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More Cassie Quotes & Comments XXII

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JESUS the CHRIST, Who once CAME in the flesh (human body form) & DWELT among men (mankind) in the earth (see St. John 1:14), is the EXPRESS IMAGE of the INVISIBLE GOD with "MEAT (The UNadulterated Living WORD) on HIS bones"! To BECOME "like" HIM, we must EAT the WORD & DRINK from the FOUNTAIN that NEVER runs dry. HUNGRY & THIRSTY? iGotz "GOOD NEWS" (Gospel Truth) for you: SUPPER is READY! COME & DINE; for you ARE what you EAT & DRINK...all the time. "O TASTE & SEE that the LORD is (Mmm-Mmm) GOOD." :) ~Psalm 34:8

Other Scripture Reference: Colossians 1:1-19

~King James Version~


"That ye might walk WORTHY of the LORD unto ALL pleasing, being FRUITFUL in EVERY GOOD work, and INCREASING in the knowledge of GOD; Strengthened with ALL might, according to His GLORIOUS power, unto ALL patience and longsuffering with JOYFULNESS; Giving THANKS unto the FATHER, which hath made us meet (suitable or fit) to be PARTAKERS of the inheritance of the saints in LIGHT: Who hath DELIVERED us from the power of DARKNESS, and hath TRANSLATED us into the KINGDOM of His dear SON: In Whom we have REDEMPTION through His BLOOD, even the FORGIVENESS of sins: Who is the IMAGE of the INVISIBLE GOD, the firstborn of every creature:

For by Him were ALL things created, that are in HEAVEN, and that are in EARTH, VISIBLE and INVISIBLE, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: ALL things were created by Him, and for Him: And He is BEFORE ALL things, and by Him ALL things consist. And He is the HEAD of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in ALL things He might have the PREEMINENCE. For it pleased the FATHER that in Him should ALL fulness dwell;"


Consecration "Equips" the Called to "Encounter" & "Experience" a Divine "Exchange" of God's SUPERnatural Demonstration. On October 14, 2011 "E2" was NOT, in any form or fashion, about "Entertainment" but "Empowerment"! Jehovah "Elohim" made His presence known "Essentially" to "Everyone" who came with Great "Expectancy."


Thank you, "Elder" Wanda Bell, for having an "Ear" to Hear & a Heart of Obedience to "Execute" your assignment with a Spirit of "Excellence"!


Keepin' it Kingdom,


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DON'T be BLIND (shut off; closed down), with your eyes WIDE open! Check out II Corinthians 4:4 #TheHolyBibleROCKS!


Receiving REVELATION from MY #1 FASCINATION (yeah...HIM),





"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" Testifyin' On da FB 10/24/11:

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Someone who went to WTAL ("Woman, Thou Art Loosed" - hosted by Bishop T. D. Jakes) inboxed me Saturday night (10/22/11) and told me that they were led to sow a seed for Wanda Bell Ministries and AOW to go international. The seed went into Dr. Cindy Trimm's ministry...And they didn't know that I got my breakthrough right in my living room, as she (Dr. Trimm) delivered the Word via internet!! This person calls into WORSHIP MATTERS (a teleconference call hosted by Lady Wanda Bell), and this individual lives out of town and has never met me in person. No wonder the prophesy last night (10/23/11 at "Sunday Night Flow" - hosted by Min. Myron Williams) was sooooooo Great!!! The seed is already at work!!!!!!!!!! AOW ought to be shouting!!!!

"Lady La'Donna Davis":



"Lady Chiquita Tate":

Okay, I want to scream right now!!!



"Lady Su-San Cannon Spain":

I'm telling you the prophecy was great!!!

But when it really hits,'s POWERFUL!!!

I felt it where I was standing and yelled, "RECEIVE IT!!!"

Good God from Zion!




down da virtual aisles of "Facebook Cathedral"!**


The ALMIGHTY GOD - of AOW & ALL who are CALLED by HIS name - is gonna do "EVERYTHING HE PROMISED" (iNeed Dorinda Clark-Cole to

"sang" that for me right about now), WITH or WITHOUT the "Yeasayers & "Naysayers"! GOD CANNOT LIE! iRepeat: GOD CANNOT LIE! Therefore & Herewith, iSay unto EACH of YOU, "Amen...and it IS so." HALLELUJAH & GIVE GOD THE GLORY! :)


TOO far to turn around NOW & iWon't do it NO HOW,




"BEHOLD, how GOOD and how PLEASANT it is for brethren (and 'sisteren' it such a word? lol) to dwell TOGETHER in UNITY." ~Psalm 133:1 Yet, there can be NO UNITY

if there is OPPOSITION, CONFUSION & DIVISION (OCD) among the Brotherhood & Sisterhood within the "Body of Christ." It will develop into an OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD) epidemic, which should NOT be once named among us, as becoming saints. So, if you or someone you know is suffering UNnecessarily with this dreadful DIS-ease, pray earnestly and fervently for DELIVERANCE, in the name that COMPLETELY HEALS us and TRULY FREES us. His name is JESUS, and iPersonally recommend HIM.

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Treated & Cured by the Great Physician,



Sir Michael Thompson:

"sisteren"? Cassie, you are a classy, word-smith, nut! LOL



And iLOVE it, Sir Michael! Yes, Sir!

