Cassandra Roberson-Kelley Enterprises
"Giving back to God what He so graciously gave to me."
Rated CS-U 7: Cassie Straight-Up! Part 7
WHEN iWORSHIP "God The GREAT 'I AM' Extraordinaire", According To St. John 4:23-24, iFind That a WELL of "LIVING WATER" Springs UP & OUT of My Belly (See St. John 7:38), Bursting Bountifully & WILDLY, Because "He's a WONDER In My Soul!" \0/←(UPlifted Hands) HA-GLORY!
Get This: Deep Down WITHIN Me, "Internally", Is WHERE The Spirit of God aka "The WAY-MAKER" Exists "Eternally" & Manifests Himself "Externally". WHOA! But Here Is The "Aha! Moment": WHO Is Able To WITHSTAND The WHOLE Person of He WHO's WIDER Than The Entire Universe & Yet Compacts Himself Inside of Folks Like WE WILLING Vessels of Clay?! How Is That Even Possible?
WELL, The Holy WRIT Decrees & Declares That "WITH Man It Is Impossible, But WITH God ALL Things Are Possible." (See St. Matthew 19:26; St. Luke 1:37; St. Luke 18:27; St. Mark 9:23 & St. Mark 10:27, For Example.) The WORD "Is" As The WORD "Does". So, WHY Question WHAT WILL "Be", WHETHER Man Understands It or Not? Ya "See"? Exactly!
Now Touch Somebody & Tell 'em, "WATCH Out...You Gon' Get WET From a BIG OL' SPLASH of Me, Honey!" WHEW! **Smh** :) xoxoxo #KaPOW!
"Tryna" WARN Ya Before iDRENCH Ya,
"Cassie" aka "God's KINGDOM WARRIOR of WORSHIP"
Maybe Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham aka "Dr. SWC" Will RISE UP &
Preach This "Thang" One o' Deez Ol' Days. WHO Knows?
ija #I'mJustAskin'
"Lady Psalmist Roslyn Crump" aka "Lady Rozz":
I don't mind Praising God!!!!
When Praises go up, Blessings come down...
In OTHA Words:
There IS a "Method" To da "Madness"!
A "CraZy Praise" Produces An "Abundance of Rain"!
\0/←Wassup, "Lady Rozz"?!
SPLISH'n & SPLASH'n While EnJOY'n "The LIVING Water",
"Lady Rozz":
Let It Rain, No Umbrella Needed...
Cassandra, I just Love you, lady. You always have a way with words.
"Lady Rozz":
FIGHT ON, "Kingdom Kinfolks"! Superintendent Dillard Says:
"It May SEEM Like You're The UNDERDOG, But GOD's Getting Ready To
FLIP It, SWITCH It & TURN It Around!" #KaPOW!
Pastor Dillard preaching a powerful message entitled "Strange Battle Plans" at the Citadel of Deliverance COGIC - Supt. Linwood Dillard, Pastor | Memphis, TN
A TIMELY Message For The NEW YEAR...Right HERE, Spoken &
Delivered By The Newly Appointed AIM (Auxiliaries In Ministry) Chairman
of The (C)hurch (O)f (G)od (I)n (C)hrist: Superintendent Linwood Dillard
\0/←(UPlifted Hands) "YES, LORD!
Send YOUR POWER Down & Let The LATTER RAIN Fall!" #NoUmbrellaRequired
EnJOY'n This Spiritually REFRESHING SHOWER Most Needed
This Season & EVERY HOUR,
"Lady Dr. Barbara McCoo Lewis":
(Assistant General Supervisor of COGIC's Department of Women)
BUILDERS look up, not down...
BUILDERS use bull dozers to clear away debris...
BUILDERS don't waste time...
BUILDERS follow the architect's plans...
BUILDERS are team players...
BUILDERS "see it before they see it"...
BUILDERS keep their tools close by...
"Saints, strengthen your hands...
rise up and build."
Our Homes, Our Churches, Our Communities, Our World!
Nehemiah 2:18
~King James Version~
"Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, 'Let us rise up and build.' So they strengthened their hands for this good work."
\0/←"YES, LORD!" & We Will MAKE SURE That We Consistently BUILD Upon a SOLID FOUNDATION, Which Is The WORD of GOD Through JESUS CHRIST: The ROCK of Our SALVATION. This Way, Our BUILDINGS Will STAND "The Tests of Time", Enduring LIFE'S "Weather Conditions" of Various Kinds. HA-GLORY! Come On Outta Here & Tell da STORY, Mother! MUAH! :) xoxoxo
Daily ROCK'n I Corinthians 15:58 & LOVE'n It,
"Cassie" & da CHRISTian CONSTRUCTION Workers (lol)
I Corinthians 15:58
~King James Version~
"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know
that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
BUILDERS look up, not down...
BUILDERS use bull dozers to clear away debris...
BUILDERS don't waste time...
BUILDERS follow the architect's plans...
BUILDERS are team players...
BUILDERS "see it before they see it"...
BUILDERS keep their tools close by...
"Saints, strengthen your hands...
rise up and build."
Sir Michael LaMar Jenkins:
Most people now days have "Eau De Toilette" rather than an "Eau De Parfum". There is a diluted, less potent oil that has permeated the church. Sadly to admit, but as in the natural so are many of us spiritually...we'd rather pay clearance prices for an authentic item. Those who possess a genuine, authentic, uncut, tamper proof OIL, will undoubtedly remain more valuable in the kingdom! MY OIL doesn't come cheap....and will never ever go on sale. Selah
iHEAR Ya, "Dr. SWC"! This AIN'T NO "Wizard of Oz" COUNTERFEIT Hand-Me-Down Oil From da Clickety-Clank "Tin Man" NEITHA! Uh-Uh...
NO, MA'AM! "Slide Some o' dat AUTHENTIC & ANOINTED Oil" To Me,
So EXPRESSLY & ELOQUENTLY Described By Sir Michael LaMar Jenkins!
\0/←(UPlifted Hands) YES, SIR! #KaPOWinDaFACEofAdversity!
"Cassie": GOD'S Feminine KINGDOM Warrior"
Examining The Koinonia ELEMENT of Kindred Spirits:
"Turn of Events", Especially In Terms of Heartfelt ENDEARMENT, One Is
"Most Certain" To Learn Something When Being "Seriously Challenged"
In The Area of Emotional ATTACHMENT & Spiritual DEVELOPMENT.
Of Course, Its Natural & SUPERnatural Effect Should
Never Cause Anyone EMBARRASSMENT.
Just Don't Allow It To Become "Too Personal" or Escalate Into
Senseless HARASSMENT. Some "Start & Establish" Relationships With
The Intent of Making Them PERMANENT; But Realistically Speaking,
It Only Happens When It Is Sealed By The Power of AGREEMENT.
There Exists NO "Good & Acceptable" Unions OUTSIDE of GOD'S
SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENT. Therefore, With Godly Wisdom Let HIM Lead, Guide & Sustain You By HIS Word via KINGDOM COVENANT
(See Romans 12:1-2 & Proverbs 3:6-7).
Marriages, Friendships & An ASSORTMENT of Family Relationships: Whichever Apply To You, Just "Do The Right Thing" For
Sharing With You ALL "In The Name of Love"...For GOD Is Love,
"Lady Roslyn Crump" aka "Lady Rozz":
Sir Melvin Bates:
Indeed TRUTH Liberates 24/7. Amen & It IS So.
"Lady Psalmist (A)ngela (G). (B)lair":
When people don't appreciate your value,
your conversation AND presence is no longer necessary.
See ya. ~AGB
So Have iLEARNED & So Shall iLIVE, Sis.
Thanks (A)nd (G)od (B)less!
:) xoxoxo
RUN'n Ahead Like "Forrest Gump"...Spiritually SPEAK'n & Stuff,
"Lady Evangelist/Psalmist Barbara Rogers Mitchell":
Fighting with the thorn!!!! Sometimes God will not remove the thorn, because he knows you have the ability to fight with the thorn. So if he doesn't take the thorn, fight with the thorn. It would seem when you fight with the thorn, it would cause a disadvantage in the fight; however, it is an advantage when you fight with a thorn. The word of the Lord says his strength is made perfect in our weakness. So fight on with the thorn and watch God give you the victory.
