Cassandra Roberson-Kelley Enterprises
"Giving back to God what He so graciously gave to me."
Kingdom Spotlight XI
"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
~St. Matthew 5:13-16 (King James Version)~
"If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."
~Philippians 2:1-4 (King James Version)~
King Of Kings
Arkansas Gospel Mass Choir: Hold On For Life
"Lady Evangelist Dr. LuVonia Whittley"
Mother Whittley is a former Music President of the International Music Department of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. and a dynamic teacher of the gospel. While "Lady Evangelist Dr. Patricia R. Lewis" & I were meeting for lunch during the COGIC Women's International Convention in Dallas, TX - 2011, we were blessed to have Mother Whittley join us in some delectable dining and pleasant conversation - a wonderfully delightful fellowship that I will always cherish! :)
Sir Bishop Herman Murray, Jr.
On Friday, December 30, 2011, THIS incredible "PREACHIN' MACHINE" was used mightily by God to give the Eulogy of his grandfather: Apostle Lobias Murray. The Homegoing Service was held at Full Gospel Holy Temple Church in Dallas, TX.
Due to the fact that I had to sing at another Homegoing Service during that same time, I was unable to attend them both. BUT, thank the Lord, I DID hear Sir Bishop's message via radio, broadcasted "live"! BABIEEEES, the man TO' it UP, broke it down, and "cleant" house! YES! :)
"Lady Evangelist Barbara Jackson Sago"
**Pictured w/"Hubby" Sir Pastor Samuel Sago**
"Lady Barbara" inspires me just by beholding her countenance and the way she carries herself. Currently, she serves as one (1) of four (4) Vice-Presidents of COGIC's International Music Department and is married to one of my longtime friends Sir Pastor Samuel Sago, who used to attend church many years ago in Fort Worth, TX, under the pastorage of the late Superintendent W. G. Richard.
As the Minister of Music of Faith Temple Ministries Church in Memphis, TN, "Lady Barbara" is the older sibling of "Lady Sharon D. Jackson" (see below), as well as Sir Derrick Jackson, who is a phenomenally well-rounded organist/keyboardist of the COGIC IMD Staff of Musicians! In addition, "Lady Barbara" serves as Manager of the Jackson Studio of Music, where students are trained in piano and voice. iCelebrate this awesome Woman of God!
"Lady Psalmist Sharon D. Jackson"
iLoves me some THIS woman right here! lol
Currently, she is the Coordinator of
Send Judah First, a Praise & Worship aggregation, founded by "Lady Dr. Judith Christie McAllister."
One of my FAVOR-RIGHT (favorite) songs that iEnjoy hearing her sing is her own composition,
"Come and Go With Me"
Sir Pastor Gerald Feltus
Let the "Kingdom Record" show that my friend, affectionately called "Pap" by other close family and friends, is one of the TOP TWENTY Preachers on my TOP FIVE List (uhm...DON'T ask, just BELIEVE! lol) A former member and associate minister at my home church, Holy Tabernacle COGIC, he got his wish when iSang "I Am God" at his Installation Service as Pastor of House of Prayer COGIC! He's a man with a plan and a vision which, with the help of the Lord, SHALL come to pass! Amen...and it IS so. :)
"Lady Evangelist Vandalyn Kennedy"
"Lady Van" is absolutely "Vantastic"! She's a "Fireball Firecracker Kinda Warrior For Christ," who delights in singin'-n-preachin' to the glory of God! She inspires with great impact, leaving an incredible imprint upon the hearts and lives of those who receive her with open arms. Full of life, energy, and insightful wisdom straight from God, the anointed gift of Prayer & Intercession upon this Sold-Out Servant of God is worth taking notice of. Embrace It Once & Erase It Never! :)
Sir Dr. Vernard Johnson
When iWas just "a li'l children"...iMean, child (lol), iRemember seeing and hearing one of the MOST anointed gospel saxophonists iEVA had the privilege of witnessing "live and in color"! His testimony of how God miraculously delivered him from asthma, while playing the traditional rendition of "Amazing Grace," was TOTALLY AWESOME! Now, he and his beloved wife "Lady Betty Johnson" pastor in Kansas City, Kansas!
"Lady Evangelist T. Lynn Smith"
She is a Psalmist, a Songwriter, a Choirmaster, an Evangelist, Workshop Clinician, Author & More!
Her exceptional and informative book entitled,
"A Comprehensive Guide To Music Ministry"
is a MUST-HAVE for EVERYONE who serves in ANY capacity within the ministry of music.
Indeed, it is "A road map to excellence"!
Get your copy ASAP!
Write To: T. Lynn Smith
P.O. Box 54896 / Atlanta, GA 30308
(404) 212-5085
Sir Rev. Willie L. Stewart, Jr.
Here is a man who is SO versatile musically 'til if it was ILLEGAL, he'd be UNDER da jail flo'! LOL
#I'mjustsayin' iBelieve with my WHOLE heart that because of his perseverance, persistence, faith and fortitude, his LATTER years shall be GREATER than his former years, and the world will watch as God gets the Glory! Amen. :)