;) **wink**


"Lady Katrina Bryant Dawson":

Good morning, Cassie and Michael!



Good "MornTing" to you, "Lady Katrina"! Smooches-n-Stuff! :) xoxoxo


"Lady Nedra Hardin":

Good mertin, Cassie. Love you.



Ha-ha! iSee ya, "Lady Nedra"! You KNOW iLove you too! MUAH! :)


"Lady La'Trice Wilson" aka "Peaches":

What a powafal word on dis mertin!

I luvz me sum gud ol' fashin word from Zion.

Luv ya, Cassie, N da most highway!!! LOL.

Yeah, I'm work'n on it....



I tell ya what, Sis: iPray for YOU, you pray for ME,

and we'll "bof" (both) watch God change some "thangs"!

How 'bout that? GLOW-to-da-RAY (GLORY) & Have a Nice Day! :)


"Lady Pch'z":

GLOW to da RAY!!!!! STOP IT!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL...luv it. U'z a mess.



BUT...iAm a GOOD mess, "Lady Pch'z"!

THAT's da BIG DIFFERENCE right there, "Boo"! LOL


"Lady Lajean Brown":

I like that, Cassandra. We must be in unity for Christ's sake. (Amen)



Yes, indeed, "Lady Lajean" - just the way our Heavenly Father would have it be...on da daily. Ya see?


"Lady Pch'z":

There is nothing but Good and beautiful all in you, and that's da TRUUF!



(((((BIG HUGS)))))

**Tear** #GotKleenex?


"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons":

Say that, Lady Cassie!!! Yes indeed!! Preach!!!



I'm sayin', Sis...and cryin' too! **sniff-sniff**



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"Lady Dr. Judith Christie-McAllister"

On da FB 10/25/11:


GM (Good Morning), Facebook Family -

I usually don't post comments like this, but as I really felt that this needed to be said to all of you out there who have been living in the shadow of doubt...God is getting ready to turn your situation around, but He will do it through unconventional means -


"'You will be positioned outside the box, so to speak, doing things that are not ordinary. But, I tell you, don't be afraid to tackle tasks beyond your realm of familiarity, for I will guide you through and give you the wisdom necessary to accomplish what I have set you to do. I will show you what to do and how to do it and connect you with the right people who can help you, says the Lord. Go forth with confidence and boldness.'"



Psalm 138:3, "In the day when I cried out, You answered me,

and made me bold with strength in my soul."




OMG! That is ME:

I'm just an ORDINARY person serving an EXTRAORDINARY God

for OUT-OF-THE-ORDINARY purposes.

He is the "Great I AM"!

Therefore, I am what I am, because "I AM" is! Ya got it? GOOD.

Now..."Watch Me Praise Him" as I "Sound The Trumpet"! :) xoxoxo



Giving GOD the Glory that's due HIM while I pursue HIM,







Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham

"Makin' It Do What It Do"

On da FB & To You:

"Lady Dr. Judith Christie-McAllister"

On da FB 10/25/11:


GM (Good Morning), Facebook Family -

I usually don't post comments like this, but as I really felt that this needed to be said to all of you out there who have been living in the shadow of doubt...God is getting ready to turn your situation around, but He will do it through unconventional means -

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Misery LOVES company!

How can you look down on a man/woman unless you're picking them up?


My Response On Dr. Cunningham's FB Wall 10/25/11:

Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham is a "Kingdom Giant" to be reckoned with!

"Evil" Giants SOON FATALLY FALL, but this "Good'n" right here



Caution: Just DON'T get stomped, crushed and left for DEAD

by "gettin' in da way" of what she's preachin'-n-pourin' out

OVA yo' HEAD! lol



My Strength & My Redeemer,



"Lady Sylvia":

You are amazing!!!! I love you!!!



MUAH! :) xoxoxo




"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons" On da FB 10/25/11:

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This joy that I have...the world didn't give it to me...and the world sure can't take it away! Hallelujah!! See, this is why I don't care what YOU think about long as I'm pleasing God, that is all that matters! I know I was fearfully and wonderfully made from the womb! Man didn't do that...God did!! I don't need your confirmation, affirmation, validation or celebration to appreciate ME!

You better ask somebody!! Shoot! Be blessed, my friends. :)


Sir Michael Runnels:



Sir Larry Pierce:

WOW...Well said!!!!



If they just gotta "ask somebody," tell 'em to ask ME, "Lady Phebe"!

I gotz somethin' fo' 'em! I'm feelin' H. G. (Holy Ghost) gettin' ready to

SHOW UP-n-SHOW OUT right about now! Yes, Sir & Yes, Ma'am! :)


Waitin' fo' da "inquiring mind(s),"



"Lady Jarvellyn Robinson":

Say That!!!!


Sir Obbie Tolliver:

Luv that fearfully and wonderfully made from the womb. Yes, Yes!


Sir Johnny Lister, Jr.:

Wow, Preacher!!!! You go ahead....


Sir Andrew Chambers:

On time WORD, love it!!!!!



"Lady Evangelist Jackie Hill"

On da FB 10/25/11:


Be still...

"Lady Timika Simmons":

:) ok...


"Lady J":

No need to stress, panic or fear...

God's got you & "it" still.