Preach This, Sis:
"FIGHT'n With a Painful THORN But SMELL'n Like a Scented ROSE"!
"Cain't" TAKE It ALREADY, Chile...
"Cassie da Yellow Rose of Texas"
II Corinthians 12:9
~King James Version~
"And he said unto me, 'My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is
made perfect in weakness.' Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in
my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons":
PMS Friendly Reminder:
You are fearfully and wonderfully of a kind...unique...
ain't nobody else out there like you. Now, if you know this to be true,
why are you trying so hard to be like somebody else?
Inquiring minds wanna know...'cause I just don't get it!
Can't nobody be Dr. PMS (and I mean NOBODY)...and believe me,
I ain't trying to be like anybody else! Can't nobody beat me at
being nobody can beat you being you!
Lower your stress level and do you!!! :)
"Lady Hazel Washington Embra":
Low self esteem causes some not to think good of themselves.
If YOU don't think good about yourself, no one else will.
"Dr. PMS":
So true, Ms. Hazel! I don't need anybody telling me that I'm all that
and a bag of already know this to be true! LOL
"Lady Hazel"
So true. Love you, Dr. I taught a class once called Personal Development
and the first chapter was Self Image...How you think about yourself?
You will be surprised how many people think it takes others
to make the world go 'round.
"Dr. PMS":
Aw naw!!!! Looks like you need to take that show on the road,
Ms. is much needed!! When folk really grasp that they are
fearfully and wonderfully made (that means with thought and precision...
we weren't just thrown together...hallelujah)...low self esteem
will be a distant memory in their life!
FIRST of All, GOD The CREATOR (of The Universe, The World & They That Dwell Therein) Made ME With HIS OWN Hands. Okay? SECOND of All, The SPECIFIC DNA, Along With The SELECT "BUILDING MATERIAL" That HE CHOSE To "House" ME In Was/Is For HIS PURPOSE & For HIS PLEASURE. It Has NOTHIN' WHATSONEVA To Do With NOBODY Else That Exists UNDER HIS AUTHORITY. \0/←Hello Here & Let's Be VERY Clear! **Even Tho iFell SMACK-DAB Into "Ebonics Mode" Wit' da Quickness! lol**
THIRD of All, If HE "Threw Away The Mold" AFTER iCassie Was "Fearfully & Wonderfully Made", What In da Turkey - Besides Cornbread Stuffin' - Gon' Convince SOMEBODY That Somehow, ANOTHA Original, One-of-a-Kind, Uniquely-Designed ME Has Been or Will Be Duplicated & Displayed SOMEWHERE or ANYWHERE Throughout The Land & The Sea?! Can You Just Answer That For ME, "Lady Phebe"?! Shoot! **Smh** #iDoneGOTMadSislol
Sending My OWNself To "Time Out" via da "Prayer Closet",
"Dr. PMS":
Tell it, Lady indeed!!!
Psalm 139:14
~King James Version~
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
"Cassie's" LATEST
(P)ublic (S)ervice (A)nnouncement
**Shared On da FB 02/25/13**
Directed ESPECIALLY To Past & Present
"FB Connections" - Male & Female - Who Were
Either BEFRIENDED or, of Their OWN Accord,
Sent a FRIEND REQUEST & Was Confirmed
Shortly Thereafter:
Thank You For Serving In WHATEVER Capacity That You Were Meant or "Purposed" To Cross Paths With Me At ANY Given Moment, According To GOD'S Permissive & Divine Will For Our Lives. As of March 1, 2013 My Appearance & "Exchange of Communication" With You HERE Will Be GREATLY Reduced For An UNSPECIFIED Amount of Time, While I Work On Publishing a BRAND NEW BOOK To Share With The Masses. In The Meantime, You May Visit My Personal Website As OFTEN As You Like For More Pertinent Information & Necessary Updates. Also, Please Feel Free To "Sign My Guest Book" or "Make a Donation" To Support My NEXT "Kingdom Assignment".
Faithful To Remain Focused & Passionately Move Forward,
Apostle/Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham
On da FB 02/26/13:
You have the power to bring every negative THOUGHT into CAPTIVITY! That means that before it even MANIFESTS in Word or Deed in the natural, you have the power to ARREST IT, BLOCK IT, CUT IT OFF & LOCK IT DOWN in the spirit realm!
(Illustration Credit: Picture By Retha Faurie)
**Clink-Clink!** NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, Even Now You Are ORDERED To Be Subject & Obedient To The Spirit of ALMIGHTY GOD: THE GREAT JEHOVAH! You Will NOT Run Rampant Under Satanic Influence, Infiltrating, Conniving & Deceiving ANYthing & EVERYthing In Your Path, As Dictated By The "Prince of The Air" Who Is Infested With An ACUTE Case of "Spiritual Wickedness"! N-To-da-O! (NO!) You Are NOT Welcome Here & iCommand You In The PREEMINENT & POWERFUL Name of JESUS The CHRIST To Shut-To-da-Up & "Remain Silent" At ALL Times! ONLY POSITIVE THOUGHTS Are Permissible Here. Therefore, "Be Still" & KNOW Who's REALLY In Control...'Cause You SHO' Ain't!
In KINGDOM COVENANT With Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham 24/7,
"Cassie da THOUGHT Police"
Just For You, "Lady Alana L. Carriere-Cook"!
Wanna Know What It Is? I'll Tell Ya:
It's a "GIFT of LOVE" Surrounded By Several
C'mon Now.
What ELSE Did You EXPECT, Huh?
That's What iThought. lol "Enjerrrr..."
iMean, ENJOY, "Birthday Girl"!
iLove You! MUAH!
:) xoxoxo
Celebrating My "Kingdom Sista-Friend" Today & Always,
"Lady Alana":
Aweeee, Cassie! You are the best!
THANK YOU, Cassandra Roberson-Kelley.
You KNOW You're Quite Welcome, Honey! ;) **wink**
Sharing a "REAL LIFE" Lesson Learned:
There Are SOME (See da Keyword There?) Careless "CHURCH FOLK" Who CONSCIOUSLY & DELIBERATELY Choose To "HANDLE SCANDAL" of ANY FORM or FASHION, Without FOCUSING On The FACT That "STRADDLING da FENCE" To "DANCE Wit' da DEVIL" Is a SUBTLE SNARE of SATAN da Venomous SNAKE: The MAIN CULPRIT Who SETS da BAIT To BE Readily BITTEN BY The NON-Suspecting BEWITCHED. Immediately Thereafter, It Leaves a "LUKEWARM TASTE" In The Mouth of The "TRUE & LIVING GOD" Whom They CONSISTENTLY CLAIM & PERSISTENTLY PROCLAIM To SURRENDER ALL. Well, Guess What HIS Reaction Is To THAT Kinda NONsense? (Hint: Read Revelation 3:15-16)
Striving To "BE SOBER & VIGILANT" According To I Peter 5:8,
Revelation 3:15-16
~King James Version~
"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot:
I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm,
and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."
I Peter 5:8
~King James Version~
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring
lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"
SOME (Remember da Keyword!) "So-Called Saints", "Baptized Believers"
& NEWLY "Converted Christians" Might JEOPARDIZE Their Chances of
Reaching Their "Pre-Destined Purpose" & NEVER "Peak Their Potential"
In Real Life, Simply Because Being "Halted Between Two Opinions" -
God's Way & Their Way (Double-Minded & Unstable) - Shows How Easily They Are Led Astray By "Chasing (C)arnality", "Accommodating (A)ddictions", "Fantasizing On (F)oolishness" & "Entertaining (E)vil" Recklessly & Unwisely. Henceforth, Onlookers, Beware of Lackadaisical (C)(A)(F)(E) Lovers Among Us.
St. James 1:8
~King James Version~
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
I Kings 18:21
~King James Version~
"And Elijah came unto all the people, and said,
'How long halt ye between two opinions?
