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Kingdom Spotlight

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

~St. Matthew 5:13-16 (King James Version)~

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"If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."

~Philippians 2:1-4 (King James Version)~

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On Tuesday night, November 9, 2010, the One-n-Only Evangelist-Missionary Janice Craig of Dallas, TX HERALD the message of HOLINESS at the 103rd Church of God in Christ HOLY Convocation in St. Louis, Missouri! HONEY...**smh**...this woman let 'em HAVE it! Did ya HEAR me? She and H.G. (the HOLY GHOSTHAD it goin' on, y'all! Wheeeew! :)


At the conclusion of the message, after she "HURT 'em good" and HAD their HEARTS "burnin' within 'em"-n-carryin' on, "Lady Jan" walked off and left da folks "HANGIN'-n-HUNGERIN'" wit' a cravin' and a "HANKERIN'" fo' MORE! She HAD just told 'em t' turn around and tell three (3) people, "Be HEALED, be delivered, and be set free!" HA-HA! Come on HERE! Don't HATE on a sista...celebrate wit' a sista! LOL

HALLELUJAH to Jesus the Christ, the HOLY Lamb of God...the HOPE of Glory! Uhm..."HOLD my mule" whilest I HAVE my "HAPPY 'Shondo' Moment" right about now, will ya? Thanks, and God bless! HEEEEYYYY! **takes off wit' da quickness, giving God ALL the glory and HONOR that's due HIS name!** :)


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Apostle Donald Thompson/"Triple A Preacher":


"Almighty God said, 'Your Heavenly Package is ready for delivery.' Yes, Ma'am, while bending knees in worship, lift your hands, begin to sing, as you worship the Lord with all your heart. He will infuse you with 'Fine Tuning Ability.' O how He loves your genuine worship. Not that marketing rat-race, rather stand forth, release His beauty into the atmosphere. Healing is in your singing. Amen."


\0/<--(wit' hands upraised in worship-n-praise) **Singing**


"Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy, tried and true.

With thanksgiving I'll be a 'living sanctuary' for You."


Receiving divine healing while my knees and my heart are kneeling,




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You know you are my gurl for life!! LOL!! Thank you so much for being a part of AOW ("Ascriptions of Worship") and sharing your blessings with us at "Evening Worship 2010." Your ministry is second to none. Continue to be who God made you! The best of Cassie is yet to come. Look out world!

Me/"Cassie": Thank you SO "ver, ver" much, "Lady da WANDAful Bell"! I "hear the JOYFUL SOUND," and I am answering "the CLARION CALL"! I love you, Sis...see ya at the TOP. Oh, and REMEMBA:


"The 'sky' is NO LONGER the limit...GOD is!" MUAH! :)



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Apostle Cedric (Adams)...lemme see how t' say this: You are one o' da most "ROCKINEST" Bible scholars that I'z EVA (ever) had da pleasure o' listenin' to, Sir! I mean that, too - no foolin' wit'cha. LOL To you and "Lady Tonya (Adams)": Thanks for serving as two (2) of God's finest Kingdom representatives in the earth. We love you! :)



Sir Cedric (in reply): WOW, I am not sure how to receive that except for as humbly as I know how. This is an incredibly high compliment. Especially coming from one of the "SANGINEST" sistas in town!

**NOTE: "Cassie" is blushin' usual. :)**



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"We don't fall out of line, nor do we break ranks--Be All You Can Be!" (a slogan for the U.S. Army) Let your works be where you put your mouth...Other than, you're just another fallen soldier with plenty of excuses...~A-W-O-L~ LF ("Lady Lisa Fikes")


Absent WithOut Leave. Military term, you should be at work, but you're not, so you're AWOL, and in deep TROUBLE, if you don't have a good excuse. If you're absent when you're supposed to be shooting the "baddies," then you could be arrested for desertion or something.

Even in times of peace, a soldier who is AWOL could be arrested. BE A DOER OF THE WORD AND NOT ONLY A HEARER...You're either with us or against us...Choose this day whom you will serve. GIRDLE UP!


Unity is the glue in the Body of Christ that allows us to be ONE. Even with all the differences...different perspectives, races, experiences, denominations, worship practices - we can celebrate these differences and still work together.

The three (3) components associated with unity are:

agreement, harmony, and oneness.


Realistically, all do not agree, able to be in harmony, or on one accord. So, you must always remember it's a battle to spread God's Love, and Hope of Glory.


Jesus didn't do anything but teach and spread the Word; but we lose focus, if we don't fight the good fight of faith, teaching us how to stay on one accord. A house divided can't stand. A military of soldiers for the Lord can't stand if we're divided, now can we? ;-)


Me/"Cassie":**Saluting-n-shouting** MA'AM!!! Yes, MA'AM!!! Got my "girdle" on, MA'AM!!! (along with the other "armor of God," of course.)


Not just a "hearer only,"



"Lady Lisa": Cassandra - You know that's why I love you right...Too real for television...LOL



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"There's SUN in YOU, let it SHINE."

--Broderick 'The' Empowertainer--(© 2010)

Me/"Cassie": JESUS CHRIST the SON is also in ME, and does SHINE ever so BRIGHTLY! Thank you, Sir Broderick (E. Rice). Nice "BRODcast" on the FOREcast! ;) **wink**


Lettin' my li'l-but-BIG "Light" shine,



"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee!"