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_/<--Havin' a Seat & Lettin' God Handle It. :)


Because He Knows Best,




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QUIET On The Set! Lemme Share This Right QUICK:


QUOTING Bible Scripture alone does NOT a CHRISTIAN make. It also involves consciously deciding to QUIT habitually sinning and being a hypocritical fake. The QUALITY of obedience to GOD supersedes the QUANTITY of mere good deeds to receive a great reward.

Check the lifestyle you are exhibiting. Is it full of holiness or moral QUACKERY? If your answer is the latter, then UNQUESTIONABLY it's not worth a QUARTER. So, live right in JESUS' name, or ultimately receive an undesired QUITCLAIM! #Thatisall


(You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.)




"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton"

On da FB 10/26/11:


Satan is a LIAR!!



And a DECEIVER too!

He's also a DOOFUS DIRT BAG, a DERANGED DIMWIT, and a LOW-DOWN DUNG-INFESTED DUMMY...just to name a few! That's why iDON'T DEAL wit' him! DON'TCHOO DO it neitha!

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Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham On da FB 10/26/11:


In THIS SEASON, you've had to walk alone, cry alone, endure alone, stand alone, be slandered, ridiculed, lied on and falsely accused! BE STILL & KNOW that GOD IS GOD! BE STILL & KNOW your LATTER RAIN shall be GREATER than your former! BE STILL & KNOW that your HARVEST is manifesting sooner than you think! JUST BE STILL IN THE FIRE! You and everything in your life SHALL come forth as pure gold!


"Cassie" NOTE:

See what iMean? Confirmation...AGAIN! #Nuffsaid



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(A)nnouncement (P)ost For The AP Class


(A)ttention (P)lease, (A)ll ye (P)eople, who are (A)nointed to (P)ray with (A)uthority & (P)ower:(A)dditional (P)articipation in Biblically (A)pplied (P)rinciples will result in receiving (A)ccessible (P)romises of (A)bundant (P)roportions! Giving God an (A)dvance (P)raise for favorable (A)nswered (P)rayer (A)ccelerates the (P)rocess that causes it to appear!

Remember: (G)od (A)nswers (P)rayer when we fill in the (G)(A)(P).



(A)dorning (P)atience & (A)biding in His (P)resence,



Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham:




Gotcha, Sis!

Hold TIGHT; it's gon' be ALRIGHT! :)


"Lady Lynda Burrell Hickman":

Can always depend on you for the right direction.

I got it now. Thank you much.



iDON'T wanna letcha down NEITHA! ;) **wink**




"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell" On My FB Wall 10/27/11:

Good morning, Singing Angel!!

You and all of AOW blessed my soul on Monday night

as they went one by one singing heart melodies unto

the Lord! Have a fruitful day! Love you, sis!



"Lady da WANDAful Bell," iAm honored, privileged and favored to be chosen as a divinely-appointed teammate of AOW (Ascriptions Of Worship)!

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From this day forth, from here to eternity,

iVow to give God ALL the Glory!

Be blessed, my "Kingdom Sista-Friend" & Mentor 4Life!

MUAH! :) xoxoxo







"Lady Minister Cymien 'Cym' Hughes"

On da FB 10/27/11:

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You're not being rejected, you're being repositioned. Your current set of circumstances is "NOT" mere coincidence, it's part of your destiny. If your territory is to increase, so must your vision. A simple mind cannot embrace sophisticated things. Expect more. Come into contact with the greater part of yourself. Call those things that are not as though they are. Abandon the restricted mentality, and you will accomplish unlimited possibilities. Take the brakes off Potential!


Sir Pastor Sabaran Steger:

Well said.


"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell":

Write!!! and Right!!!




**The SOUND of My Potential Burnin' Rubber & Rubberish! lol**

Thanks, Sis! :)


Experiencing a Reposition For My Next Transition,



"Lady Su-San Cannon Spain":

Yes! Yes! Yes!




"Lady Thelma Waller" On da FB 10/27/11:

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iTry, "Lady Thelma"! iReally DO Try!

Thank you EVA (ever) so kindly, Sis.

AND...iSmile :)


Ova here blushin'-n-carryin' on,




iCassie do hereby DECREE & DECLARE that the following persons, which SHALL NOT remain nameless, have blessed my life BEYOND MEASURE, thanks to da GOOD LAWD that MADE 'em:


Eld. Wanda Bell, Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham & Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons!


They are ALL UP IN & THROUGHOUT my personal website, inspiring me to WRITE & REVEAL like NEVA (never) B'FORE! iOwe EACH of THEM a "gazillion" PAYBACKS in the form of ME! iAm SO "ver, ver" blessed, and iKnow it without NOBODY tellin' me...seriously. GOD DID THAT & HE KNOWS IT TOO! :)


Just sayin' 'cause iCan,


"Lady Phebe":

Wow!! You're such a blessing,

Lady Cassie!!

I'm so happy that our paths crossed on this side!!

Love ya like a hot cup of coffee

on a Monday morning!! :)



0/<--Cheers to PMS...iMean,

"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons"!

Whoo-hoo! :)

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"Lady da WANDAful Bell":

Bless you, Woman of God!

I am so blessed and happy to know you!!



You truly make my HEART sing,

"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell"!