If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal,
then follow him.' And the people
answered him not a word."
SEVERELY SHOCKING - But Not At All SURPRISING - That SATAN da SINISTER Would Be SO CONNIVING Toward The UNSUSPECTING! At The SAME Time It Is Equally SICKENING, Tragic & SADDENING, The Thought That SO-CALLED SAINTS Have Willingly SUPPORTED "Demonic Agendas" By SERVING With GLADNESS Inside SEVERAL "Defiled Arenas". How Do You PREACH & SING SACRED SONGS About The GOSPEL aka "Good News" of JESUS CHRIST & Then Turn Right Around & SWOON Behind SECULAR Artists Who CORRUPT Their "Followers" DAY & NIGHT? Where Is The CONVICTION After SEEING The SIGNS? Is Their Any Inkling of REMORSE For STEPPING OVER The LINE? What Happened To FEARING GOD or Being SCARED To Go To HELL? Ever Wonder If Your SOUL Is "Actually" LOST, But You're Too DEEP In SIN To "Clearly" TELL? #TimeForSELFevaluationSTAT!
EPIC Gospel:
"Good News" via (E)xcellent (P)resentations of (I)mpeccable (C)lass!
...::Presenting Sir George L. Clinkscale, II::...
To all of our new and uprising Prophets, Bishops and Apostles, I beg of you...find someone to help you understand the fundamentals of the title you are claiming. Can you really walk in these offices with NO ONE following you? These offices come with standards and lifestyle requirements that are not just for social appearance. The collars and colors are symbolic. The ring is symbolic. The cross is symbolic. It's really ok to just be a good would probably experience support for a change. The self-indulged look is a distraction to many who know your appearance lacks ligitimacy...if you don't do the job, don't wear the uniform! We see you and we know. you were.
Sheer GENIUS From One of The MOST BRILLIANT Minds
In The Kingdom of God: Sir GEORGE L. CLINKSCALE, II!
Jesus Be a FACE-LIFTer & a HEART FIXer, 'Cause Somebody's
Wheeeew! **Smh**
Signing Virtual "GET WELL SOON" Cards Even Now,
Sir George Continues...
I guess I should apologize, if I've offended anyone...However, it's apparent that God will call whom He chooses. It's also apparent that since we are of earthy dwelling, we have to understand what we call ourselves to do. Not only do we have to answer to God, but we have to have people to lead or preside over. The first rule to leading is to be able to follow. When you have had multiple coverings in a short period of time, it shows your inability to lead in the manner YOU select. God is NOT going to allow us to lead people and we have no history of true commitment to a superior.
To desire the office is not wrong...but to pursue it with no one to lead or no education (teaching) gives the appearance that God really didn't mean for us to study to show ourselves approved... Again, some of us could really reach the masses if we'd just preach the gospel, as some of us really have incredible stories (word) that would change lives...these desired titles are winning little to no one to the kingdom, but your experiences could change lives for real!
I'm not at odds (well at least before this with anyone desiring a title, but I am one that receives questions about this behavior because of my associations with legitimacy in the bishopric. I wish everyone desiring titles the absolute best...just educate yourselves, because this is not a good look on the Lord's church.
II Timothy 2:15
~King James Version~
"Study to shew (or show) thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
...::Presenting Sir Pastor/Evangelist Jeremiah Johnson, Sr.::...
EVANGELISM is the LEAST budgeted Ministry in the Church.
EVANGELISM is the LEAST represented Ministry in the Church.
EVANGELISM is the LEAST taught Ministry in the Church.
EVANGELISM is the LEAST popular Ministry in the Church.
Yet, EVANGELISM is the ONLY Ministry God USES to GROW, EXPAND,
INCREASE, and POPULATE His Kingdom! And since EVANGELISM is
God's #1 PRIORITY Ministry under the New Covenant – we're
COMMANDED to also make it OURS! For even Jesus' LAST WORDS to us
before ascending to sit on the right hand of God dealt with EVANGELISM:
"Go you into ALL the World and PREACH the Gospel to EVERY creature
(person)" (Mark 16:15). There's NO OTHER Ministry so DEAR to God in
the Body of Christ than that of EVANGELISM.
You want to PLEASE God?
Love you too MUCH!
- Jeremiah Johnson
WAKE UP...CHURCH...Let's get to workin' for
Enjoy your DAY!!!
\0/←I'm ALL UP IN It, Sir Pastor/Evangelist Jeremiah Johnson, Sr.
With a Sincere HEART For Both Mission & Evangelism,
To My Distinguished & Dedicated "Iron Sharpeners In The Spirit":
Up To THIS Point In My Life iHave Experienced Some GOOD, BAD & UGLY Stuff That Literally & Divinely SHAPED & MOLDED Me Into What iAm On This 1st Day of MARCH, In The Year of Our LORD 2013. Though There Were Certain OUTSIDE Individuals That Were HAND-PICKED & Purposely USED To "Get On My LAST Nerve", "Get My Blood BOILING Hot" & "Leave Me HUNG OUT To Dry", iHAVE To YET Love Them, Forgive Them & Pray For Them As JESUS The CHRIST Did For ALL of Us. The ONLY Way iSTAY Calm, Cool, Collected & Centered Is Through HIM (See Philippians 4:13). Period. "The End" of THAT Discussion.
As iContinue With My Current "Kingdom Assignment",
iWant My Beloved "Iron Sharpeners" To Know Also That Because of
My PERSONAL & UNIQUE Relationship With You, My SANITY Remains
"Intact", My WISDOM Has "Increased" & My Bright FUTURE
Shall Be "Incredible"! NO DOUBT About It! #KaPOW!
"Kingdom Kudos" Are Definitely In Order
For Bishop Donald Thompson, (Apostle)
Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham ("Dr. SWC"),
"Lady (Evangelist/Elder) Wanda Bell",
Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons ("Dr. PMS"),
"SMACK-DOWN Evangelist" Cynthia Diggs
& Evangelist Jackie Hill ("Lady J"),
Just To Name a CHOSEN Few.
Yes, iSEE Us In The FUTURE & We Look Even BETTER
Than We Do In Our PRESENT State of MIND & BODY!
#'CauseiGotMyFAITHGlassesOn! MUAH! :) xoxoxo
Maintaining GOOD On The Way To GREAT,
...::Sir Pastor/Evangelist Jeremiah Johnson, Sr.::...
Give not that which is HOLY to the DOGS, neither cast you your PEARLS before SWINE, lest they TRAMPLE them under their feet, and TURN again and TEAR you (Matthew 7:6)… Far too often I encounter Christians whom God had given VISION to DO something for Him, yet it NEVER got DONE - or even STARTED - because they took the liberty of SHARING it with OTHERS who weren't given the VISION, and so they DISCOURAGED it to the point that it FIZZLED out of existence. This is why it's NOT GOOD to ALWAYS tell everyone, or even certain people, what God has INSTRUCTED you concerning MINISTRY – especially if He hasn't SHOWN you THEM as being a part of it.
So many DREAMS, VISIONS and GOALS have been TRAMPLED on by the very PEOPLE we expected to be FOR us, but turned out to be AGAINST us; whether because of JEALOUSY, ENVY, SKEPTICISM, or some other UNGODLY reason or AGENDA we weren't AWARE of. Every VISION or REVELATION from God to us is a PEARL, and therefore, NOT to be SHARED with EVERYBODY. They won't APPRECIATE it, RECEIVE it, or ACCEPT it – because it wasn't THEIRS, nor GIVEN to THEM!!! Even Jesus had ONLY 12 CLOSE ASSOCIATES that He SHARED God's VISION of Him with.
Satan will use those we LEAST SUSPECT to do the MOST DAMAGE where God has REVEALED His PURPOSE or ASSIGNMENT for you. AVOID DREAM-KILLERS, VISION-KILLERS, and UNHOLY ACQUAINTANCES when God REVEALS Himself and PURPOSE to YOU!!! LOVE people... However WATCH & PRAY at the SAME TIME...You don't have a ministry withOUT a "JUDAS Spirit" in or around it!!! I know that was a WORD for SOMEBODY...Holla Back at me...LOL!!! Love you too MUCH - Jeremiah Johnson Sr.
