Clark will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN,

because in my heart lies precious memories of her,



Thank you, Jacqueline Clark-Chisholm, Denise Clark-Bradford, Elbernita "Twinkie" Clark, Dr. Dorinda Clark-Cole & Karen Clark-Sheard for sharing your INCREDIBLE & UNFORGETTABLE mother with the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. We Love You & God Bless You! :) xoxoxo


Apostle Donald Thompson aka "BruthasKeepa NChrist":

Mother Madam - Mattie Moss Clark; yea, I miss those "Candle Light Musicals" with she and the Clark Sisters Family every year.

She was truly excellent.


Sir. Min. Chester "Chad" McCree:

Yes, we all still miss her very much. Dr. Clark was my mentor,

along with Twinkie. They made me learn.


"Lady Evangelist Dr. Mary White":

One of the great saintly women of our times.

I saw her working, heard her and just admired her.




"Lady Evangelist Jackie Hill" On da FB 09/22/11:

Be careful not to shun the "right" people,

to please the "wrong" people.

Right People:

Those assigned by God as assets!

Wrong People:

Those assigned by the enemy as assasins!

Major love.

"Lady Wytress Mitchell":

Yes, God!!!


"Lady Monique Solomon Spence":




Got it, Sis! For "None but the RIGHTeous (PURE in heart) shall see God" (St. Matthew 5:8); and He so SUCCINCTLY & DISTINCTLY said,

"Be ye HOLY, for I am HOLY." (I Peter 1:16)

"Major Love" to you as well, "Pretty Lady,"

and thanks a "gazillion" for freely sharing with us! :)


Accepting & Applying ONLY what's HOLY on da Daily,



"Lady Phallen Lemons":

Your posts are like food to the soul. God Bless You!


"Lady Lela Brown":



"Lady Rhonda Morris":

Amen...must repost that it!




"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell"

Calling the FB Class To Order 09/22/11:


The Glory doesn't show up to merely give us a warm and fuzzy feeling. It comes to prove God is ALL GOD, and to make us better, deliver, heal, bring forth change, confirm the things of the Spirit, and awaken within us what is needed for the next dimension, etc. Never let the Glory visit where you are, and you allow yourself to be cheated from ALL God showed up to do in your life!!! Selah.


iEmbrace this TRUTH with OPEN arms, Sis!

Indeed, it's ALL GOOD & ALL GOD! Thank you oh, SO "ver, ver" MUCH &

iLove you, by whom my heart is FOREVER TOUCHED! :)


Singing in my "Bishop Kelvin" voice:




"Lady da WANDAful Bell":

Ha-ha!! Bishop Noel Jones needs to hear him (Kelvin Sharpe)!



MOST DEF! ;) **wink**


Sir S. Omar Griffin:

Elder Wanda, This is a true statement!!! You nailed this one!!!


"Lady Wanda":

I am being reminded so much about the purpose and function of the Glory, as well as new's the Glory or nothing at all!!

I am in crazy teaching mode!!




iMean...ELDER BELL! Rrrrring! Rrrrring! :)


"Lady Wanda":



Sir S. Omar:

The absolute truth is that we pursue stuff that God has no intentions of giving. We need always to seek first the Kingdom...Even His Holy Writ declares in His Prayer "the Power and Glory forever!" Without these things we are ineffective!!




"Keepin' It Real" Via The Kingdom Covenant Seal:

Kingdom Citizens aka "Kingdom Kinfolks" - who dwell in the "Secret Place" within the Kingdom of God - have a "Keen Sense of Hearing & Very Sharp Eyesight" that develops constantly while in the Spirit realm, KNOWING & ACKNOWLEDGING, through "Revelation Knowledge," their Sovereign King's M.O. ("Method of Operation")

Those of us on "Kingdom Assignment" must Keep Pursuing with

Kingdom Purpose, and DON'T get left behind fo' NOTHIN'!


A "King's Kid" & Lovin' It,


Click Here For More!

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