ROCK on, hear? :) xoxoxo

"Lady Sylvia":

Loving you, Cassie! You are the baddest chic on this side of Heaven, in more ways than one. I so appreciate you and the GIFT God has predestined you to be! ~An angel you are! Love you!



iWant you to know STRAIGHT-UP:

You bring out the "ver, ver" BEST in me!

iRealize & iRecognize it for what it TRULY is,

which is the SUPERnatural operation of the

"Anointed One" & His Anointing.

My relationship with Him THRIVES, because He

ministers to me through those Whom He has


**Oh, comes da tears! (sniff-sniff...sigh)**

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MUCH LOVE to my "Kingdom Sista-Friends," as we continue on this "Kingdom Journey" to our "Expected End." :)


Humbly & Sincerely,





"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" On da FB 10/28/11:

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Moving fast...still so excited about my upcoming interview with singer/actress Ann Nesby, as well as DFW's own Apostle W. F. Hughes, Angela Blair, Rikki McNeil Ministries, Michelle Fisher, L. Harolyn ReNea Bradley-Moore, Diimond Freeman, Cassandra Roberson-Kelley, Corey 'Anointed Dancer' Smith, and maybe one day soon I can pin Eric Birdine down to interview. 8) God is moving, and I'm saying "Go 'head, God!!!" I work for God, and I have no complaints with my Boss!! He treats me like a queen and takes care of me well!!


Let da 'tire wuhl (the entire world) know that GOD is "WHAT THAT IS"...

Period. End of discussion. OVA (over) & OUT! :)


Still "cassited" as all get out (but WHATEVA,,




Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham:

In this season DRAMA and TRAUMA will follow you! WHY? Because you are anointed! The enemy keeps things STIRRED UP so he can BREAK YOU DOWN! You cannot BREAK DOWN, if God is allowing you to BREAK OUT! Your anointing under attack only THRUSTS you to your next level!



iHIGHLY advise


to gone on somewheres else,

instead of following behind me;

'cause, FIRST of all,


ain't havin' it!


SECOND of all,

the WAGES that "D & T" gon' get

from their knuckle-headed boss

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"cain't" compare to the FREE & PRICELESS GIFT that "GM" gives! WHAT?! lol


#Dr.SylviaW.Cunninghamstartedthisy'all! :)


Goin' UP

(to da NEXT level, that,




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In my Estimation:

To be an (A)nointed (W)ordsmith of (E)lohim,

(S)haring (O)bservations & (M)editations for

(E)dification is (A)(W)(E)(S)(O)(M)(E),

without Limitations. Therefore, iPray,

"Let the Words of my MOUTH and the Meditations of my HEART be acceptable

in Thy SIGHT, O Lord,

my Strength and my Redeemer."

~Psalm 19:14

Amen...and it IS so. :)

Apostle Donald Thompson aka "Triple 'A' Preacher":

Authentic word from the Lord might never rhyme but will always be on time; neither get you applause, but able to save all of y'all. (That was corny but



Oh, tried. THAT counts fo' somethin' or anotha,

my "Kingdom Friend & Brotha"! lol


"Triple 'A' Preacher":



"Cassie" NOTE:

"Expert wordsmithing is when the skillful writer retrieves a white hot idea from the furnace of creativity, and with each carefully directed blow of the literally hammer, shapes the still malleable idea against the anvil of proper language convention to forge a fitting vessel of creative communication." ~Anonymous




Demonstrating a life that is (P)ure, (H)oly & (D)ivine

automatically qualifies you to have a (P)(H)(D) in the HIGHEST degree,

if ya ask me.



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I'm "Dr. Cassandra Roberson-Kelley,"

and you are "Dr. Who"?


(no...NOT the sci-fi TV program of that same title! I'm "tryna" make a point here, people; so, work wit' me, will ya?! lol Oh, NEVA mind! **smh**)



"Lady Chiquita Tate"

On da FB 10/29/11:


Understand this:

Not all connections in your life are permanent ones! Sometimes God brings people into our lives for a particular reason or assignment, and at other times He ushers those in to be connected for a lifetime. Learn to observe, pray, and seek God about those individuals.

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Get a clear understanding of their role in your life

