Cassandra Roberson-Kelley Enterprises
"Giving back to God what He so graciously gave to me."
More Cassie Quotes & Comments XI

It always amazes me when I read in the Bible about how somewhat irate Martha became with Jesus, because - in her opinion - He arrived too late to heal her brother Lazarus before he died days prior.
St. John 11:20-27
~King James Version~
"Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met Him: but Mary (Martha's sister) sat still in the house. Then said Martha unto Jesus, 'Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But I know, that even now, whatsoever Thou wilt ask of God, God will give it Thee.' Jesus saith unto her, 'Thy brother shall rise again.' Martha saith unto Him, 'I know he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.' Jesus said unto her,
**'WHAT AM I...CHOPPED LIVER?!' -St. John 11:25a
(New Cassie International Version)
Just kiddin', y'all! RELAX! Geez...**
'I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?' She saith unto Him, 'Yea, Lord: I believe that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.'"
**From a YouTube link that I shared on da FB via Sir C. Ivan Johnson**
"Lady Vickie Winans" is STRAIGHT-UP "sangin'" the TRUE sentiments of my heart on THIS "ver, ver" POW'ful song, regarding the LOVE of God shown through the birth, death, burial, and resurrection of His dear Son Jesus the Christ!
Bless God, and hallelujah to The Lamb!
Vickie Winans - Oh What Love
Song Info: Artist(s): Vickie Winans Song: Oh What Love Album: Live in Detroit, Volume 2 Year of Album Release: 1999 Record Label: Compendia Word of GOD declares, "For GOD so loved the world, t...
Sir Ivan:
I KNOW ya feel me, Sir Ivan!
DON'T play wit' me, up in here on da FB, maaaan! LOL
Sir Ivan:
"Lady Evangelist Dr. Mary White":
This is my girl!!!!!!!
ALL DAY...hear? :)
Globally speaking, MOST of us are MULTI-TASKING in a time when there's LIMITED space for a MUCH-NEEDED vacation involving a WHOLE lot o' MULTI-RESTING. So, I'm solicitin' da prayers o' da RIGHTEOUS to point your RIGHT hand towards me, and pray:
"FATHER, in the MIGHTY-n-MATCHLESS name of JESUS, bless SPEEDILY with her heart's desire to RECHARGE & REFRESH herself for YOUR service. AMEN...and it IS so."
Thanks, "peeps"!
I love you ALL for REAL!

Sir Fred Willis:
*hands stretched toward the computer screen*
God bless you, kind Sir. :)
"Lady Cymien 'Cym' Hughes":
Yes, me too, sis!!
Smooches, "Lady Cym"! ;) **wink**
Sir Michael T. Blackmon:
Alright, daughter!!!
Thank ya, Sir Michael aka "Bishop"! :)
"Lady Crystal Renee' Kelley":
Mama, this has encouraged me! I'm going to continually pray for you, and for what God has put in you! It shall come to pass. :) Love ya!!!
"Boo"...I KNOW that if AIN'T NOBODY got me, my "Boo" got me! WHAT?! See, THAT's why you're my FAVOR-RIGHT (favorite) daughter in da WIDE wuhl (world)! MUAH! ;) **wink**
"Lady Evangelist Cynthia Diggs":
Hands stretched, mouth opened and heart lifted to heaven on your behalf!
Thank you EVA (ever) so much for standing FOXY in PROXY for a sista!
And "you STILL da WOMAN"! :) xoxo

Sir Pastor Rod Stinson:
Fear of CHANGE breeds failure. NEVER let a DECISION become a tradition that limits growth. PURPOSE is Time Sensitive & Your Promise Has A Shelf Life. It's URGENT We Break The BONDAGE Of Fear AND Trust God To Build From The Foundation Of TRADITION While Quenching The Thirst For The Creative Power To Make Old Things Become NEW...
Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is, There Is LIBERTY!
I Prophetically Release You To GROW!
\0/<--(with arms open to receive)
Thanks for "prophetically" RELEASING unto me GOD's "Creative Power"
to continue INCREASING abundantly! :)
Sir Asaph Alexander Ward:
Don't wait until a loved one is on their death bed to tell them that you love them. Tell them now, while they can hear. As long as we can bleed, we are not invincible. Too much taking for granted. SMH
I SO agree, Sir Alex! The "Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda" song AIN'T gonna hold much of a "tune" when life's "bea-YOU-tiful music" STOPS. I love you, Sir, and God bless! :)
Sharing & Spreading My Love Most Sincerely,

Overseer-Elect Sylvia Cunningham:
And because there is LIFE in The BLOOD, its "rising to JUSTIFY" us and FREE us FOREVER came into SUPERnatural effect IMMEDIATELY-n-MIRACULOUSLY. Even NOW, to ALL who dare to BELIEVE, it is a proven FACT...wrapped tight in TRUTH, confirming-n-affirming that "The BLOOD Still Works"! YES, thank God for The BLOOD! :)
Redeemed by the POW'ful BLOOD of The Lamb,
Sir Rev. Willie L. Stewart, Jr.:
I'm Still thanking God!
Can I get a witness?
Ya know...ya DON'T REALLY need but just ONE witness, but I'll go 'head and join in da NUMBER: "Amen, Rev!" :)

Because I "cain't" thank Him enough (no matter how I try),
Sir Rev. Willie L. Stewart, Jr.:
Yes, ma'am! Goodness and Mercy!
Thank God for the twins!