Visit his ministry website at:
Click On Image To Enlarge.
**After sharing my FB morning post with him...**
iSO Appreciate YOU TOO, Sir...Along With Your Bea-YOU-tiful Wife
"Lady Marguritte S. Johnson"! EITHA Way, We WIN!
Ya Got It? GOOD. :)
Sir Jeremiah:
...::Apostle/Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham::...
~King James Version~
"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is
faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto
love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves
together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another:
and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
If it even LOOKS LIKE it wants to DESTROY your DREAMS,
GET RID OF IT!!! #IAintGotTimeForThat!
Your PAIN only PUSHED you from the PROPHECY to the PROMISE!!!
iAin't Got Time NEITHA, Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham!
That's Why iSaid What iSaid On My Morning Post. Please Read Pronto!
Thank You For Speaking The Very Sentiments of My Heart. Period.
"Prophecy Personified" To Partake of GOD'S Precious Promises,
"Cassie": One of a Plethora of KINGDOM "RID-X" (KaPOW!)
"Cassie" NOTE:
"RID-X" is a septic treatment product for getting RID of sewage.
Quoting Sir Bishop
(Shared On da FB By "Lady Psalmist Vicki Yohe")
"We need to let our President know we don't believe in same-sex
marriage. Don't care if the President is black, white, Chinese."
**Among several others' comments,
of course...**
How MARVELOUS It Would Be To Witness a MEGA Gathering of CHRISTian MINISTERS, Organized Similarly To The "MILLION MAN MARCH", For An Urgent MEETING With The "Top" MAN Who Currently Presides Over The USA, To Give Him MUCH Needed Biblical Counseling Regarding MARRIAGES That MAKE The True & Living GOD Pleased Instead of MAD & Grieved. Anything Contrary To What GOD Has Ordained Is Considered To Be a MALFUNCTION, Rather Than a "MATCH MADE In Heaven". If MOST of Us (Including a MULTITUDE of MULTI-RACIAL & MULTI-CULTURAL Citizens) Knew At Any MOMENT That This Would Be MENTIONED From The President's Own MOUTH, There Is NO Doubt That MANY Would NOT Have Voted For Him, Regardless To What Other Promises & MANDATES Were MADE To Appease All MANKIND.
SEE'n Prophecies MANIFEST On a Weekly & MONTHLY Basis,
"Cassie" NOTE:
Remember: There Is a "Freewill Factor" Which Comes Along With Its Own Set of Consequences & Will Inevitably Determine Each Individual's Eternal Outcome. Truth Is: Neither of Us Have a "Heaven or Hell" To Send Anyone To At Anytime. The Final Judgment of Every Soul That Ever Lived Rests In The MIGHTY Hands of God. So, Though One's Personal "Religious Views" Could Possibly Be Swayed By Public Opinion, One's "Righteous Lifestyle" Is What MATTERS MOST To God.
Dearest & Most Gracious HEAVENLY FATHER:
As Brighter Days & Stormy Nights Roll Swiftly Along The Remaining Course of Life, iWant To Personally THANK YOU For Being So Merciful & Long-Suffering Toward YOUR People...Especially Those Who Were Once Upon a Time SOLD OUT, Living In Alignment With YOUR Sacred Statutes & KINGDOM Covenant Commandments.
Unfortunately, Many Have FALLEN By The Wayside, Because They Were LED Astray By Worldly Solicitations, Laced With Hidden Snares & Various Temptations. Consequently, The FOOLISH & FAINT-AT-HEART Need An Extension of YOUR Grace On Today. Therefore, iPray That Their Spiritual "Eyes & Ears" Will SEE & HEAR With Clarity That Which YOU Are Trying To Convey, Concerning The TRUE "Path of Righteousness" Better Known As "The BEST Way".
of JESUS The CHRIST, Surround Them
With Soul-Stirring Reminders of YOUR
Presence Throughout The Earth & May They
Before It's Everlasting Too Late.
Amen & It IS So.
Possessing The HEART of An INTERCESSOR,
Ephesians 6:18
~King James Version~
"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
and watching thereunto with all perseverance
and supplication for all saints;"
"Lady Paulette Huewitt-Fecunda" On da FB 03/05/13:
(Click On Image To Enlarge.)
I heard this over the weekend, it spoke to my spirit. I had to share it: A soldier purposely enlists in the army for a season, 4 yrs., 8 yrs. or 20 yrs.; however, a Warrior doesn't enlist for a season, it's a burning desire deep within their souls that's forever until they take their last breath. This was confirmation for me to help me know further I'm a warrior, a warrior for Jesus! I'm glad to be in the Army for the Lord!
Thanks For Sharing This, Sis. Truth Be Told: iREALLY NEEDED This.
Those Who Are Bona Fide KINGDOM WARRIORS Remain On The Battle Field Until The FINAL WAR Is Over & Done. The "GOOD NEWS" Is:
WE'VE ALREADY WON! ;) **wink**
"Lady Paulette":
Amen! Amen! & Amen! Confirmation is a beautiful gift from God and
I thank him whenever it comes to me. It makes me feel special.
You are special too, sis! Yes, we are champions!!!!!
II Corinthians 10:3-6
~King James Version~
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God
to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and
every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience,
when your obedience is fulfilled."
"Lady Evangelist Dr. Patricia R. Lewis" On da FB 03/05/13:
Learn How To "KISS & MAKE UP" On da Daily.
Just Keep It Sacred, Saints &
Maintain Anointed Kingdom Excellence Uniformly & Peaceably.
Ya Got It? GOOD. iLove Ya 4REAL, Honey. Holla!
MUAH! :) xoxoxo #KaPOW!
Deliberately Causing da Devil's Face To "Turn Green" (lol),
"Cassie" NOTE:
Remember the adversary mentioned in I Peter 5:8?
That "green-eyed monster" is already a defeated foe, and he knows it!
II Corinthians 13:11-14
~King James Version~
"Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect (mature), be of good comfort,
be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be
with you. Greet one another with an holy kiss. All the saints salute
you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and
the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen."
Hebrews 12:11-15
~King James Version~
"Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled."
Posted On da FB Page of Pastor Linwood & Stephanie Dillard:
(Click On Image To Enlarge.)
Hey FB Family!!!!
I encourage you to register for AIM today...
The hotels are filling up!!!
Chairman Dillard wants to see you
at AIM this year in Baltimore, MD.
Benefits of WORD, WORSHIP & WHOLESOME Fellowship With
My "COGIC Peeps"! WATCH OUT Now! :) xoxoxo
AIM Convention 2013
Chairman Linwood Dillard invites the members of the Church of God In Christ and the entire world to AIM 2013 in Baltimore MD.
Psalm 133
~King James Version~
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore."
Ephesians 4:11-32
~King James Version~
"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But ye have not so learned Christ; If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil. Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."
Posted On da FB Wall of My S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S. 03/09/13...
The Official S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S. Rainbow of FRIENDSHIP:
"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton" &
ME "Cassie". Indeed FOREVER Is a LONG &
LIVE Embedded DEEP Inside Another's HEART;
But iDeclare It's ALL WORTH It Between Two
Sistas Who Know How To SUCCESSFULLY
;) **wink** iLOVE & MISS You, Precious,
With LOTS o' Hugs & Kisses...
MUAH! :) xoxoxo
INSATIABLY STUCK Just Like iPromised (lol),
Sisters Keeping In Touch To Love, Encourage & Support
(A)ccept What GOD Allows,
(C)ling To That Which Is GOOD &
(E)xpect The GREAT!
In OTHA Words:
ACE At GOING For The GUSTO Until You GET da GOLD! Hello Here!
#KaPOW! \0/←(UPlifted Hands) Ha-GLORY! :)
Essentially GROWING Stronger, Wiser & Better...GRACEFULLY,
"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons":
Hello here indeed!!! Hey, you!!! I was just thinking about you last night...
realized I had missed seeing your posts this week.