and your role in their life. Either way, it's all good!

~~~Much Love, Chi Chi


"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell":

Amen...that's good, sis!!


"Lady Patricia Jackson":

Had to learn this lesson the hard way! Bishop Bernard Jordan made a statement that enlightened me on this. He said "Life is filled with a lot of hello's and a lot of goodbye's." So, now I don't take it personal. It was only for a set time, and now that time is over.



Trust me when iSay, "iUnderstand."

Thanks for sharing, Sis. iAm yet encouraged, and iLove you as well. :)



Your FOREVER "Kingdom Sista-Friend,"







Within the perfect Will of God, HALLOWEEN is NOT to be HALLOWED. Rather, it is to be quickly denounced and NONE of its "deceitful treats" SWALLOWED. Witchcraft is a NO-NO that God shall NEVER tolerate. For its origin is one of the "devil's tricks" in which NEITHER children NOR adults should participate. NEVERTHELESS, having a free will, you do have a right to choose. Just be mindful that on Judgment Day NO ONE can answer for you but you.


**Ephesians 5:11-12; II Corinthians 6:16-18; 7:1; Jeremiah 10:2, Galatians 5:19-20; I Corinthians 10:20-21; Ephesians 4:7** #TheTRUTHliberates (St. John 8:32)



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From Me To

"Sweet Lady Candy Clinkscale Morton"

aka S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S.



"Sweetums," iEncourage you to



You'll catch that momentarily. :) xoxoxo


Trashing HALLOWEEN & Letting the GLORY OF GOD be SEEN,





NOVEMBER 1, 2011

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You'll catch that momentarily. :) xoxoxo


Trashing HALLOWEEN & Letting the GLORY OF GOD be SEEN,





NOVEMBER 1, 2011

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"E"njoy life living with the 3 "E"'s

and the 3 "F"'s -


Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy...

Faith, Family, Friends



iTry & iLike "living THIS kinda life"! :)


Blessed & Highly Favored 4REAL,




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"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" On My FB Wall 11/01/11:

Blessings, joy, and greatness to you today, Singing Angel!!!!

Love you much, sis, and I am so excited about the plans

that lie ahead of us!!! Let God Be Magnified!!!




For HE shall BLESS & MULTIPLY wherever our feet shall have TROD!

Let's GO, "Lady da WANDAful Bell"!

Rrrrring! Rrrrring! :)




"Lady Evangelist Wanda Bell" On Her FB Wall 11/01/11:

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Isaiah 64:8

~King James Version~


"But now, O LORD, Thou art our Father; we are the clay,

and Thou our Potter; and we all are the work of Thy hand."


From the Throne Room::::Make sure we are not using church, ministry, and the gifts of the Lord as a bandage or a cover up to disguise what is really going on deep inside. God wants to handle our issues, but we have to stop long enough to let Him. Are we so busy working for Him until we haven't paused to be worked on by the Potter? Seeking Him like never on me, on us.



iWHOLE-HEARTEDLY agree, "Lady da WANDAful Bell." WE are God's WORKMANSHIP, of WHOM He must WORK WITH in order to WORK OUT WHAT's WRONG. Then, WHEN the WORK is done, He takes us from the "Throne Room" to the "Field of the WORLD" to "WORK the WORKS of Him WHO sent us," by WAY of His dear Son. :)







In my personal "Pursuit of Happiness" in THIS life,

"iChase" (pursue; run) after two (2) things:

God & The Ice Cream Man! LOL



when it comes to needing or wanting

"otha stuff" that my heart desires,


"all 'these things' shall be ADDED unto me,"

according to St. Matthew 6:33!

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Come on here...iTakes God's Word literally! :)

Happy bein' me,



"Lady Evangelist Kathryn 'Kathy' Bowman":

Sounds like a "I'm with you" plan.

Are you in St. Louis (MO)?



OMG! Hey, "Lady Kathy"! iWill be @ the Luncheon for IMD

(International Music Department of the Church of God in Christ, Inc.)

It is URGENT that iMeet thee. So, look to receive a call from me after 3! :)


"Lady Kathy":

Sounds good. I will be there...Ttyl!


Andraé Crouch - "Let the Church Say Amen"

The life-changing single from "The Journey", the new release from Andraé Crouch. Buy the album online:

"Lady Evangelist Beverly Crawford" On da FB 11/01/11:







"Lady Saretha Johnson West":

It's definitely a hidden treasure. I fell in love with it on the first play.


"Lady Bev.":



"Lady Juliet D. Hollin":



"Lady Angela Evans":

Omg! Let da church say "YEssssss." I play it EVERY day! Powerful song!


"Lady Alisa Northern":

AMEN!!! Thank you, Lord!



THIS song right here WEARS ME SLAP OUT!

Loooonnnngggg live Sir Andraé Crouch! O-to-da-M-to-da-G!

Lord, iAsk that You please have GREAT MERCY on li'l ol' me!

Let the church say "AMEN"...and it IS so. :)


In da "AMEN CornTer" even now,





Sir Min. James Montgomery Manuel:


You can't TALK your way OUT OF what you BEHAVED yourself INTO. :)


Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham:

That will preach, Minister!

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NEITHA can you WALK your way INTO what you BELIEVED yourself

OUT OF...especially if you are SPIRIT-LED:


"And LEAD us NOT INTO temptation..."

(St. Matthew 6:13, KJV)


If you BELIEVE it, you SHALL RECEIVE it.



"Finna" go find a SERMONIC or INVITATIONAL Solo (lol),




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Well, "Wednesday" (11/02/11), We've got Work to do! Because When Working for the All-Wise God, While Wearing Spiritual War clothes and Waving the banner of a VICTORIOUS Winner, What you get is a Whole lot o' Wounds in the "PathWay of the Wicked." HOWEVA, the "high prize" Which Will be Won is Worth its full Weight in gold!