"The Bible is RIGHT...somebody's WRONG."
For a sinner truly IS as a sinner surely DOES.
If "none but the RIGHTEOUS shall see God,"
A sinner better get RIGHT before the final
"Setting of the Sun."
If you choose to live RIGHT,
Then Heaven belongs to you;
But if you choose to do WRONG,
Then Hell reserves a spot for you!
~This is a PAID IN FULL advertisement by Yahweh~
(Not to foolishly be confused with Yahoo!)
"Lady Su-San Cannon Spain":
"Last 7 Sayings of Christ"
Forgiveness: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34).
Hope: "I tell you the truth today, you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43).
Care: "He said to His mother, 'Woman, behold your son!' Then He said to the disciple, 'Behold your mother!'" (John 19:26-27).
Loneliness: "'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' - which means, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'" (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34).
Suffering: "I am thirsty" (John 19:28).
Triumph: "It is finished" (John 19:30).
Reunion: "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46).
"Lady Su-San"...my "First Saying" to Christ when I see Him face-to-face will be Exhilaration:
"Hosanna, King Jesus, I'm Home!"
(St. Cassandra 1:1, New Cassie International Version).
Loving me some Him and some you,
"Lady Su-San":
Love it, Lady Cassie!

"Lady Nicole C. Mullen":
Happy Good Friday, y'all!
"For God so loved the world that
He Gave His only begotten Son;
that WHOSOEVER (that's us)
believes in Him shall not perish,
but have everlasting LIFE!"
John 3:16
I'm Captivated by HIS SACRIFICE.
Happy Good Friday (with a swirl of hot fudge, sprinkles of peanuts, and
a cherry on top) to you, too, "Lady Nicole"!
\0/<-- (cheerin'-n-jumpin'-n-wavin' imaginery POM-POMS
and carryin' on)
"I am CRUCIFIED with CHRIST: nevertheless (touch somebody and say, 'NEVAtheless') I LIVE; yet not I, but CHRIST liveth in ME: and the life which I NOW live in the FLESH I live by the FAITH of the SON of GOD, Who LOVED me, and gave HIMSELF for ME." ~Galatians 2:20 (King James Version) I'm ELATED about HIS RESURRECTION! Whoo-hoo! :)
Because MY REDEEMER lives,
"Lady Nicole":
Cassie, Heeeeeey!!
(with one hand raised and the back slightly arched)
That's good stuff! Grace and peace.
"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton":
**From a YouTube link she shared on da FB via "Lady Michelle Cannon"**
To my friends who have a BEAST in your life; THIS IS FOR YOU!
2011 (new!) Bishop Jakes "IN THE PRESENCE OF BEASTS" i needed this!!!
Awesome Word
"Cassie" NOTE:
Visit the YouTube website to search and view the video for yourself. :)
Mark 1:12-13
~King James Version~
"And immediately the Spirit driveth Him (Jesus) into the wilderness.
And He was there in the wilderness forty days tempted of Satan; and was with the WILD BEASTS: and the angels MINISTERED unto Him."
Psalms 23:5-6
~King James Version~
"Thou PREPAREST a table before ME in the presence of MINE ENEMIES: thou ANOINTEST my head with oil; MY cup runneth OVER.
Surely GOODNESS and MERCY shall follow ME all the days of MY life:
and I will DWELL in the house of the LORD for EVER."
I am SMILING BIG TIME, while THOROUGHLY ENJOYING this "MIRACULOUS MANIFOLD MEAL" that YOU have SPECIALLY prepared just for ME in the presence of MY ENEMIES:
Indeed, I am THANKFUL for EACH & EVERYONE OF 'EM! :)
STRAIGHT-UP HAPPY right about now (lol),
"Lady Crystal Renee' Kelley":
**Pre-Resurrection Morning, April 23, 2011**
Having "MEday" today, because tomorrow is "HIMday"
and "THEMday" on Monday. lol
Me/"Mama Cassie":
Then, after foolin' with THEM, you'll be askin', "WHATday is WHOday, and WHYcome WHICHEVAday ANYway? 'Cause THEM done wo' ME out THISday. Okay? Shoot!" LOL
Hoping you have a BETTAday SOMEday,
On Resurrection Morning, April 24, 2011
Greetings & "O Happy Day,"
Saints & Friends!
Have a SUPER, SUPERLATIVE & SUPERNATURAL Resurrection SUNDAY all day today! Oooo...I'm SO glad CHRIST got Up; and because HE lives, AIN'T NO power on earth can hold ME Down! Come on outta here, and CELEBRATE the RISEN SAVIOR! Bless GOD, and hallelujah to THE LAMB! :)
"Lady Chiquita Tate":
Good Morning! Yes, He Lives! Glory!!!

"Lady Melissa C. Harden":
SayOn, Sis! And He did it for undeserving wretches! US!!
\0/<--(with uplifted hands)
Sir Broderick E. Rice:
It's ME wishing you an awesome and wonderful resurrection Celebration!
Hey, "ME"! lol
May your Day of CELEBRATION, in remembrance of Christ's RESURRECTION, be one of Great JUBILATION for you and the Church CONGREGATION! Enjoy, my friend, and be blessed! :)
A continuing student of the "BroDERickan language,"
"Lady Christella Young":
A Rose of friendship for YOU...
Loads of Love Always!!
"Loads" of thanks to you, "Lady CHRISTella"! Because of CHRIST - the Rose of Sharon - we know that the "bea-YOU-tiful fragrance" of our friendship will last forever...and I'm cool with that. MUAH! ;) **wink**
"Lady CHRISTella":
"Lady Taronda Yahriel Harrison":
Hey, Lady! Just dropping by to say, "Hello!"
Enjoy your Resurrection Sunday.
I'm sure we'll both be dancing! LOL
God Bless!
Hey, "Lady Taronda"! Honey, you know "right good" that I'll be dancing (no assistance from ushers required, by the way)! LOL Thanks for dropping by, my friend, and "Happy Resurrection Day of the Risen Savior"! Whoo-hoo! :)
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