Glad to "see" you this morning!
"Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" aka "Dr. PMS", iAM Just "AMP'd" ABOUT
The "Inner Workings" of ADONAI ALL Ova Me AT THIS Very Moment!
If iCould Just "Borrow" My GLORIFIED Body For a Brief Period of Time
To ACCOMMODATE ALL of What Heaven Is "Downloading" AT AN ACCELERATED Speed, Traveling a "GAZILLION" Miles Per Hour...
I'm Just Sayin'! Wheeeew! **Smh** "ANYwho", It's ALWAYS GOOD
To "See" You Too, Sis & iAIN'T NEVA Stopped Loving & Missing You NEITHA! Do NOT...iRepeat: Do NOT Make Me "ACK" (Act) Up &
Start Cryin' "Up In This Piece"! #GotKleenexJustInCase? ;) **wink**
"Dr. PMS":
LOL...I love you...and the great work God is doing in you!! :)
Sir Pastor/Evangelist James L. Henderson Writes On His OWN
FB Wall 03/11/13 (In a Separate Post of Confirmation):
"There are some things you have to accept and once you truly accept those things, then and only then will you feel your load begin to change. The song says, 'Accept what God're better off anyway.' ("Cassie" Insert: That Song Was Composed By Sir Bishop Richard "Mr. Clean" White.) Be blessed."
"Now" Concerning The "Noble" & ANOINTED ATTRIBUTES That
Contribute To My "New" & ASSERTIVE ATTITUDE:
Mothers * Ministers * Mentors * Mentees * My Marriage Partner
The UNFORGETTABLE SUNDAY Evening of 03/10/13:
Kingdom Kudos To One of DFW Metroplex's MOST OUTSTANDING Ministers of Music, In The Person of "Lady Michelle Fisher", Along With The WONDERFUL Praise Team & EXCELLENT Hospitality Committee of Mount Olive Baptist Church, During Tonight's 22nd Anniversary Tribute To First Lady Stephanie D. Glynn! **Photo of "Lady Stephanie" & "Cassie" At The SPECTACULAR Reception Immediately Following The Program** It Was a Pleasure ATTEMPTING To Represent Her FAVORITE Gospel Artist (As She Is Mine As Dr. Dorinda Grace Clark-Cole. God's BEST To Your Continued SUCCESS! :) xoxoxo ~Lovingly & Respectfully, "Cassie"
"Lady Michelle Fisher" Writes On Her OWN FB Wall: "Good evening fam, my Lord...what a time we had this evening for 1st lady Stephanie Glynn...we done had some church...Lawd Jesus! Shout to the praise team for background vocals, band and to my friends:
Shirley (Pace), Shelia (Brice), Teresa (Rucker), Cassandra (Roberson-Kelley), Yolanda (McDonald), Mother Carrie (Roberson), Cornis (Wells Cannon), Lena (Marshall Bell), LaQuita (Clark), Timberlyn (Butler) and the one and only Carolyn Traylor for blessing our 1st lady and the house! Y'all should have been there, now I'm taking 2 Aleve's and wind down... whew...I'm pooped!" **lol**
Sir Glenn Nixon Writes On His OWN FB Wall:
"A great shout out to Avis Michelle Fisher and Mt. Olive Baptist Church for hosting a grande concert this evening. Er'body and their momma was there; almost literally.
OMG, Sis. Stephanie Glynn wrecked the house after the house had already been wrecked twice. Sis. Cornis Wells, Shirley Pace, Sheila Brice, Teresa, Sis. Carrie Roberson, Cassandra Roberson-Kelley, Timberlynn Glynn-Butler, and then Sis. Carolyn Traylor, whew...they all put us in the presence of God. Daymon Callahan and Roderic Long and the band slammed the whole program; wow what an event!!!
"Lady Michelle Fisher" Writes On Her OWN FB Wall: "Good evening fam, my Lord...what a time we had this evening for 1st lady Stephanie Glynn...we done had some church...Lawd Jesus! Shout to the praise team for background vocals, band and to my friends:
Shirley (Pace), Shelia (Brice), Teresa (Rucker), Cassandra (Roberson-Kelley), Yolanda (McDonald), Mother Carrie (Roberson), Cornis (Wells Cannon), Lena (Marshall Bell), LaQuita (Clark), Timberlyn (Butler) and the one and only Carolyn Traylor for blessing our 1st lady and the house! Y'all should have been there, now I'm taking 2 Aleve's and wind down... whew...I'm pooped!" **lol**
The secret to being a healthy Christian is not as hard as we make it. It's not lifting the weights, running the track or eating safe foods. Don't get me wrong, that's all good stuff! But the key is found in doing exercises that many can't comprehend. Not how high we can jump, but how obedient we can walk. Not what we put in our mouth, but what comes out of it when we talk. How well we stretch is good, but how we handle being stretched is better. Thinking good thoughts instead of acting on evil things will strengthen the mind. Loving instead of hating will massage the heart. Our physical bodies should not be in better shape than our spiritual ones. Wanna really stay in shape? Lay aside every weight...(Hebrews 12:1)
Done & Will CONTINUE To Do, Sis!
**Singing** "I've LEARNED How To LIVE HOLY.
For IF iSuffer, iKNOW I'll Gain ETERNAL LIFE; And When iSee JESUS,
It WILL BE Amen." #TheULTIMATESpiritualFITNESSProgram!
\0/←Just LOOK At My "Ministerial Muscles", TONED, TESTED & TIGHTENED By Life's TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS!
#KaPOW! :) xoxoxo
Daily Stretched Out On JESUS & Lovin' It,
"SMACK-DOWN Evangelist":
Spiritual Fitness Program! Luv it!
Hebrews 12:1-3
~King James Version~
"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy
that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against
himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds."
"Lady Paulette Huewitt-Fecunda" On da FB 03/12/13:
The best kind of friend is a praying friend....
"Lady Debora Clark":
I can't have them no other way!!
That's The "A-1 Sauce" of Friendship, Honey!
iFeel Ya, "Lady Paulette Huewitt-Fecunda"
& "Lady Debora Clark"! iGotcha HEMMED UP
In da "Prayer Closet" &
It's ALL GOOD In da KINGDOM HOOD! #KaPOW! :) xoxoxo
Because We NEED Each Other To SURVIVE (Rememba da Song),
"Cassie": Fellow AOW-ite 4LIFE & 4EVA
"Lady Debora":
"I need you, you need me. We're all a part of God's body!!" LOL!
Cassie, Love y'all so much. "I pray for you, you pray for me!!"
"Lady Paulette":
Yes, we are. Amen! & Love you guys. :)
{"Cassie" NOTE: We're actually "gals"...but, ya}
Be It Known THIS Day & In The Days To COME: iHave NEVER, Nor Will iEVER, Meet ANYone Like YOU In My ENTIRE Life. That's Because GOD The CREATOR & MASTER BUILDER Planned It That Way ON Purpose...FOR Purpose, From The Very BEGINNING. Duh. **Hello? lol** There Was NO SPECIALLY-MADE "Suggestion Box", Filled With MANKIND'S Unsolicited-But-Well-Meaning "Bright Ideas", Submitted To HIM During The "Closed Session" PRE-Planning Meeting, Held ONLY With "The Blessed Trinity" In Attendance! NO, Ma'am & NO, Sir. YOU Are "YOUniquely" Designed From An ORIGINAL One-of-a-Kind Blueprint Drawn SPECIFICALLY For YOU, Based SOLELY Upon What GOD Said In Genesis 1:26a (KJV), "Let US Make MAN In OUR Image, After OUR Likeness (In OTHA Words: How WE 'Imagine' It & How WE 'Like' It)." Then Check Out Genesis 1:27, For Good Measure. How 'Bout That? ;) **wink**
LOOKA Here: Whenever One MODELS As An Identifiably MARKED "Counterfeit" or "Cheap Replica" of An AUTHENTICALLY "Certified" WORK of ART, The Value Thereof "Decreases" IMMEDIATELY & SUBSTANTIALLY. So, Be The "Best" YOU That ACCURATELY Depicts & "Befits" YOU: "A Living Sacrifice, HOLY & ACCEPTABLE Unto GOD, Which Is YOUR Reasonable Service (See Romans 12:1)." This MOST ASSUREDLY "Increases" YOUR Value AUTOMATICALLY & INDEFINITELY. Think YOU Can Do It? Of Course, YOU Can! What iz YOU Talkin' 'Bout? BAM! (B)ust (A) (M)ove & Let's GO, "Boo"! :) xoxoxo
Yet Being "ALL Things ME" (In Obedience To St. Matthew 5:16)
On da Daily...Ya "C": "Cassie"
"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" On da FB 03/18/13:
What the enemy uses as negative publicity (when you are accused wrongly) puts the light on you just when the time is right for God's undeniable favor to be spotlighted in your life. So thank God for your "publicists" who were "hired" by the one who forms the negative talk, etc., because surely the Bible cannot lie. The weapons will not prosper. And for those who think they are "safe" because nothing comes against them... check that, because anyone who is doing anything worthwhile for the Kingdom is always under attack. Oh oh...Selah.