So, Whether iWalk, skip or run,

THIS journey With the Son is ""! :)



"Lady Evangelist Jackie Hill"

On da FB 11/02/11:


Thank You, Lord!!

Sir Don Turner:


Amen...thanking him in advance for what he is about 2 do in my life!

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"You're welcome, My beloved daughter, in whom 'I AM' well-pleased."



Delivering a MESSAGE to you from the "Throne Room,"




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Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham

On da FB 11/02/11:


God has ordered your steps to walk in the

unfamiliar! Your destiny is GREATER than

what you could ever see, think or imagine!



"Lady Venora Gibbs":



"Unfamiliar" Territory is Where God Manifests His GREATEST Glory!

**Singing** "Walk with me, Lord. Walk with me...While I'm on this tedious journey, iWant Jesus to walk with me. Hold my hand, Lord. Hold my hand... (etc. etc.)" Honey, if God "ordered" it, He'll "step" it up and "foot" the bill!

Come on here, and let's go for a walk. :)


Because WALKING is GOOD for me,





The Morning of November 3, 2011

'Tis Thursday,

Thank Goodness & iAm yet Triumphant;

for iPut my Trust in The True & Living God,

My Confidant. :)

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"Lady Lisa Brown":

Gmorn ~ Lady Cassie!!



Good "MornTing" to you as well, "Lady Lisa"!

God be praised Today & Always!

Amen...and it IS so. :)


"Lady Evangelist Kathy Bowman":

**Later that afternoon**

Looking for you at the Luncheon. Show yourself, if you are here.



Hellerrrr! iSee yerrrr! ;) **wink**

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Pictured Left to Right:

**Taken at the conclusion of the COGIC IMD Luncheon**


Evangelist Kathy Bowman, her husband Bishop James H. Bowman, Sr. &

iCassie :)


**November 9, 2011**


"Lady Kathy":

Awww, beautiful, Cassie. Bishop Bowman loves what you're doing for the Kingdom. What a pleasure finally meeting you. Loving your website! You are gifted and blessed, girl. Be encouraged, my sister. Love you much... :)



iAccept! We are "Kingdom Sista-Friends" 4EVA & Amen.

With THAT being said: May you also be blessed, be encouraged, and PLEASE stay in touch! Ya got it? GOOD. :) xoxoxo



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Overseer Dr. Sylvia W. Cunningham

On da FB 11/03/11:


STOP telling everyone "YOU PRAY FOR ME & I'LL PRAY FOR YOU!" Everybody is not QUALIFIED to pray for you! Be careful who you ask to pray! Everybody is not praying for your LIFE, STRENGTH, GOOD HEALTH & SUCCESS. The truth of the matter is there are those who also pray for your DEATH, DOOM & DEMISE!


Uhm...iz yo' FB mic ON, Sis?

iGuess da volume must be down too low. Of course, iHeard ya, but did "Everybody" else? "Everybody" ain't QUALIFIED, 'cause "Everybody" housed in flesh is subject to LIE! That's why iDON'T trust "Everybody" with my "prayer requests" NEITHA! But iTell you this: "Everybody" betta BEWARE that ANY cursed thing spoken ANYWHERE ova my life, he or she is also subject to meet "it" head-on. So, they betta be wise and get them prayers RIGHT! #Thatisall


"Ticked" but ain't "Licked,"



Sir Bishop Rick Boykin:

(@ Dr. Cunningham) Amen, Apostle. People who pray against the welfare of one's well being, most likely they're praying to something or someone that is not of God. Therefore they're preying and not praying. "Pray" is defined as: to speak to God, a deity, or a saint, e.g. in order to give thanks, express regret, or ask for help. "Prey" is defined as: somebody who is attacked by or receives cruel or unfair treatment from somebody else. Bless you, Woman of God. Continue to sound the alarm against those 3 D's - DEATH, DOOM & DEMISE.


"Lady Sylvia":

**After several others' comments**


@ Bishop Boykin, yes, sir...Prayer is a form of religious practice that seeks to activate a volitional rapport to a deity through deliberate practice. Prayer may be either individual or communal and take place in public or private. It may involve the use of words or song, and even chanting. Therefore, demonic prayers/petitions are used in the kingdom of darkness against the children of light (preying).


Sir Dr. Gerald T. Hightower, II:

Apostle Sylvia, well said and enough said!



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While Attending the COGIC 104th Holy Convocation On 11/04/11

In St. Louis, MO...iWrite:


The "Golden Key" to Possessing PERFECT Peace is to Genuinely LAFF:

(L)ove, (A)nd (F)orgive (F)olks,

as modeled by the "Prince of Peace" aka Jesus the Christ

(in ALL of His PERFECT Splendor).

Thank You, Sweet Jesus. You are SO Precious to me.

You keep me in PERFECT Peace,

because my mind is stayed on Thee

(Isaiah 26:3).


Learning to LAFF in the "Key of P" (Get it?),



"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons":

Yes indeed! I get it! Happy Friday to ya, Girl! :)



Thank you, "Lady Phebe"!

You're such a smart young lady..."Dr." ;) **wink**




"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" On My FB Wall 11/04/11:

Wave a hand for me in St. Louis, Singing Angel!!

Make it back safe...see you soon!



0/<--(Wavin'-n-cheezin' "as all get out"! lol)

Heeeeyyyy, "Lady da WANDAful Bell"!

I'm havin' a "Holy Ghost Blast"...St. Louis Style! :)


Lovin'-n-Missin' You,


