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You Betta Ask Somebody (YBAS): Tribute

(From Gospel Compositions-V © 2008 Cassandra Roberson-Kelley/Initial © 2005 - Exclusive Song Lyrics)

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NOTE: This one-of-a-kind God-given tribute, to be recorded soon, was inspired by the personal and yet public testimonies of Evangelist Dr. Joyce Meyer, Evangelist Dr. Juanita Bynum I (the First, up to when she became Bynum-Weeks), Evangelist Karen Clark-Sheard, and Evangelist Dr. Dorinda Clark-Cole


I would like to thank each of these incredibly fascinating women of God for sharing her gift(s) with the world. They are living examples of the supernatural, yoke-destroying, miracle-working power of God in full operation, by much prayer and supplication. Indeed, faith unlocks the door for those who learn to trust Him more! With that being said:


"Please be patient with me...God is not through with me yet."

(Click photo to enlarge.)

Verse I:

There's a woman by the name of Joyce Meyer,

Who was abused and misused by her own father.

"I was bitter and angry, filled with much misery.

I cried, 'Reduce Me To Love,' Lord.

And right now I'm free!"

(From the book, Reduce Me To Love - Unlocking the Secret to Everlasting Joy, Copyright 2000 by Joyce Meyer, Life In the Word, Inc., Published by Harrison House, Inc.)


So, if you think I'm gonna turn my back on God,

After all He's done for me, aw-naw.

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)

I don't know what you think this is;

But you betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)


Chorus I:

Look what He's done... (Look what He's done for me!)

I said, "Look what He's done," y'all. (Look what He's done for me!)

He changed my heart, (Look what He's done for me!)

Gave me a brand new start. (Look what He's done. Yes, just look what He's done for me!)

"There is therefore now... (Look what He's done for me!)

No condemnation... (Look what He's done for me!)

To them which are in Christ Jesus, (Look what He's done for me!)

Who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Look what He's done. Yes, just look what He's done for me!)

(Scripture Reference: Romans 8:1, KJV)


So, if you think I'm gonna turn my back on God,

After all He's done for me, aw-naw.

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)

Not for all the money in the world!

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)


Verse II: (Note: Initial line changed to reflect current marital status from is to was.)

There was a woman by the name of Juanita Bynum-Weeks,

Who courageously declared that there will be, "No More Sheets!"

"I've been delivered from the clutches of past sexual sins.

Now, I'm prophesying and preaching,

'Cause I've got souls to win!"

(From the book, No More Sheets - The Truth About Sex, Copyright © 1998 by Juanita Bynum, Pnuema Life Publishing)


So, if you think I'm gonna turn my back on God,

After all He's done for me, aw-naw.

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)

I don't know what you think this is;

But you betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)


Chorus II:

Look what He's done... (Look what He's done for me!)

I said, "Look what He's done," y'all! (Look what He's done for me!)

He purified me, (Look what He's done for me!)

And He sanctified me. (Look what He's done. Yes, just look what He's done for me!)

"Stand fast therefore... (Look what He's done for me!)

In the liberty... (Look what He's done for me!)

Wherewith Christ hath made us free, (Look what He's done for me!)

And be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." (Look what He's done. Yes, just look what He's done for me!)

(Scripture Reference: Galatians 5:1, KJV)


So, if you think I'm gonna turn my back on God,

After all He's done for me, aw-naw.

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)

Uh-uh. I don't play that, honey!

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)


Verse III:

There's a woman by the name of Karen Clark-Sheard,

Who was sick unto death, leaving her family in tears.

"I've got to give God the praise for giving me a, "Second Chance."

That's why I jump, shout, testify, sing, and do my dance!"

(From the song, 2nd Chance, recorded by Karen Clark-Sheard, written by J. Moss, Llerol Music/Universal Music/ASCAP, Copyright © 2002 Elektra Entertainment Group, Inc.)


So, if you think I'm gonna turn my back on God,

After all He's done for me, aw-naw.

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)

I don't know what you think this is,

But you betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)


Chorus III:

Look what He's done! (Look what He's done for me!)

I said, "Look what He's done," y'all! (Look what He's done for me!)

He healed my body, (Look what He's done for me!)

And He told me to run on! (Look what He's done. Yes, just look what He's done for me!)

Ya see, "Many are the afflictions... (Look what He's done for me!)

Of the righteous: (Look what He's done for me!)

But the Lord delivereth him... (Look what He's done for me!)

Out of them all." (Look what He's done. Yes, just look what He's done for me!)

(Scripture Reference: Psalms 34:19, KJV)


So, if you think I'm gonna turn my back on God,

After all He's done for me, aw-naw.

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)

Child, please. Are you crazy?

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)


Verse IV:

There's a woman by the name of Dorinda Clark-Cole,

Who had suicidal thoughts, with no regard for her soul.

"I couldn't take it anymore! Life was too much to bear.

But God brought me to my senses!

That's why, "I'm Still Here."

(From the song, I'm Still Here, recorded by Dorinda Clark-Cole, written by Dorinda Clark-Cole and collaborator Asaph (Alex) Ward, Copyright © 2002 Forever Grace (admin. by Lily Mack Music)/Miralex Music/Lily Mack Music, BMI)


So, if you think I'm gonna turn my back on God,

After all He's done for me, aw-naw.

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)

I don't know what you think this is;

But you betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)


Chorus IV:

Look what He's done! (Look what He's done for me!)

I said, "Look what He's done," y'all! (Look what He's done for me!)

Suffering from pain and strife... (Look what He's done for me!)

God spared my life! (Look what He's done. Yes, just look what He's done for me!)

"And let us not be weary... (Look what He's done for me!)

In well doing: (Look what He's done for me!)

For in due season... (Look what He's done for me!)

We shall reap, if we faint not." (Look what He's done. Yes, just look what He's done for me!)

(Scripture Reference: Galatians 6:9, KJV)


So, if you think I'm gonna turn my back on God,

After all He's done for me, aw-naw.

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)

The Father has invested too much in me!

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)



God's truly been good to me.

He's opened doors that I could not see.

Time and time again He made a way.

He turned my darkness into day.

When I thought that I would lose my mind,

He gave me sweet peace and joy divine.

If you really wanna know the deal,

I'll never leave Him; and that's for real!

Ask somebody!

Ask somebody!


Closing Line:

So, if you think I'm gonna turn my back on God,

After all He's done for me, aw-naw.

You betta ask somebody! (Ask somebody!)



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