SNAP! CRACKLE! & POP! Goes da DEMONIC Weasel! lol
"Cassie": God's FAVORABLE & UNMOVABLE Gift On Display
"Famous" FAILURES Who "Still" SUCCEEDED...
"Lady Psalmist Vicki Winans" On da FB 03/19/13:
(Click On Image To Enlarge.)
I was told that I would be a complete
failure at being a solo artist and that
nobody wanted to laugh in church!
Please follow your heart and get what
God has for you! Not to prove them
wrong, but to prove you right!
GOT It & GO'n On To GET
What's Mine To GET GOT! lol
'Cause YOU Do NOT Have To Tell ME Twice, Honey (KaPOW!)...
"Confident Cassie" aka MTC: (M)ore (T)han a (C)onqueror
"Lady Psalmist (A)ngela (G)ray (B)lair" On da FB 03/19/13:
LIES May PLEASE, But It DOESN'T HEAL." - Author Unknown
Burn NO Bridges trying to get what YOU think is the TOP.
God will PURPOSELY elevate those that you BURN, just to make the
offender humble, aware of their "offense" & apologize before
they can move forward. ALWAYS Tread Lightly
when dealing with God's Anointed.
God is Real and so is His Word!
So...Relax when folks act up & act out! ~AGB
iAm MORE RELAXED After READING & RECEIVING This Timely Admonishment, "Lady Angela". iSO Appreciate You & Other
"Angelic Messengers" Who Are REAL Enough To REACH Out &
RESCUE Another With The "Anchor of Truth". GLORY To Our GOD
Before, During & "After This"! In The Amazingly Awesome
Name of JESUS, iAdamantly Exclaim:
"Amen & It IS So!" :) xoxoxo
"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" On da FB 03/20/13:
(Radio Personality On
Turn hump day into "Hallelujah Day" with The Lady Bell!!
Tune in this morning for a one hour mid-morning show at 10 am CST,
featuring music by Dr. Judith Christie McAllister, JMOSS, Anita Wilson,
Kierra Sheard, Dallas' own Angela Blair, and others. Get uplifted!!
Be sure to tune in on Friday...upbeat, urban music all the way!!
Featuring some of our own Dallas (Texas) artists!!
iSO "Enjerrrrd"...iMean, ENJOYED This Morning's Broadcast,
"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" aka "MADAM MENTOR" aka
"Da WB On Da FB", Etc. Etc. (lol) Thank You "Ver, Ver" MUCH,
Versatile Woman of God. iLove "ALL Things YOU",
iDo! iDo! The End :) xoxoxo
"Cassie": YOURS & HIS Faithful Mentee
"Lady 'SMACK-DOWN Evangelist' Cynthia Diggs",
(M)aking (A)vailable (T)ruth That Is (H)eaven-Sent!
Some of us did not do very well in Math, and God has been giving quick crash courses. Notice how He is subtracting people and things in your life lately? He doesn't do this to cause any division, but that He may add the right stuff for a better life. What may appear improper will not only lead to whole numbers, but whole people. God's desire is never to leave us with a fraction of anything, but He does give multiple blessings each and every day. When we get this, we can live a total abundant life! #Math1on1
**"Cassie" Is IMMEDIATELY Transported To "ER":
(E)lohim's (R)espirator, Because The "'SMACK-DOWN Evangelist'
Cynthia Diggs" UNAPOLOGETICALLY Sent Her There Wit' da Quickness,
Right In da MIDDLE o' MATH Class, Using Some Kinda "CYNTHIAnized"
Method, Laced With An Anointed SUPERnatural Substance &
GOD ONLY Knows What ELSE! Sigh...Smh**
"Lady Psalmist (A)ngela (G)ray (B)lair",
Sharing An IN-YO-FACE Lesson, Connecting "Life AFTER This"
With "The AFTERlife"! WHAT?! "Old Skool 'Kingdom School'"
Is NOW In Session. lol #PayATTENTIONClass!
J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise - After This (AUDIO ONLY)
New music from J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise! From their March 27th album "AFTER THIS" on Light Records/eOne. Download the single today on Amazon:
Did you know that when you die, you cannot take ANYTHING or
ANYONE with you? This includes NONE of your material things, your spouses, your friends, your children, your money, your cell phones, your CDs, your instruments, your "status", absolutely NOTHING, not even
that rotten heart some have. ONLY your SOUL will be required at that time! PLEASE get things in order & in PERSPECTIVE! There is A Life AFTER THIS you know! I don't expect any "Likes" on this one,
I just want you to "Look" at it. ~AGB
iCassie WILL "Like", "Look", "Listen", "Learn" & "Live".
Amen & It Is STILL So. :) xoxoxo
Stuck On "AFTER THIS"...But It's ALL GOOD, Tho (Hello?),
"Lady Robin Gray":
**"Lady Angela's" Cousin**
@ Cassie, you too, "after this!"
"Lady Missionary Su-San Cannon Spain",
Describing Her Personal ON-SITE Experience Of
A Songbird Singing A Song In The Night:
**You'll Catch That Momentarily.**
I just remembered. The strangest thing happened to me this morning (03/20/13), early. I was awakened around 2 or 2:30 (A.M.) by a very loud singing bird in my backyard. He sang so until I thought something was wrong. I've never heard (that I recall) a bird singing "AT NIGHT" or early morning while dark before. I mean it woke me up out of a sound sleep. Ever had that happen to you?
Yes, Ma'am & iConcluded That Eitha da Bird's NATURAL "Time Clock" Was OFF or Just Knowing That GOD The CREATOR Never Slumbers Nor Sleeps Was Enough SUPER-NATURAL Information To BLESS The LORD At "All Times"! #KaPOW! Come On Outta Here, "Missionary Su-San Cannon Spain"! iFelt That "Thang" Waaaayyyy Down In My SANCTIFIED Soul! \0/←(Getcho Hands UP & Tell GOD, "Yes!") lol
"Cassie": FULL-TIME Student & LIFETIME Disciple
"Lady Su-San":
Sis Cassandra Roberson-Kelley, I felt it and threw my hands up.
My second thought this morning was, "Now Lord, you've awaken me in
some strange ways, but this one is quite different." It was almost like the
bird was trying to send me a message or signal. I have to say that,
'cause that's what I felt...but I thought that was quite different.
God is awesome...
**In My BEST "Songbird"**
"Lady Su-San":
LOL!!!! It sounds beautiful!!!!
:) **Blushin' & Carryin' On**
Psalm 34:1-4
~King James Version~
"I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together. I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."
A Warm & Heartfelt Expression of Gratitude That iMust Share
With My Divinely-Appointed "KINGDOM SCHOOL" Teachers
Here, There & Everywhere:
Indeed iAm HELPED, iAm HEALED & iAm Relentlessly HOLD'n On!
Thank You & iHEAR You, O Wise & HOLY Ambassadors of God!