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While sitting in the Women's Day Service (11/04/11) of the 104th Holy Convocation of COGIC, Inc., whose 2011 Theme is: "God's (C)hurch, God's (P)eople, God's (A)genda," He revealed to me that "Kingdom Kinfolks" united as ONE is "God's CPA" - giving a...

"(C)hristianized (P)ublic (A)ccount"

of holy living in an (O)pen, (N)oble & (E)xcellent way! :)


Certified by God,





Saturday, November 5, 2011:

God's "cloud" is Pregnant with Possibility, Power & Purpose

(da Former & Latter "rain")!

Morning Manna Message:

"Did You Hear That?"


By "Lady Evangelist Dr. Patricia R. Lewis,"

who Preached da Poop-stuffin' outta I Kings 17th

& 18th Chapters at America's Center in St. Louis,

MO! People stood in a Posture of Prayer & Praise

to God for this Phenomenal Sangin'-Preacha of da

Gospel! AWESOME to da 100th degree!

iLUV U, Dr. PRL & iHear VICTORY!

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Encouraged & Prepared to Press Pass My Periods of Pressure & Pain,



"Lady Pat":

**Via Text Message**

Love you.



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From Me To

"Lady Evangelist Vanessa Winbush-Gatlin"

**iSnapped this photo at her Book Signing Reception in St. Louis, MO (Click to enlarge.)**


Sis, iAm INCREDIBLY & OVERWHELMINGLY Ecstatic & "Cassited" about your new book: "Drop The Wall"...GUARANTEED to transform lives - EXACTLY what you EXPECT it to do!


iWill ALWAYS cherish my autographed book! lol iLove You & iLook forward to our next encounter! MUAH! :)

Your "Kingdom Sista-Friend" 4EVA,





SPECIAL THANKS to COGIC, Inc., Hyatt Regency - St. Louis Riverfront at The Arch (with in-house Starbucks! YES! lol), Evangelists Kathy Bowman, Vanessa Winbush-Gatlin & Dr. Patricia R. Lewis, as well as Dr. Judith Christie McAllister (exceptional IMD Luncheon, but pray for Sir Broderick E. Rice,! iLUV U ALL!


With a grateful heart,





"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell" On My FB Wall 11/08/11:

Dedication to what you believe in and your Love for God says this...You fly back in town from St. Louis/COGIC 104th Holy Convocation and the very same evening in the rain and on the slick roads you still press your way to AOW rehearsal. You could have easily stayed home and rested, sis. And your hubby...he is so supportive and patient. We're gonna have to throw a dinner in honor of the spouses of the AOW members who got their sweethearts' backs!! Stay encouraged, and know that seeing your face on your post brings great joy to my heart...more than that, THE HEART OF GOD!!

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How sweet is THAT, "Lady da WANDAful Bell"?! **Tears** I've said it once, and I'll say it again: i"Cain't" be NOBODY but who iAm created to be. The GOD in me is what you and others will ALWAYS see. ;) **wink** iSO love and appreciate you for these WANDAfully kind words, Sis. Truly, my li'l-BIG HEART has been "turched" (touched), and I'll NEVA (never) forget you. MUAH! :) xoxoxo


Wit' ALL iGot,




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Apostle Donald Thompson

On da FB 11/08/11:


Here is your "WOW" word for the Week: Women of God take courage, although things might be moving a little slow for you right now. Hey, everybody must crawl before walk. Recall to your mind that woman with the issue of blood found at St. Mark 5; she got down on her knees in the midst of the press, crawled to Jesus, touched the hem of His garment and was healed, even made whole. The Holy Ghost said to tell you this: "Your healing is in the midst of your crawl." Get down on your knees in prayer. (Welcome to join the group "W.O.W." - which stands for "Women Of the Word")


WOW, indeed! (W)omen (O)f the (W)ord" must remain in the

"(P)osture (O)f (P)rayer" order to "POP" da devil upside his head-n-EVERYWHERE ELSE, during spiritual warfare! He ain't playin', and we ain't NEITHA! The End...on da way to "New Beginnings" in Christ Jesus!


SUPERnaturally EmPOWered,



**The very next day...**


Apostle Donald Thompson aka "Triple 'A' Preacher":

Hey, I apologize for the double posting, in light of the promise I made to you, although not always dropping a post on you, yet, making mention of your name in prayer to Almighty God: be mindful of this very thing - you are in your season of testing right now! Your attitude determines your altitude. In the future I'll be more mindful and careful in regard to redundancy.



Message RECEIVED & All is WELL. iWill PASS this "Season of Testing" & EXCEL. Amen...and it IS so; because GOD the "GREAT I AM" said so. :)


Living the "Be-ATTITUDES" with a Spirit of GRATITUDE,


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St. Matthew 5:3-12

~King James Version~


"Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:

for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake:

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,

and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my name sake.

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:

for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."




My Morning Greeting On da FB 11/09/11:

Well, looky there: you WOKE up in your RIGHT (or semi-right) mind, after being shielded by GOD'S divine protection ALL night long! DON'T you DARE go through da day without offering HIM a "Sacrifice of Praise"! For initially, you were created for that very purpose. So, lift those hands (like this...\0/), bless da Lord with da FRUIT of your lips, and speak WELL of da MOST HIGH, while remaining meek and lowly at da same time. Go 'head! Whatcha gon' do, "Boo"? #SoundTheTrumpet&WatchMePraiseHim :)

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"Lady Stafford-Bryant":