~Isaiah 60:1 (King James Version)~


NOTE: Special thanks to "Lady Velma Smith" for submitting the Holy Scripture. :)

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"Lady Pastor Sheryl Brady"

(From 10/12/09):

**After da "CraZy" Post that I had sent to her on da FB**

"You are tooooo funny! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I hope you have a blessed and Highly favored week!" 2010...

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Me/"Cassie": Yippeeee! Ride 'em, cowgirl! Yeah...lasso that ol' mangy devil, and remind him that JESUS is STILL LORD! Whoo-hoo! LOL


Classy "Cassie" the Cowtown Christian Cowgirl :)



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Worship Warrior: Sir Myron Williams

Me/"Cassie": Indeed, I am SO "Thankful" unto God for fitting Himself inside of you, to operate through you the "one-of-a-kind ministry" that is MOST DEFINITELY you! The Book of II Corinthians 4:16 reminds us that "...though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day."

God is WELL AWARE that you have what it takes to make it, Sir Myron, because the GREAT I AM resides in you. So, keep doing what you do with the One Who gave it to you.


Then GREATNESS will have no choice but to "FLOW" through you. :)


Here on assignment to inspire and encourage you,




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"Lady Evangelist Dr. Patricia R. Lewis":

(A Champion Among Other Mighty Women of God!)


"May the blessings of God be with you, and thanks for your kind words. Remember in the midst of this 're-joy-cession' ("Cassie" NOTE: "rejoice session") God's people are being 'conditioned for the position.' I speak favor coming your way!"


Me/"Cassie": Yes, Lord. Thank you SO much! I receive it in the mighty name of Jesus the Christ. Amen...and it IS so. :)

"Lady Patricia":

It is so...



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Evangelist Shane Perry, Sr.:

(One o' da "Baddest"/Best White "Soul Brothas" I Know! lol)


(An FB Post): "Let us celebrate another day. No matter what type of morning you may have had, you have time to allow God to turn it around. Breathe, relax, and understand that the attack is

a future testimony about to be birthed."


Me/"Cassie": Don't CRACK under the ATTACK... 'cause God's got yo' BACK, and in Him you'll "NEVA" LACK! :)

Reiterating, "PREACH, white man, PREACH!"

(per YOUR instructions, of,




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"Chairlady Evangelist Joyce L. Rodgers" is da "bomb," da "missile," da "rocket," da "torpedo," da "dynamite," da "TNT," and WHATEVA ELSE kinda explosive that you can think of! Okay? LOL Below is a "ver, ver" special birthday greeting I posted on her FB (Facebook) page, November 13, 2010:


"When that 'DEMONIC GIANT' found out that ALMIGHTY GOD willed and predestined for YOU - 'Joyce Rodgers the GIANT Slayer' - to live and evangelize ANOTHA year, it caused ALL o' dem DEMONS t' shake wit' fear-n-tremblin'! They wuz like, 'Aw...naw! NOT 'anotha' year o' torment from HER, throwin' dem 'smooth stones' covered wit' JESUS' blood and in HIS name, too! Ugh!' **smh** Oh, well...DON'T feel sorry fo' 'em, Sis. BUST 'em WIDE open! Whoo-hoo! God bless ya, and we love ya!" :)

Celebratin' yo' BIRTHDAY and cheerin' fo' ya ALL da WAY,




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Sir Dr. Rickie G. Rush


For those of you who went to "sleep" on this man, and you're STILL "asleep"...WAAAAKE UUUUP, PEOPLE!!! DO NOT...I repeat, DO NOT go to "sleep" on him EVA (ever) AGAIN! Ya got it? GOOD! :)


On September 26, 2010 (my 47th birthday), my "hubby" Walter, my son Xavier, and I attended the 11 A.M. worship service at the Inspiring Body of Christ (IBOC) Church in Dallas, TX, where Dr. Rush is the Senior Pastor. I decided that I didn't want NOBODY...nope, uh-uh...not a soul, including my good longtime friend, psalmist "Lady Tommye Young-West," to know that I was there (although my "hubby" said that I should have - lol). was my birthday! I just wanted to come, be in the midst of my other brothers- and sisters-in-Christ, and be blessed, which is EXACTLY what happened on that bea-YOU-tiful Sunday morning. ;) **wink**


O-to-da-M-to-da-G! If iTELL you that I ain't mad at this man and what God is doing through him and his VISION for NOW & da FUTURE...please BELIEVE me! Wheeeew! **smh** I was just TOTALLY "blown away" wit' it, because I could so DIVINELY relate to it! He taught about, "Planting and Harvesting." Absolutely IN...CREDIBLE! I couldn't write notes fast enough! I thought to myself, "Shoot! Forget it...I'll just get the DVD after service." BABIEEEES, allz I can say to THAT in a nutshell is, "The End." You'll have to get "The Beginning" and "The Middle" for yourself. :)

Proudly, yet humbly saluting one of God's "Great Men of Honor"...

Wit' lots o' love-n-BEST wishes-n-stuff,




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