The Overall Summary of Real Life Is This: Contrary To What
The World May HURL At Us, "HOPE Springs Eternal" &
iLove My HEROES Very Much! MUAH! :) xoxoxo
HAVING Done ALL To Stand & Still HERE In JESUS' Name,
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! On This 22nd Day of March,
In The Year of Our Lord 2013, iCassie Do Hereby Decree & Declare
"Happy FUNtastic FRIDAY Birthday" To My "Hubby"
Yes, 'Tis True. iAm "Happily Married" To a MUCH OLDER Man
4REAL Now. lol The End
(B)ustin' (A) (M)ove By Providing My OWNself As The "Perfect Bait"
(BAM!), "Cassie"
Dear PRECIOUS & PRETTY "Dr. PRL" (Evangelist Dr. Patricia R. Lewis):
"Happy 'HOLY GHOST PARTY-Filled' Birthday"
To You, My "Kingdom Sista" &
A-1 "Iron Sharpener"!
There IS a "Word From The WORD" That iHave
Chosen To PRESENT As a PERSONAL "Gift"
To You From Me. PERHAPS, One Day You Can
"PREACH The House Down" With It.
Who Knows? I'm Just Askin'. lol
Flawless & PERFECT…Uhm, Certainly We Are NOT; But POSSESSING The POWER To PROCLAIM The "Gospel Truth" Most Definitely We Have GOT! iSincerely PRAY That Judgmental PEOPLE Will Become More PATIENT, When PARTAKING of God's PROPHETIC & PRICELESS ImPARTations. Until They PRACTICE Being Just As PECULIAR As The "Royal PRIESTHOOD" (Described In I PETER 2:9), They Will PROBABLY Miss Out On Many COVENANT PROMISES, Sitting Idly & PATHETICALLY On The PREMISES of What's NOT GOOD. #KaPOW!
Only PASSING & Spreading da "Message" With NO Need To Be "Messy"
(Chile,, "Cassie"
"Dr. PRL":
Awesome word! Thank you soooooo much. Again I celebrate
the God in you...and the Spirit in me. We are whole!
Amen & As ALWAYS, It IS So. :)
I Peter 2:9-17
~King James Version~
an HOLY NATION, a PECULIAR PEOPLE; that YE should shew (show)
forth the PRAISES of HIM who hath CALLED YOU OUT of 'darkness'
into HIS marvellous 'light'; Which in time PAST were NOT a
PEOPLE, but are NOW the PEOPLE of GOD: which HAD NOT
obtained mercy, but NOW HAVE obtained mercy.
abstain from FLESHLY LUSTS, which WAR AGAINST the SOUL;
Having your conversation HONEST among the Gentiles: that,
whereas they SPEAK AGAINST you as EVILDOERS, they may
by your GOOD WORKS, which they SHALL BEHOLD,
glorify GOD in the day of VISITATION.
Submit YOURSELVES to every ordinance of man for the LORD'S sake:
whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them
that are sent by HIM for the PUNISHMENT of EVILDOERS,
and for the PRAISE of them that DO WELL.
For so is the WILL of GOD, that with WELL doing YE may PUT TO
but as the SERVANTS of GOD.
Honour ALL men. LOVE the BROTHERHOOD. Fear GOD.
Honour the king."
An Excellent Evaluation, By Way of GOD'S Eternal Equation,
Given To An Entity Set Forth Exclusively, Through The
Process of Elimination:
iAm Extremely Excited, Elated & Ecstatic About Everything
Concerning Elohim, Without Whom I'd Be Erroneous & Erratic!
#AintNOBODYGotTimeForTHAT! :) xoxoxo
Emptying ME of "Self" & Filling With HIM...Above ALL "Else",
Gospel Radio Host Sir Antonio Johnson On da FB 03/26/13:
I am so PROUD of the folks who didn't give up,
even when it got the toughest. I give you a standing applause.
You are a great inspiration.
You're Welcome, Sir Antonio, 'Cause NEITHA "Tough", "Tougher"
NOR "Toughest" Gonna Make Me Do NOTHIN' But "Take UP" My Cross
Without "Tumbling DOWN" & Then "Turn AROUND" & "Teach" Others
via da SAME "Training GROUND"! Now "That" Also
Makes The FATHER "GODly PROUD"! :)
Anointed To Inspire,
Speaking of SERVING Others, "Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell"
Is Kindly SERVING Notice On Doubters, Haters & Critics
Who, Unfortunately, "Just Don't Get It":
I ain't mad and surely don't hate on people who are getting their grind in. If you don't do it, nobody else will do it for you!! I'm sure getting mine in for the Lord and being faithful in every inch of opportunity and purpose He has blessed me with. So, put your ear plugs in and put your blinders on to anybody who sits back and critiques, scrutinizes, etc.; And pray for their deliverance, and that God will use you to be a blessing to them one day real soon!! That's how you do it!! God will uphold you and prosper you every time!!! Good day!!
"Lady Robin Gray":
With My CraZy Self, iWill Go 'Round With a Cart
of "Hot Coals" & Serve 'em "Upside da Head"
(Spiritually Speaking, Of, Using a
Strong & Sturdy Tong Utensil, Then Pour 'em a
Tall Glass o' "Living Water" To Cool Their Innards
Off With! Come On Outta Here, "Madam Mentor"!
With My CraZy Self, iWill Go 'Round With a Cart
of "Hot Coals" & Serve 'em "Upside da Head"
(Spiritually Speaking, Of, Using a
Strong & Sturdy Tong Utensil, Then Pour 'em a
Tall Glass o' "Living Water" To Cool Their Innards
Off With! Come On Outta Here, "Madam Mentor"!
Kingdom "Poster Child" For "Service With a Smile" Billboard,
Proverbs 25:21-22
~King James Version~
"If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty,
give him water to drink: For thou shalt heap coals of fire
upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee."
"Cassie" NOTE:
Though often used as "a figure of speech", the phrase "heap coals of fire
upon his head" and the act thereof was a symbol of finest generosity.
Search the internet and find out for yourself. :) xoxoxo
"Lady Pastor Sonjia Dickerson" On da FB 04/01/13:
Your best days are ahead. Don't be fooled into thinking it's over. You
haven't even scratched the surface of what God wants to do through you!
Yes Indeed, "Lady Sonjia Dickerson". iAm NOT "Fooled",
Because iHave Been KINGDOM "Schooled" & NOW Recognize
That GOD'S Plan For Me Is SUPER "Cool"! Where You SEE Me
Is Where HE Strategically ASSIGNED Me.
Scratching, Scraping, Digging & Discovering,
"Cassie": The Mysterious HIDDEN TREASURE Hunter
"Lady Verlyn D. Jenkins" Sharing a Quote On da FB 04/04/13:
"Procrastination is disobedience in slow motion!"
No more procrastinating - GET UP AND GOING!!!
iHEAR Ya, "Lady Verlyn D. Jenkins", 4REAL! How 'Bout We Be "CONcrastinators" (What iCall Opposers Who Are AGAINST Intentionally
& Habitually Delaying or Putting OFF Something), RATHER Than Being "PROcrastinators" (Those Who Are ALL FOR It, With NO REGARD
To The "Cause & Effect" Thereof)? lol
iHEARD Also, Via a Quote That Dr. Joyce Meyer Read On Her TV
Broadcast Last Night: "Procrastination Is 'Committing Suicide'
On An InSTALLment Plan"! ~Author Unknown
Chile...iREBUKE That RETARDED "Suicide Demon", In The Curse-Reversing Name of JESUS The CHRIST! Come On Outta Here
RIGHT NOW! #KaPOW! **Smh**
GET'n UP & GO'n On Wit' da QUICKness,
"Cassie da CONquering CONcrastinator" (WHAT?! lol)
Romans 8:37-39
~King James Version~
"Nay, in ALL these things (tribulation, distress, persecution, famine,
nakedness, peril, or sword, for example) we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through HIM that LOVED us. For I am persuaded,
that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor
things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other
creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of GOD,
which is in CHRIST JESUS our LORD."