"Lady Debora Clark":



"Lady La'Trice Wilson" aka "Pch'z":




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"Lady Esther Womack"

On da FB 11/09/11:


Stop being a publicist for the enemy. He doesn't do anything to benefit or add to you. We speak about the things that the enemy does or continues to do, while we give the One who is the author and finisher of our faith second billing. It's time for a career change. There are multiple openings in God's House, and any position that you are seeking you will find it.

Don't worry about not having experience, because He will qualify you!

God bless you!! -E. Womack



**Bowin'-n-curtsyin'-n-carryin' on**


A-to-da-MEN & da-WOMEN too, "Queen Esther,"

in ALL "Your Royal Highness" & Stuff! :)


A Publicist For the "Lord of Lords" & "King of Kings,"



"Queen Esther":

Girl, you are too much, but it is I who should be bowing and curtseying.

God is moving you into a place of favor and greatness! Love you.



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"Lady Cassandra Cleveland Robertson"

On da FB 11/10/11:


One of the greatest expressions of worship:

to love GOD with your life!



Despite the perils of daily living,

endeavoring to live my song!

May my life be a beautiful serenade

of worship to HIM!

"Lady Su-San Cannon Spain":



Bea-YOU-tiful, in the "Key of 'C'" (that would be YOU, "Cassie")! iLove YOU, Sis. iDo, iDo! MUAH! :) xoxoxo


Modulating my worship as well...

from "C" to "G" (God),

"Cassie" too

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"Lady Judy Holley-Carthers":

:D <--Smiling

Loving it, cousins.



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"Lady Evangelist Dr. Patricia R. Lewis"

On da FB 11/10/11:


If they don't treasure you, you should trash them.

Accommodate those who celebrate you.



Be it known THIS day that iTreasure you,

and iCelebrate you, "Evangelist"!

It is a Pleasure to Accommodate you as well. :) xoxoxo


One of a "gazillion" Committed "Lewisites" (lol),


"Lady Celeste 'CeCe' Wilson":

You are sho-nuff RIGHT!!



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My Morning Greeting On da FB 11/11/11:


GOOD DAY, Fellow Facebook Family & Friends! GOD has done it again:

TOUCHED us with HIS "Finger of Love,"

COMMANDED da activity of our Limbs,

ORDERED our Steps & Prospered us with Life, Health & Strength.

YES! We have Found Favor with da ONE Who is Faithful to Perform



Forget yesterday. Today is a NEW DAY, Filled with NEW MERCIES!

Thank YOU, Heavenly Father! We Love & Praise YOU Forever!


YOUR Funny & Fanatical Daughter,



Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons:

Ain't nothing...I mean the favor of God! Hallelujah!



And "Somebody" said: "Favor ain't Fair." It is quite evident that "They"

DON'T know the True & Living GOD that iServe! WHAT?! :)


"Lady Phebe":

High-five!!! :)



For The Record:



"Casting ALL your care upon Him (the Lord);

for He careth for you." ~I Peter 5:7 (KJV)

is predicated upon your TOTAL COOPERATION of Releasing & Throwing

"the whole ball of wax" DIRECTLY to Him.


Who will never Drop or Fumble the "ball"

(check the "Kingdom Records").

#AndHeSCORES! :)

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A Part of "God's Kingdom Team of Champions" & Lovin' It,




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To (E)very (A)nointed (S)aint of (Y)ahweh:


iAm given the (E)minent (A)ssignment of (S)howing (Y)ou and others the benefits of (E)nduring (A)s (S)oldiers (Y)oked together - (E)qually (A)ligned with the (S)avior (Y)eshua, Who'd Hung & Died for us one Friday, then sent out an (E)arly (A)nnouncement on (S)unday by angels to the (Y)oung handmaidens, stating emphatically: "He has RISEN as He said!"

(E)xample & (A)ccompanying (S)cripture (Y)ielded

by St. Matthew 28th Chapter. #EASY :)


"Lady Dr. Phebe Moore Simmons":

Girl, you're too much!! Such a gifted wordsmith! :)



iKeeps tellin''s H. G. (Holy Ghost) doin' what He do.

All iAm is the vessel or "refillable ink pen"! LOL


"Lady Phebe":

LOL! Love it!



"Lady Evangelist/Elder Wanda Bell"

On da FB 11/15/11:


Until a person's mentality changes, they won't change. Have you ever wondered why it is that no matter how hard you try to help some people come "out" from where they are to do better, you get nowhere? The Bible talks about being transformed by the renewing of your minds in Romans 12:2. Spiritually, and that also applies in the natural. Bam!! Pow!!! Zing!!!!

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"Lady Cassandra Bering":

Some plant, others water, but God gives the increase (I Corinthians 3:6).

Be encouraged!! :)



Individuals who are "mentally challenged" - when it comes to making up their OWN mind to do or NOT do a thing - must, at least, TRY to remember this ONE thing: "FREE-WILL," if NOT managed properly, will get "THEE KILLED"! The End


A helper of those who WANT to be helped,



"Lady da WANDAful Bell":

GM (Good Morning) the two (2) Cassandra's...yes...

just sharing words I ministered to someone last night...



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WHATcha lookin' at, and HOW're ya lookin' at it? No...SERIOUSLY. "Tell-a-Vision" & It'll "Show-n-Tell" da kinda "IN-sight" ya got, REALLY! Come a li'l CLOSER: If ya "cain't see" da DEPTH of what I'm "sayin'" to ya, try changing da vantage point of your PERCEPTION 'til it becomes MUCH "clearer" to ya. NOW do ya "see" what I'm "sayin'" to ya? GOOD.

Carry on, then, and DON'T forget it, sugar. :) #BullsEYE!

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