"Lady Crystal Renee' Kelley" On da FB 04/03/13:
Good morning!!! #randomthought
Why do we try so hard to please people who don't care & then don't care about those who love genuinely? Today, be encouraged...the people around you are there for one of two reasons: To pull something out of you or pour something in you. What if you are a person's life support? #thinkaboutit
Me/"Mama Cassie":
"iMama Cassie" Approve This Impartation & Vow To Pass It On
To The "Now & Next" Generation! #KaPOW!
"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" On da FB 04/15/13:
Grateful for value added FB friends this morning!!
I have some of the smartest, sexiest, loving, giving,
intellectual and praying friends ever!!!
Artists, doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, managers, supervisors,
car salesmen, mechanics, plumbers, construction workers, speakers, mentors, nurses, EMTs, musicians, soloists, preachers, pastors, school superintendents, counselors, wardens, case managers, secretaries,
writers, publishers, Blue Bell ice cream employers (yum), guards,
probation officers, CNAs, restaurant managers, landlords,
photographers, hair stylists...and MORE!!
When I need something, there is ALWAYS someone with the expertise
to not only help me...but to help me help someone else in need!!
How awesome is that?!
Grateful for all of make my friends' list the best
in all cyberspace!! I love you much! :)
**The first to comment! Good timing, huh?**
You're Welcome ANYTIME, Sis. ;) **wink**
One of "Them" Today & Always,
"Dr. PMS":
I love you, Girl!!! You're one of my favs! xoxoxox
Thanks LOTS & You Know Where You Stand, Right? At The TOP!
**Don't Forget, "Facebook Friend Award"**
"Cassie" NOTE:
Scroll Down & See "Dr. PMS", As Well As Her "Acceptance Speech",
On "The Photo Gallery" of My
"Dr. PMS":
Awwww... :)
"Lady Minister Symintha Radford" Speaking Directly To Me
In The Spirit Realm via da FB 04/15/13:
In OTHA Words: NO Hard Feelings. You Go LEFT & I'll Go RIGHT.
I'm Just Sayin'. #LoveYaTho
Surround yourself with those who understand who you are. Your circle should only include those who are aligned in agreement with your purpose. Everybody connected is not assigned. Sometimes you have to release, let go and not look back. "Lot" ("Cassie" NOTE: Abraham's "Kinfolk"...See Genesis 13:6-9) can't go into this next level with you!
You don't have to try to be what you are or who you are. Who you are is who you are. Whoever doesn't like it, let them deal with their own insecurities. Your assignment does not include pacifying insecurities but building kingdom warriors.
\0/←(UPlifted Hands) HA-GLORY! & YES, My LORD,
Who Hath Spoken TRUTHFULLY & MIGHTILY Through Thy Faithful
Handmaiden Symintha Radford! THANK YOU, Sir!
An "Iron Sharpener" In The Midst of Kingdom Warriors,
"Lady Paulette Huewitt-Fecunda" On da FB 04/29/13:
Leaders think differently from others. We turn the other cheek, because
we know there is a much bigger picture to get the tasks accomplished!
Don't sweat the small stuff! God's got it! Choose your battles wisely!
You're SAY'n a Word & SAVE'n a SOUL, "Lady Paulette Huewitt-Fecunda"
& THAT Would Be ME, Honey. Thank You, My "Kingdom Sista"! For Even
Now GOD Is "BREW'n & BAKE'n" Somethin' MIGHTY TASTY In da
"Kingdom Kitchen" & iCan Hardly Wait For The "Small Stuffers" To Get
a Whiff of It! #KaPOW! **Mouth Watering & Carrying On**
Inspired & Motivated To Do "Greater Works Than These",
Apostle/Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham
On da FB 05/03/13:
Man of God, Woman of God -
GOD HIMSELF sees & hears every satanic attack against you! He sees AND hears EVERY plot, every plan, every agenda, every ill word spoken, every thought, every whisper, every hiss, every gossip, every sarcasm, every motive, every scheme, every negative perception, every offense and every throw-off against you! KNOW THIS -
You don't have to fight or defend yourself in ANY battle...God is GOD &
\0/←(UPlifted Hands) YES, LORD! iSee CLEARLY & Understand THOROUGHLY That Everybody AIN'T "For" Me, Oh...But GOD'S "Got"
Me! **Immediately Strikes a NOTE In The Spirit Realm & Begins To Sing
JOYfully For Him...** "My Hope Is Built On NOTHIN' Less Than JESUS' Blood & Righteousness. iDare NOT Trust The 'Sweetest Frame', But
WHOLLY Lean On JESUS' Name. On CHRIST The 'Solid Rock'
iStand. ALL OTHER (Shaky & UNsettled) Ground Is 'Sinking Sand'! **Repeat...** ALL OTHER Ground Is 'Sinking Sand!'" :) #KaPOW!
Watching Nice & Steady, Still Focused & At The Ready,
"Lady Minister Cymien 'Cym' Hughes" On da FB 05/16/13:
When people throw shade just stand under's hot anyways! LOL!!
KaPOW! SNAP! CRACKLE! & POP! Goes da Demonic Weasel! lol
Just CHILLIN' "Kingdom-Style" & EnJOY'n da COOL Breeze,
"Cassie": SIP'n & SLURP'n On Me SOME "Living Water"
"Lady Evangelist Jackie Hill"
On da FB 05/17/13:
We'll never reach our destiny, riding with folks
that are going in a different direction!!
Yep. Currently & Consistently GO'n In
da OPPOSITE Direction of da OTHA "Folks"
Is ME & iAm LOVE'n It! :) xoxoxo
Fo' DAT...4REAL,
My Personal SALUTE & SPECIAL "Memorial Day 2013" TRIBUTE:
Humbly & Respectfully SPEAKING, The SUPER-Heroic &
SELFLESS Act of a Reputable Fallen SOLDIER Is a SENTIMENTAL &
Years To Come. Therefore, To SHOW My SUPPORT On This 27th Day
of May, In The Year of Our Lord 2013, iCassie Do Hereby Extend
My Deepest SYMPATHY & SINCEREST Condolences To
The SURVIVING Family Members, Close Friends &
Unknown STRANGERS All Over The World.
Honoring & Appreciating The Military's Memorable & Innumerable
SACRIFICES With SWEET Tender Loving Care,
Sharing "Happiness In a Cup" With Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons,
On Her Favorite Day of The Week (Monday) 06/03/13:
(Favorite & Just "Right For Favor") Facebook Friend,
Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons aka "Dr. PMS" (That Would Be
"I Love You Like (and 'Possibly' MORE Than) a Hot Cup of Coffee On a Monday Morning!" **And That's "Some Kinda" Love,**
MUAH! :) xoxoxo
ALL DAY, Come What May...Oops! iMean, June (BAM!),
"Dr. PMS":
Love it! :)
These Are The Special Things That YOU Have Taught Me & iSincerely
Thank YOU For It. :) xoxoxo
Thinking of YOU,
On This 22nd Day of June, In The Year of Our Lord 2013, iCassie "Do" Hereby NOTATE & "Dare Not" HESITATE To CELEBRATE The Amazing Fact That One BIG Heart + 27 Little Hearts = 28 Hearts, Symbolizing The Total Number of Years That Sir Walter Kelley & I Have Been Exchanging Unconditional LOVE Within The Sacred Walls of HOLY Matrimony.
Ain't GOD Is GOOD?
Uhm...That Would Be a "YES!" Followed By:
"And To GOD Be The GLORY. Amen." :) xoxoxo
Having a "Ver, Ver" HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Right Along Through Here
(Halleluyerrrr & Thank Ya, Kind,
...::The Written Contents of The Tear-Jerking Hallmark Card
That My "Hubby" Presented To Me On Our Anniversary::...
"For My Wife...When I look at you, I not only see the woman I love,
but I also see someone who works hard for what she believes in
and who believes in what is right.
When I look at you, I not only see a wonderful wife, but I also see
a woman who loves her husband and family and who always
puts them first in her life.
Today, on our anniversary, I want you to know how proud I am
of the woman you are - how happy it makes me
to have you as my wife. I Love You." ~Walter
**Signed With a Li'l Heart He Drew Next To His Name. Score: 100! :)**